Announces “harmful vaccines” based on YouTube and Facebook groups


“The vaccine itself is a chemical bomb for the body. And that chemical bomb bomb carries out total destruction on the body. And especially the most terrible damage to the brain “, announces Andrius Lobovas in the video.

Photo of 15min / Misleading publication on the social network

Photo of 15min / Misleading publication on the social network

The man offers interest in the harm of the vaccine in an amateur way – on social networks and the video platform “Youtube”. Since the publication of A. Lobov’s post, it has been shared on Facebook almost 600 times and the total number of visits reaches 28,000. together.

Element pump

The statement that “vaccines are chemicals that are released into the body” does not in itself make sense. Every substance that enters the body (food, water, homeopathic pills or vaccines) are substances made up of chemical elements. Therefore, in this sense, an apple from Grandma’s garden is also a chemical bomb.

One of the most commonly used arguments for introducing vaccines as a harmful tool is that some vaccines use exotic-sounding elements like aluminum. The fact that the same element is used for the frame of a bicycle and for the production of vaccines may seem like a threat, but the truth is different.

VIDEO: Vaccination is a lifesaver for diseases at sea

Aluminum, like other chemical elements, is necessary for the body and we normally absorb it with food. 95 percent. the human body obtains the necessary aluminum from food, and studies show that the amount of the element in the vaccine does not pose a risk to the body.

Aluminum salts are used in vaccines to cause a stronger immune response, giving a stronger immunity to a specific disease. The use of aluminum in vaccines has been around for 70 years, and the effectiveness of vaccines in fighting infectious diseases shows that the substance is being used successfully.

The good “chemical bomb”

Say vaccines are 100 percent. safe would be the same as saying that walking on the sidewalk is absolutely safe. Accidents happen in all cases. However, when considering the benefits and harms of vaccines, the benefits of vaccines outweigh the benefits.

For example, according to the Center for Communicable Diseases and AIDS (ULAC), public funds in 2018 More than 820 thousand were made in Lithuania. vaccinations Adverse reactions (adverse reactions to vaccines) have been reported 103 times. In other words, only 0.01 percent. cases.

15min photo / How to strengthen immunity to information?

15min photo / How to strengthen immunity to information?

The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that vaccines prevent 2 to 3 million people each year. deceased. At that time, serious side effects caused by vaccines are extremely rare.

Although millions of vaccines have been used each year for decades, deaths are ancient, isolated, and linked to very specific circumstances.. You can find more information about fighting communicable diseases through vaccines here..

Simply put, the benefits of vaccines should not be overlooked. ULAC’s website statesthat one of the best examples of the efficacy of the vaccine is a vaccine against Haemophillus influenzae type 2 microbial diseases.

Before the vaccine was introduced in 1990, about 500 people died each year in the United States from bacterial meningitis caused by the germ, and another 15,000. suffered from this disease. With the advent of the vaccine, the number of cases has dropped to 50 per year.

Alvydo Januševičiaus nuotr./Andrius Lobovas

Alvydo Januševičiaus nuotr./Andrius Lobovas

Does it harm the brain?

The origins of the myth that vaccines can damage the brain go back thousands of times to Andrew Wakefield’s “study”, which claimed that the vaccine caused autism.

The former physician, along with 12 co-authors in a research study, showed a link between trivalent measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) vaccines and autism.

After analyzing A. Wakefield’s study, it became clear that the research subjects were chosen on purpose, and Links between MMR and autism have been ‘discovered’ with the financial support of attorneys representing parents of children with autism in cases against pharmaceutical companies..

When the A.Wakefield fraud was discovered, his post was removed from research databases and the doctor himself lost his medical license.

2017 a distorted study by Yale University researchers on the link between the MMR vaccine and neurological disorders spilled in the fire. Vaccine skeptics were quick to present the study as evidence of the harm of vaccines to children’s development, though The researchers who conducted the study later explained that it would not be appropriate to draw far-reaching conclusions..

Fierce critic

Lobov is not a doctor, but he believes in vaccines that he has been studying independently for more than 10 years. September 2019 A. Lobov 15 minutes said interested in homeopaths Alexander Katok and Alexander Stolesnikov.

The latter’s work “How to fill the body” is not only about a healthy lifestyle, but also about the fact that the ideal food is “green meat and steaming blood”, and the key to the success of Anglo-Saxon civilization is the tendency to eat meat. The so-called professor is also convinced that “living water” is the food of more advanced cosmic civilizations.

A. Lobovas came to the attention of the media after becoming a fierce supporter of Neringa Venckienė in Garliava. In recent years, A. Lobov has been fighting vaccines and often publishes false information.

The post was prepared in 15 minutes. in collaboration with Facebook a program to stop the spread of misleading news on the social network. More about the program and its rules – here.
