Residents will remember the savings, some will eat a bsim pension


Photo by Judita Grigelyts (V)

One month after the quarantine began, which started on March 16, 28% of the population said they were using their savings for daily use: 17% of the money went to unplanned releases, another 11% to travel. , large purchases, job losses and pensions. the.

Most, or 79% of the Lithuanian population, lived regularly on their income from wages, pensions and others. Relatively very low, only 4% of respondents confirmed that they had requested state support, according to a representative survey carried out by the company Spinter in late April.

Tadas Gudaitis, a board member of the Lithuanian Association of Investment and Pension Funds (LIPFA), which started the survey, says lower-income companies were the most disadvantaged, while more Danish workers lived on a regular income.

One month after March 16. In a universal quarantine country, a stable income was maintained for the majority of the population. However, it should not be forgotten that the pandemic and quarantine have already notified more than 24,000 employers of downtime, increased unemployment, and forced companies to face livelihood difficulties in reducing and, if inevitable, changing wages. Residents who have recalled the savings in such a situation are found in all income groups, but are mostly among the least employed, T. Gudaitis is quoted in the report.

LIPFA compensates that savings are shaken by every three low-income recipients. In households with a monthly income of up to 300 euros per family member, 68.8% of respondents live on a regular income, but even 36.8% are used to using savings.

The virus will relentlessly hit the economy, reminding us that circumstances and situations can suddenly change overnight and having savings is essential. However, it is no less illustrative that among the lowest working population there are up to 16.6% of those who already use the normally untouchable, savings on trips, large purchases, loss of employment or retirement. In the largest income group, it’s only 3.3%, says T. Gudaitis.

Sodra needs a reservation

According to the Employment Service, the number of people who lost their jobs reached 33,000 since the beginning of the quarantine and exceeded the registered unemployment rate by 11.4% (195,600 unemployed in total).

In order to meet the growing need for work disability, illness and other benefits, Sodra on Wednesday asked the government to allow her to use nearly $ 600 million. Reserve of euros accumulated in the last two years. The head of the State Social Security Fund estimates that in the second quarter alone, his spending was 300 million. Eur will increase revenue.

At the Sodra Council, we consider and submit a request for permission to use the reservation. We have already done everything we have to do. Now that the government is making a decision, it will need to be used. We need to keep my accumulated reserves, because current hair is smaller than loose hair, BNS leader Julita Varanauskien said on Wednesday.

According to her, in January-April alone, health insurance expenses totaled 53 million. Eur boil hair.

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