Warns you about receiving unclear packages in Lithuania – inform the services immediately


The EC warns that said seed of unknown origin, which does not comply with phytosanitary requirements and has not been phytosanitary tested, is a direct cause of the spread of invasive species, new diseases of plants and weeds in the environment and, therefore Therefore, it represents a serious risk. Sergei Fedotov, director of the State Crop Service of the Ministry of Agriculture, acknowledged that EU countries suffer from a wide range of plant infestations and pests that damage agriculture, forests and the economy as a whole.

“Unknown seeds can bring invasive plant species, plant diseases and pests to Lithuania. It is not known who sent these seeds, what they are and for what purpose. “Not only Europe, but also countries on other continents have faced a similar phenomenon,” said the head of the service.

The State Crop Service under the Ministry of Agriculture (hereinafter referred to as the Crop Service) requests the Lithuanian population to immediately notify the Crop Service or its regional office about unexpected shipments of seeds received from China, Singapore, Taiwan, Vanuatu, Malaysia or other countries. We also ask that such shipments of seeds of unknown origin be destroyed so that they do not enter the environment, preferably incinerated, said the outlet.

The Crop Service points out that the end user cannot market, exchange or transfer seeds imported / sent to Lithuania by mail or courier services from third countries to third parties. It is recalled that in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/2031 of the European Parliament and of the Council on protection measures against plant pests, as of December 14, 2019 all plants, including plant seeds, are prohibited from entering Lithuania and the European Union from third countries without phytosanitary certificates.

The phytosanitary certificate is issued by the official body of the issuing country responsible for plant health. To ensure and ensure that your shipment of seeds has the required documents (i.e. a phytosanitary certificate), you should contact the seller of the product and remind them that the shipment must be accompanied by a phytosanitary certificate.

In addition, seeds of agricultural and vegetable plants from third countries can be imported into Lithuania and marketed by suppliers of propagating material if it is equivalent to seeds produced in the European Union in accordance with the requirements of Council Decisions 2003/17 / EC and 2005/834 / EC and conditions. It is also possible to import from third countries and market flower seeds, certain vegetables, herbs and medicinal plants, the species of which are specified in the description of the mandatory quality requirements for seeds, certain vegetables and seeds of herbs and medicinal plants marketed.

The Crop Service also informs that persons or economic entities engaged in the importation of seeds and their supply to the market must be registered in the Phytosanitary Register of the Republic of Lithuania.
