Immigrants in Lithuania don’t work for pennies


The number of immigrants working in Lithuania is increasing. They usually come from Ukraine and Belarus and work for shippers or construction companies. It is a mistake to think that they work for minimum wage.

Is increasing every year

A better economic situation, a greater supply of labor and higher wages are the main reasons why foreigners come to Lithuania to live and work. According to the data of the Department of Migration, at present almost 85 thousand people live in Lithuania. foreign

National visas and temporary residence permits in Lithuania (LLG) are issued to foreigners who wish to work in Lithuania. 2020 until September 9. more than 29 thousand. foreigners submitted applications for the issuance or replacement of LLG, of which almost 25 thousand. Applied for LLG on the basis of work. Only 197 applications were submitted by foreigners who intend to carry out highly demanding professional jobs.

Most of the applications were submitted by residents of Ukraine and Belarus. She still comes to work in Lithuania from Russia, India, Uzbekistan, Moldova, Sakartvell, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Azerbaijan, the United States, Nigeria and Tajikistan.

The statistics provided by the Migration Service clearly show that the number of foreigners who arrive increases every year, especially those who arrive for work reasons. Almost 20 thousand were issued to foreigners in 2017. LLG, 2018 – almost 23 thousand LLG, in 2019. – 28 thousand. LLG. Or 2020 until September 9. Decisions to issue LLGs were made in 2006 and the number of LLGs issued has already exceeded 27,000.

Frustrated with a career in their home country for a variety of reasons, skilled workers want to settle in Europe. In Lithuania, they see the possibility of a more stable life and better income. Just like we did 20 years ago somewhere in Scandinavia.

Tomas Juodikis, director of the company “Tours”, which employs foreigners in Lithuania, confirms that the majority of those who want to work in Lithuania are Ukrainians and Belarusians. This is no longer news, but the stereotype that they work for pennies and therefore push Lithuanians out of the job market is just a myth.

“It is really very angry to say that foreigners who come to work reduce their wages. They are not going to work for minimum wage. If they can’t earn 700-800 euros after taxes, they won’t. although technical schools in their own country or bought such a brochure, ”says T. Juodikis.

Ukrainians and Belarusians do not work for the minimum wage in transportation or construction companies in Lithuania. (Photo by T. Biliūnas / Fotobankas)

Do the Poles outperform?

According to the data of the Migration Department, the number of Ukrainians living in Lithuania reaches almost 30 thousand, about 22 thousand. Belarusians live in Lithuania and almost 13 thousand. Russian citizens.

“The Migration Department provides data on who comes to work officially, but there are still many people who come to work when a qualification is not necessary. They are the ones who come to help Polish companies, because they do not allow us to have an official job” , notes T. Juodikis.

According to him, the number of people who come with the help of Polish employment agencies, who pay taxes outside of Lithuania, is increasing. These people are generally said to come here on business. They have EU visas and according to all directives, they can travel on business trips for up to 3 months, so the number of third country workers in Lithuania is much higher.

“The problem is that our Employment Service explains that there are many unemployed, especially in active professions, so it is not possible to hire unskilled foreigners. However, by working through Polish agencies, foreigners avoid the still working”, – continued T. Juodikis.

Another thing mentioned by representatives of foreign employment agencies is that Lithuanian companies have to compete with neighboring countries for labor: Poland and Latvia. There are worker shortages across Europe. Suppose that Poles issue visas for a shorter period, but for all occupations, and if the employer says that such a person is suitable for him, a visa is issued. It is the employer’s responsibility to ensure that the person meets the qualifications.

Useless shackles

The head of the employment agency hints at another unfavorable nuance. “With us, the Employment Service determines whether the newcomer’s qualifications are suitable for the job or not. At this point, we lose both in terms of work and taxes,” says T. Juodikis.

The Employment Service page contains a list of missing professions. If the immigrant has a qualification certificate, a permit from the Employment Service is not required. A foreigner enters the migration service, the Lithuanian embassy in her country or the visa centers and receives a visa for a maximum of one year.

