Kaunas residents can breathe easier: a repeat offender who terrorized cars was arrested


How to manage stress?

The journalist Gražvydas Muižys started his conversation with the stress management teacher. Easy to say: you need to manage stress. But how to do it?

“The stress reaches our brain, the intelligent part of the brain (prefrontal cortex). The first stress is faced by our mind. If you manage to respond to stress in a rational way, it does not say any of that here, calm down, it is difficult, but wait If the mind does not control stress in horses, then cortisol and emotions take control, no longer think logically, begin to follow rumors, become uncritical, irrational, succumb to the feeling of the herd “- said A .Skurvydas.

Helping a mind cope with stress is possible by breathing deeply and slowly, the interlocutor continued. It stimulates the nomadic nerve, inhibits the sympathetic nervous system and activates the relaxation of the body: the parasympathetic nervous system, adrenaline, cortisol levels decrease and we calm down.

Another way to manage stress is stretching exercises. “Long and slow muscle stretches, stretching, one minute standing in a static posture, the massage also activates the nerves that suppress the so-called stress axes and activates the relaxation axes,” said the doctor and researcher.

Lack of sleep, in particular, activates the stress axis. Overeating also increases stress, so a sensible diet is recommended.

Stress is good for stress too. Especially after nature. “It is very useful to take a walk 50 minutes before the exam, sometimes taking a deep breath, preparing, turning on the technology of the mind, that everything is calm, that everything is fine, I am ready,” said A. Skurvydas.

Stress destroys the brain

It is also worth mentioning the so-called mindfulness meditation techniques. Its essence is consciousness, explained the interlocutor. “If something bad happens, something is offensive, it does not give tranquility, it is irritating, the methodology of attention helps to escape from those thoughts, to move to another place. It is an activity of other interesting and much more pleasant activities, such as sports, games, repairs, reading, travel. “Fishing. A bad thought will stop any interesting activity. If you engage in it, there will be no time for unpleasant irritations.”

In addition, research has shown that total stress is essential for our body to experience less stress. “Lack of sleep especially activates the stress axis. Overeating also increases stress, so a smart diet is recommended. Smart calorie restriction, intermittent fasting calms the brain very well, because then the released substances stimulate the brain, they make more contacts. Visually speaking, the brain becomes thicker and better under stress “, – said A.Skurvydas.

Stress, added the interlocutor, negatively affects mental qualities, tears nerve cells, thins the prefrontal cortex, the hippocampus, hinders concentration, logically thinks, damages memory. “Stress makes an almond body grow. When it becomes large, even a small stimulus can throw us off balance, we become very sensitive, we are quickly offended, we are quickly angry, we seem to cry unnecessarily,” said study guest Kauno Diena.

Drugs are made while you move

A.Skurvydas said that scientists from the EU and the US have calculated that a physically passive person costs the country’s budget between 1 and 3 thousand. depending on the disease caused by inactivity. “They are huge funds,” commented the researcher.

However, for the whole family, working out in a sports club is almost a luxury, not forgetting regular visits to the pool or tennis courts. Is it enough to walk 10,000 a day? steps that cost nothing?

Albertas Skurvydas – The same is twice a day for 30 minutes. exercising at medium intensity – jumping, climbing stairs, walking at a medium or fast pace or similar. Photo by Vilmantas Raupelis

“Going slow, even 10,000 steps, has minimal health benefits. You have to move intensively at least half the distance. You need to climb a hill, swim, think about a bike, lift weights,” advised a guest from Kauno Diena Studio .

According to him, an adult should move at least one hour a day, children – two hours a day. Research has shown that outdoor tennis is a record health enhancer.

“Human health requires intense and intermittent exercise, and while playing tennis, both the heart and other muscles and the brain work intensely. Our muscles are made up of three motors, three types of fibers: slow work when we walk slowly, moderate work when we run slow or fast When we walk slowly, two out of three motors do not work, when they do not work for a long time, when they do not work for a long time, fat penetrates them, systemic inflammation begins, insulin sensitivity decreases, develops diabetes, heart and heart disease. vascular diseases “, – called A.Skurvydas.

