Lithuanian police quietly arrest American billionaire A. Khawaj: behind him: H. Clinton and D. Trump scandals


A. Khawaja, a Lebanese and American citizen, was arrested in the Lithuanian capital on the night of 3 September.

The businessman has an apartment on Gediminas avenue and also manages real estate in Klaipeda.

His wife, a model from Lithuania, Grėtė R. The businessman noticed the girl when she won the Model Turned Superstar contest 5 years ago. In 2017, they exchanged gold rings and vowed everlasting love.

If you type the name of A. Khawaja into a search engine, you will see a businessman shaking hands with Bill Clinton, D. Trump and even the Pope himself.

Reports of illegal campaign finance

The United States Department of Justice, which issued the international arrest warrant for the billionaire, alleges in its charges that he illegally transferred $ 3.5 million. dollars for the election campaign of Hilary Clinton.

“Khawaja has agreed with an adviser to foreign governments in the Middle East to earn more than 3.5 million USD illegal campaign contributions and transferred these illegal contributions to various political committees that support a specific candidate for president of the United States in 2016 elections to access and influence the candidate.

In addition, Khawaja entered into a fictitious licensing agreement, handing out hundreds of thousands of dollars to six friends and accomplices, and ordering them to illegally donate money on his behalf to a US presidential candidate he supported.

This allowed him to exceed the legally limited contribution limits and created an incorrect report on the actual source of the contributions, “the accuser told the businessman.

Khawaja himself told Lithuanian courts that his case was political and was born only when US President Trump began his re-election campaign.

Reuters / Photo by Scanpix / Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton

Reuters / Photo by Scanpix / Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton

Khawaja, who gave an interview to Spectator in the early 2020s, said he was aware of tens of millions of dollars illegally transferred to Trump’s election campaign from Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates.

These Middle Eastern countries appear to have invested in Trump’s 2016 election in exchange for a tough stance on Iran. George Nader, a businessman jailed for a decade for raping children, told him about the plan this summer.

It is because of this information, according to A. Khawaja himself, that the United States has initiated criminal proceedings against him.

“They take me out of * iso, Paul, they take me out of * iso. At first they ruined my business, now they want my head, “Khawaja told The Spectator reporter Paul Wood.

According to him, Saudi Arabia and Abu Dhabi leaders concealed the huge money allocated for the Trump campaign by processing it as small remittances from ordinary Americans. The stolen identities and virtual gift cards were allegedly used; Such support does not need to be declared to the Federal Electoral Commission.

Scanpix / AP Photo / Donald Short

Scanpix / AP Photo / Donald Short

Khawaja says he is aware of this, as the information on how to effectively conceal financial support for the Trump campaign was relayed by the aforementioned Nader, who acted as an intermediary between the Gulf sheikhs and the American billionaire.

True, Khawaja told The Spectator that he simply remembered what Nader told him: He did not record the conversations and simply said that Nader explained to him why Saudi Arabia and Abu Dhabi wanted to fund Trump’s campaign.

“I interact with people in the Trump campaign. We have an agreement with Trump: my boss agreed that if we help Trump defeat him, he will be tough on Iran, he will repeal the nuclear agreement reached by the Obama administration.

This will damage Iran’s economy and prevent Iran from trading oil again. It will be very difficult for them to compete in the oil market. To us, it is worth a hundred billion dollars. And because of that, we can’t let Hillary win. She has to lose, “according to A. Khawaja, G. Nader told her.

„Reuters“ / „Scanpix“ nuotr./Hillary Clinton

„Reuters“ / „Scanpix“ nuotr./Hillary Clinton

Khawaja claims to have asked the interlocutor if he really believes Trump can win, but Nader, who worked as an informal adviser to royal prince Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan of the United Arab Emirates, assured him: “Your Highness is not stupid, he will never not bet on a horse that loses “.

The funds needed for Trump’s campaign are said to have traveled from Saudi Arabia, and the operation itself was led by Abu Dhabi – representatives of this Emirate bought the data from China. They are about 10 million. personal data of American voters.

“We have an inexhaustible amount of money. The Russians also joined. Yes, I already met Putin, we have a green light from him. Because Putin thinks the same way: he wants Hillary to lose, “Nader said.

Scanpix / AP Photo / George Nader and Donald Trump

Scanpix / AP Photo / George Nader and Donald Trump

By the way, G. Nader, who has been in international diplomacy for more than a decade, has visited the Trump White House more than once and twice. He testified in special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into Russia’s interference in the 2016 presidential election.

The Mueller report mentions him as a “power broker” who could “unite the Trump administration with interests in the Middle East and Russia.”

Nader often met with White House officials like Stephen Bannon and Trump’s son-in-law, Jared Kushner.

Not even an impressive deposit was saved

In early September, the Vilnius City District Court allowed the American to be arrested for 2 months and the Vilnius Regional Court upheld the decision last week.

The billionaire did his best to stay free. He asked to put his hatred, so immediately after his arrest he transferred 770 thousand to the prosecutor’s account as security. euros. However, the judges were not impressed by this amount.

“From the case file and the content of the accusations made by A. Khawaja, it is clear that the suspect earned millions of dollars in remittances, that is, he had extremely large sums of money at his disposal. The complaint also points out that A. Khawaja is a well-known businessman who has created many companies and many jobs.

“In circumstances such as possible bail, a sufficiently large (or possibly even higher) amount of money, given Khawaya’s financial situation, would not deter him from possible hiding to avoid extradition proceedings,” the court said.

Andy Khawaja

Andy Khawaja

The court said there was sufficient evidence that Khawaja would try to flee and hide from justice.

“When Khawaja learned that the US authorities were investigating his plans, he went to great lengths to thwart it, including exposing witnesses and influencing evidence and fleeing from Federal Bureau of Investigation officials as they attempted to conduct a US-sanctioned search cut off his cell phone, “he added. court documents.

The two-month prison sentence is final and cannot be appealed.

For a felony, a businessman in the US faces 5 to 20 years in prison.

The fulfillment of the American dream

Khawaya’s life is described as the fulfillment of the American Dream.

He was born and raised in poverty in Lebanon during the Civil War. It fed itself by collecting and discarding ammo tubes in scrap metal.

At age 14 he managed to escape to the United States. Initially he worked as a cashier and waiter, and his first business was the sale of jackets in Los Angeles.

He later founded the financial services company Allied Wallet, which raised millions for him.
