Confidence Index: Changing Confidence Nausėda did not change the order of leaders


In a survey commissioned by the ELTA news agency from August 22 to September 4, respondents were asked which Lithuanian public figures are the most trustworthy. 22.2 percent. the respondents were named G. Nausėdas. Six months ago, confidence in him reached 29 percent. In second place on the leaderboard is Prime Minister S. Skvernelis.

In the last 6 months, unlike G. Nausėda, the support of the Head of Government has increased from 7.8 to 13.8 percent.

The results of a survey conducted by the market research and public opinion company Baltijos tyrimai show that the outgoing president D. Grybauskaitė’s trust in society has decreased by 8.4 percent. up 7.9 percent The former head of the country, V. Adamkus, is not far behind either. The fact that she trusted him was declared by 6.6 percent. (7.2% in February). Ingrida Šimonytė (5.9%) ranks fifth on the top list of conservatives in the Seimas elections. Its confidence index fell 1 percentage point in six months (to 6.9 percent in February).

Ramūnas Karbauskis, the leader of the “peasants”, continues on the line (currently 4.1 percent – in February the favorable assessment reached 3.1 percent), Labor Party Chairman Viktoras Uspaskich (currently 3.7 percent percent – in February the favorable evaluation reached 2.6%).

3.5 percent Gabrielius Landsbergis, the party leaders (5.5 percent in February) and Gintautas Paluckas (2.2 percent in February), shared the eighth and ninth place in the ranking. Finally, the tenth position in the ranking is occupied by the Minister of Health Aurelijus Veryga (3%, and in February – 0.6%).

Experts: In Lithuania, the institution of the president is generally evaluated favorably

Rima Urbonaitė, a political scientist at Mykolas Romeris University (MRU), says that the increase in G. Nausėda’s confidence rating after the presidential elections is steadily decreasing. According to her, this may be due to the increase in excessive expectations and the inability to fulfill them.

“GRAMO. The sediment rating fell almost seven percent in half a year. After the elections, the president’s high expectations are gradually beginning to wane and confidence is declining accordingly. However, the president remains the most politician. reliable and has a big gap with other politicians. However, the fact that we see up to 3 presidents in the top five should not be cause for joy, as it is clear that there is not only a personality effect here, but also that the Confidence in presidents is always high, even if it’s been a long time. We see this in the case of V. Adamkus, “he told Eltai.

Romas Mačiūnas, a sociologist at Baltijos tyrimai, also told Eltai that G. Nausėda’s first place in the ranking should not surprise him. According to him, in Lithuania the institution of the president is generally evaluated favorably.

“President Dalia Grybauskaitė has always been in the first place during her term. So is Gitan Nauseda at this time. There are several aspects: The presidential institution is always the most trustworthy. Another thing that the president is mentioned quite often in the media Because when a person needs to be told spontaneously what they trust the most, politicians who are often mentioned in the media get a lot of votes. That is why people remember them more often, “said the sociologist.

At that time, R. Urbonaitė points out that the confidence rating of all the other politicians is very low. According to R. Urbonaitė, the increase of several percentage points is determined by the next elections.

“Everyone else is active in the field of politics and we see that the confidence index already obtained here is very low for many. But the last names are more or less correlated with party leaders and politicians who are seen more frequently. in the public sphere, ”he said.

The sociologist highlights that V. Uspaskich, who occupies the seventh place in the ranking, surpassed the two party presidents, Gabriel Landsberg and Gintautas Paluckas. According to him, the chairman of the Labor Party became more active in the media as the Seimas elections approached.

“Uspaskich has been active in the media since the beginning of the summer. The elections are coming up and he is the most famous face of the Labor Party. And because of Gabriel Landsbergis, I think the party’s tactic is to show him less in public, because the Public opinion of Šimonytė is always higher than that of the party chairman. Meanwhile, Paluck was never a personality that would have been mentioned often in this ranking, “said R. Mačiūnas.

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