Unique case: LVŽS appropriated state documents such as its program


This week, LVŽS finally posted her show on her page, as she calls herself. It consists of nine independent parts covering three state documents: the National Progress Plan for 2021-2030, the DNA Plan for the Future Economy and the Republic of Lithuania National Action Plan for Energy and Climate for 2021-2030 .

“Our priority is the constant development of the country in the long term. We demonstrated this during this period by creating strategic documents for the development of the state: the National Progress Plan for 2021-2030 and the DNA Plan for the Future Economy of Lithuania. <...>

These two documents, as well as our Government’s updated National Energy and Climate Action Plan for 2021-2030, which provides for Lithuania’s actions in the next decade in the fight against climate change, are our electoral program, to which we are going in 2020. Seimas elections “, reads the preamble of the electoral program of LVŽS.

In the above, the plans were prepared by the Government, the Ministries of Finance, Environment and Energy.

    He presented the strategic plans as his own work

    The professor of the University Mykolas Romeris (MRU), political scientist Rima Urbonaitė criticizes the decision of LVŽS to appropriate the strategic documents of the Government as its work and present them as a program.

    “Now it is necessary to understand that the documents prepared by the Government, using the full potential of the ministries, etc., become a party program. In fact, no such thing has yet been seen that the government’s strategic documents become the electoral program of a specific party, ”said R. Urbonaitė on tv3.lt.

    The political scientist recalls that the Government is formed not only by LVŽS, but also by ministers delegated by other coalition partners and the ministries they head. Therefore, the documents in question cannot be considered the exclusive merit of the peasants.

    “By the way, the government, made up of several coalition partners, has adopted this progress plan working collectively. The peasants appropriate the joint work of the government with the coalition partners as their property. I am not saying that it is legal. , but this is a unique case. And we see that the peasants are really unique in these elections, “said R. Urbonaitė.

    Rhyme Urbonaitė

    In addition, according to the MRU speaker, the mentioned documents were also prepared by government and ministry employees supported with taxpayer money.

    “Who participated in the edition, the language edition? Did the party people technically edit the language? We are very aware that this is done by people who get paid, because documents need to be reviewed. Every institution has people who work to maintain the errors and everything else.

    Obviously, who did it. If there is a document approved by resolution of the Government of the Republic of Lithuania, the entire Government and its Chancellery worked. Perhaps the faction contributed, but it is not a faction document, it is a government document, ”said R. Urbonaitė.

    Lack of respect for the voter

    In addition, R. Urbonaitė recalls that the progress plan is being developed for a long time, until 2030, so the question arises of what exactly the party intends to do in the next four years.

    “It is very good when politicians plan for more than one term, but it has to be a plan for both terms and for another, looking beyond what should happen with the state. And now we are opening the campesino program and it is a document. approved by resolution of the Government of the Republic of Lithuania ”, said the political scientist.

    R. Urbonaitė describes the decision of the peasants to present the government’s work as their program of disrespect for the voters.

    Especially if we understand that people who do not participate in the elections also worked on this plan. If so, it means that other available resources have been used. This is the exploitation of state resources. He will not add anything else here, ”said the MRU speaker.

    The party is happy with their decision

    In turn, a member of the LVŽS party, the parliamentarian Agnė Širinskienė, when asked why the party decided not to create its own program this time, said that the visions of the party and the Government coincide, so there is no need to duplicate documents.

    “You see, these documents are created by our Government and are totally in line with our values. Therefore, it would have been very strange if we had prepared the program documents for the state, which determine the development of the state for a decade ahead, if we had prepared some other document, as if saying that those state plans are incomplete or can be completed. ”A. Širinskienė told tv3.lt.

    According to her, it is not necessary for the ruling parties to develop separate programs.

    “One is when opposition parties, which generally oppose the government, naturally make programs and see changes. But being in control and preparing your own programming documents, well, in my opinion, it was a logical solution. I’m glad it was as it is, ”added A. Širinskienė.

    Agnė Širinskienė

    It is true that the partners of the peasant coalition – the Lithuanian Social Democratic Labor Party and the Polish Lithuanian Election Campaign – the Union of Christian Families – presented their programs separately.

    “Well, the coalition partners, we know very well how many ministers there are in the government. His influence on the design of that program was certainly less. It is natural that some additional visions are emerging, which may not have been included in the state progress plan, ”said the Seimas member.

    A. Širinskienė does not agree with R. Urbonaitė’s observation that the National Progress Plan is too broad a document for those who want to know what the party intends to do in the next four years in the Seimas.

    “If you read the map, both the closest works and those that will be implemented in the future are very clearly crystallized there. I believe that each voter, if he is curious, can become familiar with those documents and at the same time see the goals that the state is expected to achieve, ”said A. Širinskienk.

    He listed his merits

    It is true that the preamble to the LVŽS elections does not describe the party’s objectives after the elections, but what the peasants did in the Seimas during the four years. The party attributes merits such as growing people’s incomes, more transparent state governance and structural reforms.

    “The average monthly salary available increased by more than 200 euros (38%) during 2016-2020. Tax-free income (NPD) increased by 75% during the same period. (150 EUR) and an average old-age pension of 50%. (133 EUR) ”, reads the preamble to the electoral program.

    The program also describes the cancellation of Sodra’s debt, reduced Sodra’s administrative costs and savings.

    The party talks about the focus on families, increasing money for children, supporting young families to buy homes in the regions. Also, on lower prices of medicines, higher salaries for doctors and nurses, increase in the budget of the Mandatory Medical Insurance Fund.

    Changes in the field of education are described: class baskets, teacher salaries, increased funding for studies, research, higher salaries for teachers and researchers.

    Ramūnas Karbauskis, President of the Lithuanian Green and Peasant Union faction, and Saulius Skvernelis, Prime Minister

    Several goals were set

    Having had the opportunity to present the party’s program at a press conference a little earlier, LVŽS President Ramūnas Karbauskis assured that the party intends to continue in 2016. The work began. According to the party program, “we are not a party that lives in terms of terms and programs dedicated only to them.”

    However, in the program, the party has planned several works that it promises to implement in case of electoral success. Among them:

    1. Child money indexing mechanism;
    2. 13th pension;
    3. Improve the infrastructure and increase the functionality of health institutions;
    4. Introduction of a higher education financing system based on state agreements with higher education institutions;
    5. Secure state funding for all undergraduate students who meet state established criteria for good learning;
    6. Improve funding programs in all fields of culture;
    7. Establishment of the State Bank;
    8. Introduction of tax deductions;
    9. Introduction of the position of Deputy Prime Minister.

    The government for 66 thousand. announces his works

    Furthermore, as announced by the 15min.lt portal, the government is currently advertising his four-year works on public transport and the media. According to the Government Chancellery, this announcement costs the state 66.4 thousand. euros.

    In August, the Foreign Ministry signed 11,979 thousand. 54,450 thousand euros with VAT value agreement with media traffic. A VAT value contract with Havas Media was agreed with the company and agreed in clips on six reforms initiated by the government in radio broadcasting: public transport and radio and television, respectively.

    The Central Electoral Commission will consider on Tuesday whether there are grounds to launch an investigation, given that the publicity is running a month before the elections.

    The Seimas elections will be held on October 11.
