Doctors warn mushrooms: this has not been the case for 10 years: the mushrooms themselves accumulate poisons


While social media is excited to share the catch collected in the forests, doctors are warning mushrooms to be very careful, as mushrooms can be not only a highly nutritious product but also a poison.

Large flow of patients

Speaking about the number of patients with mushroom poisoning this year, Gabija Laubner, head of the Department of Acute Poisoning and the Department of Resuscitation and Toxicology Intensive Care at the University Hospital of the Republic of Vilnius (RVUL), stated that there are many more.

“Yes, it wasn’t just the social space that was adorned with mushrooms. Doctors are seeing a fairly large increase in the number of patients seeking treatment. Of course, we are only one of the five hospitals in Vilnius, but in the 10 years that will be one of the most memorable, when there are so many patients, ”the doctor told Knowledge Radio.

Gabija laubner

Mr. Laubner said that there were 5-6 people in the reception department during the day, others just called for advice:

“We had about 20 people last weekend, 7 of whom were hospitalized.”

Do mushrooms accumulate too much poison?

Although toxicologists are used to seeing more poisonings after eating mushrooms in the fall, it is still surprising this year that disorders occur after eating good mushrooms.

“The really strange thing about this year is that even after eating the usual, good edible mushrooms – boletus, squirrel, boletus – people feel bad,” said the interlocutor.

Why did this happened? The doctor presented several versions:

“First, the toxic drug is administered by dose. Consuming too much of anything can certainly have negative health consequences.

Another aspect we noticed is why there are so many mushrooms in the forest this year. We are beginning to consider whether it is possible for the forest to cleanse itself of some toxic, toxic substances, “said the doctor.

The doctor recalled that mushrooms, despite being a valuable food rich in vitamins, electrolytes, fiber, protein, have such property that they accumulate poisons and toxins.

“And when people who eat really good mushrooms complain about some ailments, it really raises the suspicion that those mushrooms that have sprouted so much have certain substances that are poisonous,” Laubner noted.

You need to prepare properly

Among other things, the doctor added that problems also occur when mushrooms are not properly prepared or eaten 2-3 days after preparation.

“Mushrooms must be eaten the same day they are harvested, because decomposition begins later and the products of this process turn into poison in the body later,” he said.

The toxicologist recalled that the main cause of poisoning by edible mushrooms is gastrointestinal irritation, which manifests itself in nausea, vomiting, diarrhea.

Mushroom drying

“If all of this goes away without symptoms, without changes in the tests, then we take those patients home. However, others are more serious cases: hallucinations occur after eating mushrooms that are not eaten or eaten for the purpose of poisoning .

We had a couple of such serious cases last week. Fortunately, overall, we have not yet had patients with very severe liver damage or deaths. However, there were people who were in the intensive care unit, ”said the doctor.

How to avoid poisoning?

The most important advice is not to collect unknown mushrooms, if in doubt, such mushrooms should be left.

“Only if you feel bad, nausea, vomiting, watery diarrhea, abdominal scratching, pain, you need to consult a doctor because fungi have a deceptive clinic, it seems that the evil is gone, a person begins to recover, but there may be harm liver during that deceptive period.And the doctors will do the tests and pass the treatment at home.

The sooner help is provided, then the person is protected from possible long-term consequences, there are antidotes, but for that the person must seek help. If a person requests within the first two days, the poisoning can end without consequences ”, advised the doctor.

The news portal reminds me that I spoke with mycologist Jonas Ksparavičius about whether the mushroom-rich season brings more poisonings and deaths.
