In a package addressed to Trump, US officials found one of the most toxic poisons in the world.


Two tests were performed to confirm the presence of castor in the package. All letters to the White House are sorted and checked on the spot before reaching the White House.

Castor oil is one of the most toxic natural poisons in the world. These poisons are made from a very simple plant: castor bean, which many people grow in their garden. Its seeds produce a very effective laxative oil. This oil is harmless, but the protein extracted from castor is a terrible poison. It is estimated to be 6,000 times stronger than cyanide.

Its active principle is the glycoprotein. It interferes with protein synthesis in the cell and causes cell death. It has an LD50 of about 1-20 mg / kg when ingested, but much less is needed when inhaled or injected directly into the skin.

If ingested, the poison causes nausea, vomiting, and internal gastrointestinal bleeding, followed by liver, spleen, and kidney failure, and circulatory system failure – death.
