The Panevėžys couple celebrated an impressive anniversary of living together: they were married up to 6 times


With love Hazel

The long-lived couple – Vytautas, who is already half a year old and Taisa, who is a year younger – smiles that they are unique unless it is difficult to find couples who have celebrated their wedding even six times with the same spouse. They renewed their vows as they commemorated 10, 25, 50, 60 and now 70 years together.

“There will be no more, and if there were, we could roll our noses, because we would definitely become record breakers,” laughs V. Lazdynas.

When asked what is the secret of such a strong marriage, lasting seven decades, the spouses look at it slyly: there is no secret. According to them, the most important thing is mutual respect, affection and forgiveness, and sometimes just not seeing and hearing nothing.

“Sometimes, like many women, I get tired, it makes us nervous, but the next morning I hear: ‘Mom, what are we going to eat? Maybe bring something from the store? “We don’t pay a lot to be angry,” Taisa says openly.

“I’m older than you, and the lieutenant colonel, nothing ordinary, can’t yell at me,” jokes Vytautas, looking fondly at his wife, who has been shouldering a quarter of a century.

Seven decades, according to the spouses, passed very quickly. On August 10, 1950, they vowed eternal love after a few months of friendship, even though they had known each other for a longer time. When Vytautas fell in love with Taisa, she was friends with another boy at the time, but with perseverance V. Lazdynas succeeded. Even now, Taisa keeps the letters of a loving spouse at home.

“Taisa worked in the registration department, I – in a notary’s office. And her sympathy worked on the court, the doors of our offices were in front of us, so we met,” said Vytautas.

Take the position of great grandparents

The correction is open: Vytautas did not feel much affection at first, but his account leaned. In addition, the chosen one never abused the cup, nor did he like to engage in conflict or, in addition, mosquito.

“The ex-gentleman’s mother took great care of her lonely son, so I was afraid there would be no life with him. But I was unfaithful only through letters to Vytautas. So far, I have those letters that are signed by “Lazdynas, who loves you”, smiles Taisa.

Photo by I. Stulgaitė-Kriukienė

Photo by I. Stulgaitė-Kriukienė

70 years ago, the couple swore eternal love not only in the Panevėžys Civil Registry, but also in the Cathedral of Christ the King, although at that time that step was quite risky. Now it seems ridiculous that they promised the family a short history of married life.

“A friend’s wedding took place on the same day. Gifts, who see and know everything, said that the candle goes, but it burned very well, so it would live a long time, and Lazdynas constantly fluttered. Only one friend gave birth a daughter, not a wife, but also died very young. And we have been flattering them, they have been fluttering for seven decades “, V. Lazdynas did not forget the prophecies.

The most active spouses are two daughters, four grandchildren, five great-grandchildren, and a great-granddaughter born this year.

“This year we became the grandparents of the highest rank: great-grandparents. Reaching that rank is already a high pilot,” says the great-grandfather with pride.

Durable at the helm of Mercedes

T. Lazdynienė agrees that his biggest investment paid off. Both daughters graduated from higher education, one as a gynecologist and the other as an alumnus of the Academy of Arts, writing books and articles. The grandchildren have also accomplished a lot in their fields. The walls of the bride and groom’s house are decorated with a special gift from one of the grandchildren: a portrait of the grandparents painted on the occasion of the wedding anniversary. While Taisa admits that raising children has not been an easy job, she can now rejoice at the results.

“I have the most wonderful children, but no matter how wonderful my daughters are, I would never want to live together. We are angry at my father, but no matter how much we have left in that life, I would like to spend it together,” says T. Lazdynienė.

His family was not long-lived: his mother died at the age of only 46, his father at the age of 65, and Vytautas’s family was only long-lived. His mother died at the age of 101 and his health did not complain much.

“He was interested in my genealogy. Our family are the rebels of Prussia after the plague, where the city of Hazelnuts is located. All hazelnuts are long-lived, but in 230 years no man has survived longer than me. I have been through both wars, other riots and so far I have not complained about my health. You don’t even need glasses to drive the car. Although I still think that maybe it is time to put a cross and say goodbye to my red Mercedes ”, – considers V. Lazdynas.

