Karbauskis dedicated the entire publication to conservatives: it was aimed at a very specific audience


Ramūnas Karbauskis, leader of LVŽS, announced on his social network account that this magazine has already been published. As can be seen in the electronic version of the publication, the cover does not contain the main faces of the ruling party, but rather Gabriel and prof. Vytautas Landsbergiai, the outgoing head of state Dalia Grybauskaitė, the well-known face of TS-LKD Andrius Kubilius and the leader of the Conservative Party list in the elections Ingrida Šimonytė.

As R. Karbauskis explains on the social network, the publication deals with the relationships between large companies and the highest Lithuanian politicians.

“I have the right and I feel obliged to tell people why the Landsbergs, the conservatives and the parties that like them do not love us so much, from the liberals to the Paluck-led Social Democrats, who have become a conservative satellite party .

People need to know what links the Landsberg family business, the Conservative Party, to private pension funds; how the state, the people and the economy were unjustly damaged by the unjust development of the strategic projects that the country needed, how its development benefited cynically, without thinking at all about the importance of the projects for the state or the responsibility towards the Lithuanian people,

In his recording, the LVŽS leader accuses political opponents of cynical behavior and speaks of the “ceilings” that supposedly allowed him to do so.

“I have no doubt that after the publication of this publication, the conservatives will again accuse us of not working for Lithuania, but I have also had many questions this year. For example, what are they working for, because wherever they appeared they ended up in losses, starting with the sale of the Mazeikiai oil and ending with the implementation of the LNG project?

I couldn’t even imagine things of this magnitude happening in our state until prosecutors silenced by the D. Grybauskaitė presidency began to testify. They could not defend their interests and those of the state because they were not allowed to do so. They were not allowed to investigate how the “untouchables” and their builders wasted millions on state inquiries to buy air with one hand and cut pensions and other income for the people who had to cover the losses of the “untouchables” at the same time. . R. Karbauskis spoke.

Continue the old line

According to public relations specialist Arijus Katauskas, this is not a new strategy for farmers. The card “against the conservatives” was also used by the party in 2016. elections.

“It is a continuation of the same line that once proved to be quite successful for them. Yes, looking at the four-year period in all the informative and communicative aspects, that line of struggle between conservatives and peasants was always dominant, sometimes overshadowing practically everything, ”said A. Katauskas.

The communication specialist points out that both parties were involved in this game during the legislature.

“This step, considering the electoral period, may seem quite unusual, very aggressive, etc., but compared to other countries, we must admit that our political campaign has always been very soft,” shared R. Katauskas.

According to the interlocutor, it is obvious that the peasants develop their political communication along two lines: one is to talk about their good actions, which Prime Minister S. Skvernelis usually does, and the other is to attack the conservatives, which R. Karbauskis usually does. .

“It clearly applies to those who don’t like conservatives, that can pay off. (…) They are being built as an alternative to the conservatives, be it us or the conservatives. This can be quite an interesting move. The question is to what extent they will be able to disseminate that information, ”he said.

According to 15min.lt, the LVŽS magazine was published in 400 thousand. circulation, it was printed in Latvia for reasons of economy.

A. Katauskas did not dare to decide if LVŽS chose the right moment to take that step. In his opinion, if the magazine were to spread, people would have access to the information provided there before the elections.

“It is still a question if the conservatives will have enough time and if they will take a step to somehow repel this peasant move. Maybe they have their own line. If they want to retaliate, in any case, time will tell,” said A. Katauskas.

In the last rankings – Veryga and Skvernelis krytis

According to a survey conducted by the ELTA market agency from August 22 to September 4, the market research and public opinion company Baltijos tyrimai compared to the July survey, the support of the Minister of Health A. Veryga was the one that further decreased (by 10 percentage points).

According to a survey carried out in August, A. Veryga is favored by 30%. of those surveyed, and negatively – 63 percent. surveyed. The politician is among the ten most disadvantaged personalities.

August also saw a 4 percentage point decline in public support for Prime Minister Skvernel. However, the Prime Minister is still received favorably by the majority of respondents – 50 respondents, and unfavorably – by 43%. survey participants.

According to Spinter’s research poll commissioned by Delfi, the Lithuanian National Christian Democrats Union (TS-LKD) continues to rank first in the leaderboard. Their support has fallen since the July poll: 16.1 percent would have voted for the party in July, down from 15.3 percent in August. surveyed.

Last month, the Conservative Union of Peasants and Greens (LVŽS) also lost part of its supporters, exceeding the margin of error: in July, 15.6 percent would have voted for this party. According to the survey data for August – 13.7%.

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