But if the qualification of the foreigner does not match or, for example, a welder can work in the construction industry and in the service sector, in a car service, then the employer must submit an application to the Employment Service, submit the necessary documents and only then decide whether to grant the foreigner a work permit in Lithuania.

“There is a cumbersome and expensive procedure. Before a person arrives, the Employment Service has to pay more than 120 euros. If the person has not received a work permit, the money can be returned or used for another permit. “The money is gone. You can’t call a person and see if they say it like it is.”

It is much cheaper for the employer to hire a Polish agency, through which the workers arrive at the employer with the documents already prepared and start working without wasting time. “It is much cheaper for the employer. Sodra taxes do not have to be paid and the company has a cheaper labor force, although it receives the same salary as Lithuanians,” T. Juodikis denied the distorted understanding of labor supposedly cheaper from third countries.

Know the laws

Although the majority of immigrants from third countries work in construction and transport companies, there is a high demand for workers in furniture factories, meat, poultry and fish processing companies. Lithuanians do not want to work in that position or work in Scandinavia for two or three times the salary.

Company representatives who feel the need for the workers’ specialties often mention that for about five years, it is not they but the workers who have been dictating the employment conditions. Many of those who come to work have space to live. Under the agreement, workers must pay only utility bills or both rent and utility bills.

It is a mistake to think that those who come to work in Lithuania are overwhelmed by ignorance. They know their rights very well and are aware of the fact that, like Lithuanians, they are bound by the Labor Code.

According to data from the State Labor Inspectorate (VDI), in 2020 In the first half of the year, 569 foreigners filed applications for the commissions of labor disputes, of which 175 were Ukrainian citizens and 143 Belarusians. 2019 During the same period, 350 applications were received from foreign citizens: 64 of them were citizens of Ukraine and 79 were citizens of Belarus.

If they can’t win € 700-800 after taxes, they won’t.

Drivers complain

The vast majority of foreigners who apply for the Labor Disputes Commission work in transportation and construction companies. More than 80 percent. requests for resolution of labor disputes are due to unpaid wages.

“Most cases of dismissal and non-liquidation of an employee are also considered. Cases of employment of employees and unpaid wages are also examined. This year we have examined most of the applications of foreigners working in transport companies, followed of construction company workers, “said VDI Labor. Irina Janukevičienė, Head of the Division of Work Organization of the Disputes Commissions.

He did not deny that the requests of workers in the transportation sector were possibly affected by the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic. However, over the years, there has been a tendency for the majority of requests from transportation companies to be for unpaid or one-off unpaid wages.

The head of the labor organization department of the labor dispute commissions doubts that employers expect foreign workers to not know where to complain, what to do, and therefore use it. “I would say no, because both foreigners and Lithuanians have the same rights. We also deal with many Lithuanian complaints about non-payment of wages,” the president compared.

The most common explanations from employers are the company’s financial problems when third parties don’t report. Another category of claims occurs when employers believe that the employee himself has caused some damage to the company and as a result an agreement is not reached, but less so.

Spread information

A representative of the Labor Inspectorate assured that the foreigners were not as if they had fallen from a tree. This is also due to the efforts of the Labor Inspectorate to inform employees about the services provided. On the VDI website, employees can find information not only in Lithuanian, but also in English, Russian and even Ukrainian. Among other things, disputes are heard in a language that the complainant understands.

According to I. Janukevičienė, trade unions also provide services to foreigners and make known how they can defend their rights under the Labor Code. The president also confirmed that when examining the complaints, it is obvious that the wages of foreign workers are not lower than those of Lithuanians. “There can be no discrimination. The same salary should be paid for the same work, regardless of the nationality or nationality of the person,” stressed I. Janukevičienray.

However, there was no dispute with the VDI that the foreigner was being paid a lower salary, which could be considered discriminatory. Foreign citizens also apply to the SLI for illegal dismissal, changes in the terms of the employment contract or improper performance, and sometimes other claims for non-pecuniary damages are filed, amounting to approximately 2%. all pending applications.
