Explained how to behave towards parents when kindergartens open their doors


If you choose to continue your inability to work, the father, mother and, in some cases, one of your grandparents, who cares for the child and is covered by sickness insurance, will continue to receive the sickness benefit, which amounts to 65, 94%. of the salary “on paper”.

“By alleviating quarantine conditions, preschool and preschool institutions can now operate, therefore some parents may be able to return to work. However, it is possible that only part of the kindergartens or kindergarten groups open their doors as educational institutions will need to reorganize their work to protect older or chronically ill workers. Children are likely to gradually return to kindergarten, therefore certificates of incapacity for work will be followed issuing in accordance with the general procedure, “says the Minister of Social Security and Labor, Linas Kukuraitis.

Explained how to behave towards parents when kindergartens open their doors

Explained how to behave towards parents when kindergartens open their doors

The quarantine in Lithuania has been extended until May 31, which means that until then, a special procedure is in force to issue certificates of incapacity for work established by the Ministers of Social Security and Labor and Health.

During the emergency and quarantine, inability to care for kindergartens, preschoolers, elementary children, and children with disabilities under the age of 21 is issued for a period of up to 60 calendar days. The doctor decides for himself the period for which the certificate of incapacity for work is issued: 60 calendar days is the longest period. Please note that sickness benefit will be paid no later than the end of quarantine, regardless of the fact that the certificate of incapacity for work will be issued for a longer period.

If the certificate of incapacity for work expires and the quarantine is not revoked, then the incapacity for work can continue for up to 60 calendar days.

If the parents decide to take the child to kindergarten or preschool and return to work, the payment of sickness benefit and incapacity for work will end from the first day of work. Employers notify Sodra of the employee’s return to work.

As is well known, parental leave, adoptive parents, guardians, guardians and grandparents are entitled to sick leave and sickness benefit during an emergency and quarantine, but only if the child’s parents are unable to work remotely or not declared on the job.