And without the car, it will be bad: a man lacking energy still manages a garden of about six acres, goes to the forest not only to collect mushrooms, but also to collect organically grown herbs for his wife, sometimes leading her to forgiveness in his Native vabalninkas. He went to the mushrooms together last year, but after Taisa’s health, the mushrooms will have to be abandoned this year. Now, the greatest pleasure and activity of the spouses is reading magazines, newspapers, including Sekundė. That’s where each morning begins.

The wisdom of the herbalist

T. Lazdynienė doubts that genes at such a respectable age hardly help, but takes great care of his own health. And the secret of its longevity are medicinal herbs. It was the case that health began to fail, so in search of ways to help herself, she became interested in natural medicine.

“My advice to everyone is to drive as little as possible, if possible, everywhere on foot. And eat less because food is a burden on the body. Especially to give up frying, no matter how delicious it is”, reveals the older her youthful recipe.

Photo by I. Stulgaitė-Kriukienė

Photo by I. Stulgaitė-Kriukienė

According to Taisa, all illnesses are due to stress and anxiety. And if you have already stopped any ailment, always the first remedy: the natural treasures of herbs. Even doctors are surprised that the 91-year-old from Panevėžys has been living without heart medication for 15 years, even though he had a stroke and heart attack, and had five serious surgeries. T. Lazdynienė advises: if you suffer from heart problems, the first medicine is hawthorn and herbs, which are even six times stronger than valerian. Wild garlic: to strengthen blood vessels and reduce pressure. And peppermint, lemon balm, and chamomile help fight stress or anxiety. However, herbs cannot be propagated.

“Of course, it is necessary to listen to the doctors, sometimes medication is also needed, but herbs can overcome most diseases. If I just feel like my heart is on strike, I’ll immediately drink the weed bitter and vodka-filled hawthorn, ”said T. Lazdynienė, pointing to the mixes poured into three-liter jars.

The duties of the herbalist are entrusted to the spouse, who knows all the medicinal plants. Vytautas smiles because, having a folk medicine expert close by, he learned a lot himself.

“My wife is the second Eugenija Šimkūnaitė. The daughter is a doctor, the son-in-law is an anesthesiologist, the father of the son-in-law is a doctor of medical sciences, but if only someone’s health is failing, they still rush to call his wife. As if the doctors were not them, but the mother “, – smiles V. Lazdynas.

Taisa says that all the experience in herbal treatment has been gained by reading a lot of scientific literature and has been practically tested on herself. In order for more people to benefit from this experience, the daughters gathered all of their mother’s wisdom for the diamond wedding and compiled it into the book My Mother’s Health Booklet, which appeared in up to four editions.

Enjoy the sunset of life

Although he has problems with his joints, T. Lazdynienė still wants to move as much as possible. When she was younger, she worked very hard to lay the foundation for children’s lives. At the same time, she and her husband cultivated up to three gardens, now only one remains, as well as beekeeping. And during difficult times, the most famous ladies of the city visited their home – Taisa, who learned to sew independently, sewed bras for them. Because in those days, comfortable and beautiful female attributes, especially for owners of larger busts, were extremely difficult to obtain.

“I told the women who came that the wife would sew and I would measure. But they weren’t afraid, because everyone wanted to be beautiful, from the first ladies of the city to ordinary women, ”says Mr. Vytautas.

Due to low pay, T. Lazdynienė changed her position at the Panevėžys Registration Office for her dream of working as a hairdresser. All the cream of the city came to her to return to her. She subsequently worked as a hotel manager for fifteen years before retiring on a dairy. The eldest smiles that her husband is very frugal and a little tight-fisted, so he worked tirelessly.

“None of my students complained that I got a bad grade and you say I’m poor”, my wife’s accusations are refuted by Vytautas, who likes to joke and taught philosophy at the then Polytechnic Institute.

Even if it was possible to turn back time, Vytautas and Taisa Lazdynai wouldn’t want to change anything. The greatest assets in their lives are health and family. And now, according to the couple who are already in their tenths, the most beautiful years of their lives are approaching. They do not understand why so many whistleblowers in Lithuania as life improves.

“Those who complain probably didn’t walk with cherries, they didn’t taste bread with pebbles. We have experienced it, so we can safely say that it is our most beautiful year. On the other hand, how can a person continue when she spills bile on others? We are always guided by the saying that you don’t do what you don’t want them to do to you ”, he smiles after seven decades of looking at each other with love.
