Leyen: Let Change Happen – DELFI


This pandemic will be no different. For millions, of course, this has been a painful and worrying period, and we must still remain vigilant as the numbers rise again in some parts of Europe. However, over the past six months, we have also seen the value of some things, like being in a Union where we can count on 27 nations helping each other. Also, it gives us the opportunity to become stronger together.

The landmark deal on NextGenerationEU is our € 750 billion EUR Recovery Plan and Future Action Plan – it shows this is possible. Europe has never been so concentrated. So now is the time to seize the opportunity that this spirit of cooperation offers to continue to address other issues together.

One of them is migration. This problem has been dividing Europe for too long and I believe that we can and must tackle it together. However, it is enough to listen to the knowledge to understand the need to find a sustainable solution that is acceptable to all as soon as possible. As I mentioned in my report on the State of the Union this week, the European Commission will announce a new European Pact on Migration in the coming days.

The European Commission will respect human values ​​and human standards and will ensure that this pact is a common European solution, not only in its name but also in its content. It will be based on solidarity both among Europeans and with refugees, as well as the collective responsibility of national governments. We will not flee from migration. We need to manage it properly, taking into account the challenges it poses and taking advantage of the opportunities it offers.

It is time to revitalize Europe and create a better way of life. During a time when our ability to move around has been limited, we have managed to bypass cleaner, greener cities. Digital technologies have enabled students to continue their education and businesses to continue their activities, but too many Europeans living in rural areas or in disadvantaged families have been left out.

The post-pandemic world must be better than it is today; now we have everything we need to do it.
NextGenerationEU provides us with the financial resources we need to take immediate and strategic action, from speeding up our internet connection to supporting our industry. We have the opportunity not only to heal our economy, but also to do more: we can create better living conditions for the world of tomorrow. This is more important than ever in our relationship with our planet. At the European Green Course, we have set ourselves the goal of becoming a climate neutral continent by 2050. To achieve this goal, we will now propose to reduce emissions by at least 55% by 2030, compared to 40% today.

This is a particularly decisive change, but it is realistic and good for our economy and our industry. In recent weeks, I have received hundreds of letters not only from citizens but also from CEOs of companies or NGOs, in which everyone calls for Europe to take the initiative. We are ready to do just that. It is not just about reducing emissions, but also about creating a better world we live in, from buildings to cleaner transport.

To improve our planet, we must change our thinking for the better. The European Green Course is not only an environmental and economic project, it must also become a new European cultural project. Culture is born when the great minds of humanity come together. That is why I want the EU to create a new creative space for the European Bauhaus, the idea of ​​which came from an art school established a century ago, in which form merged with function. Architects, artists, engineers and designers gathered in this common creative space will be able to seek harmony between style and sustainability.

This is only a small part of the future work. We will have to show determination both to build a stronger European Health Union and to ensure that the work pays off for everyone. However, I am convinced that Europe has everything it needs to achieve this. We have a vision, a plan and an investment. We also have the unit that we just discovered. So let’s work and ensure that this pandemic changes our destiny for the better.

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