Veryga hinted at new planned quarantine mitigation


According to Rolanda Lingienė, Director of the Vilnius Department of the National Center for Public Health (NVSC), 100 patients are being treated in hospitals, 11 in resuscitation, 5 in artificial lung ventilation and 32 in oxygen masks.

“During yesterday, 14 new cases were confirmed, 12 cases are in Vilnius County, now Vilnius County is a hot zone. 5 people are related to the Vilnius City Clinical Hospital, 2 people are employees of the Clinical Hospital from Vilnius City, 1 person close to the employee of this institution, 1 person discharged who was discharged and 1 close relative of the person discharged from this hospital, “said R. Lingienė.

Coronavirus was diagnosed in the Vilnius public transport driver

There is also a new case at the Antaviliai pension, the “Pušyno kelias” rehabilitation center, a one-bedroom resident on Pergalės Street, who was reported on Tuesday, as well as 1 employee from the Santara clinics working in the department. COVID-19 and 1 Vilnius public transport driver.

“53-route bus driver, based on primary data,” said R. Lingienė.

In addition, 1 case was detected in Klaipėda County, it is an imported case. The person arrived from Sweden on May 10. Another person has been identified in Kaunas County.

“He is a relatively young resident, a resident of Kaunas. On Monday, he made a request to a mobile station in Kaunas, on Tuesday he received a positive response, the person is not related to the outbreak at Kaunas Republican Hospital, is not registered as a contact person and has not traveled, “he said. R. Lingienė.

Unfortunately, the number of cases at the Vilnius City Clinical Hospital has increased since yesterday. We have a total of 23 cases, 11 of them staff, 8 internal medicine wards, 3 resuscitations, as well as 12 patients, 10 internal medicine wards, 2 resuscitations. It was found that 3 individuals discharged from the internal medicine department of this hospital developed COVID-19 after discharge. <...> As far as we know, employee temperatures are measured but not recorded. Furthermore, this hospital has not yet provided us with temperature curves for sick patients, there is no separate team for the care of high-risk patients, “said R. Lingienė.

As R. Lingienė said, residents of all Antaviliai pensions were examined.

“There was also a request to the administration of the institution to insist on examining the entire population, which led us to suspect that the institution did not meet the infection control requirements, because if they were met, it would not be necessary to carry out tests to the entire population. ” COVID-19 disease was detected in only a population of 3 bodies after the test. The person does not feel any symptoms. The total number of people currently ill in the Antaviliai pension is 35, “said R. Lingienė.

The government will consider new recommended quarantine facilities on Wednesday.

“In general, there will be a certain regime for citizens of the Baltic States, movement between these countries, certain facilities in the catering establishment, as well as the resumption of preschool and school establishments on certain dates and within a certain interval of security, “said the minister. .

From Wednesday – flights to Vilnius

With the gradual decrease in quarantine conditions in Lithuania, the first flights arrive. According to the minister, the first passenger plane to Germany will arrive in Lithuania on Wednesday.

“However, I would like to remind you that this does not mean that quarantine or the obligation to isolate disappears. All of these conditions will definitely remain,” said A. Veryga.

R. Lingienė mentioned that the plane will land from Frankfurt airport to Vilnius airport in 17 hours and 5 minutes, 162 passengers must arrive.

“The main objective of the National Center for Public Health when working at the airport is to handle import cases as soon as possible. Representatives of the Lithuanian Armed Forces will work with us. All returning people will have to isolate themselves for 14 days,” R. Lingienė said.

Not all medical institutions are yet ready for scheduled services.

When asked how he evaluates the situation when even after renovating many medical services, some of them are very difficult to obtain, as well as if there is no risk of focusing on COVID-19 abandoning the diseases of other patients, A. Veryga He replied that the risk always remains, but essential services were never discontinued.

“Currently, institutions are only gaining momentum with planned services, it is not a simple process, they need to plan their work, organize them properly in terms of infection control, patients need a little more patience.” We will not return to the same level, some services will continue to be remote, of course those where risk can be managed and no research is needed. This is because institutions must organize certain time intervals and there must be a time interval between patients to ventilate and disinfect the facilities. Hospitals must maintain the COVID-19 reserve, “Veryga said.

Furthermore, according to the minister, the mortality statistics during and before quarantine are the same, no significant fluctuations were observed.


National Center for Public Health (NVSC) May 13 according to:

  • Number of confirmed cases per individual: 1505
  • Number of sick people: 537
  • Number of new COVID 19 cases confirmed yesterday: 14
  • Number of 19 deaths from COVID: 54
  • Deaths from coronavirus from other causes: 6
  • Number of people who have recovered: 908
  • Number of people in isolation: 273
  • All countries are considered affected areas.

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