It is necessary not to exaggerate

Recent research shows that our muscles, shared by the interlocutor, produce natural drugs called myokines during exercise, which are currently identified in about a thousand species. Which myokines are produced depends on the intensity and intervals of the movement. After learning about the benefits of myokines, pharmacists try to synthesize them.

It seems that the more exercise the better. No devil!

“Some myokines stimulate, renew the brain, others – the liver, clean them, others – the kidneys, still others turn the bad fats in our body into brown, etc.” – said A.Skurvydas.

According to the professor, a physically active person has a reduced risk of developing 40 chronic diseases, the aging threshold is reduced by ten years compared to their less active peers, by 30 percent. their mood improves, 7 percent. increases mental capacity, which can generate extra money.

Exercise strengthens the immune system, but only when it is not overloaded. “It seems like the more exercise the better. No hell!” The interlocutor warned.

When loads become too intense and too fast – sports, the immune system is weakened, so people who have not exercised before suddenly do intense sports make a big mistake. They do not strengthen but weaken the immune system. The loads should be increased gradually, little by little.

“It’s the same with exercising twice a day for 30 minutes at medium intensity: jumping, climbing stairs, walking at a moderate or fast pace or something like that. And suddenly, twice a day after 30 minutes you start playing basketball. to sweat, and like this every day, after seven weeks, the immune system would fall into a well like this … Thus, after the marathon, the immune system becomes weaker ”, affirmed A. Skurvydas.

What determines success?

A person’s success depends on how well he is able to concentrate, without paying attention to distracting stimuli. Talent, according to A. Skurvydas, is also related to working memory.

For example, a good footballer is able to assess the situation on the field and plan seven possible alternatives, strategies, anticipating what may end, to quickly choose the best one. Another very important thing is flexibility, the ability to move quickly from one thing to another. it’s hard for the brain to do it, ”said A. Skurvydas.

Genetics determine only 10-30 percent. the appearance of cancer. Everything else depends on lifestyle and environmental factors.

On the contrary, not playing with a thing, taking a step back, trying to look at it from another perspective, seeing the big picture is very useful.

The doctor drew the attention of parents to the fact that the greatest atrophy of the child’s brain occurs when parents begin to interfere, do not allow themselves to prepare the task, immediately attack to help and not even help, but dictate the responses, the solutions.

Nutrition is inseparable from success. The basis of a healthy diet is the Mediterranean diet. It ranks first among the forty global diets ranked in the world’s scientific journals.

What should you eat according to him? Lots of fruits, vegetables, nuts, seafood. Fish: three to four times a week. Meat: only one and a half times a week. A couple of times dairy products. This diet slightly limits the intake of eggs, 3-4 times a week.

“Let’s not forget the spices. They are biostimulants, they improve metabolism, it is aerobic viability, the lifespan of cells. And coffee is not bad. It is also a biostimulator,” said A. Kurvydas.

The Mediterranean diet is good because it is low in fast calories. Sugar, other fast calories, would not be bad at all if we went for a walk or moved with more intensity after consuming them. If you don’t immediately consume such calories, they are stored, they become a layer of fat. And this leads to an internal event, systemic inflammation, chronic diseases.

Ready to death

How to keep common sense sharp until deep old age? According to many different studies, said A. Skurvydas, the main factors are thinking, movement, optimism, stress reduction, full sleep and moderate complete nutrition.

Exercise must be smart, systematic, several times a day. Those who want to stay sharp in deep old age should not forget about cognitive activity. Includes thinking, crossword puzzles, reading, storytelling, etc. “A million brain cells work by reading, a billion by telling a story. Unused brains atrophy,” the interlocutor did not hide.

The researcher cites that the renewal of the brain depends mainly on three activities: research, thinking and intermittent starvation. A.Skurvydas pointed out that intermittent fasting is not intended to reduce overweight, obesity, but to renew the brain, improve metabolic plasticity and health. If practitioners of intermittent fasting seek to lose weight, according to A. Skurvydas, they should not skip breakfast.

The professor emphasized the importance of a healthy lifestyle and a healthy diet. “Genetics represent only 10-30% of cancers. Everything else depends on lifestyle and environmental factors,” commented the interviewee.

Lifestyle, he says, is even changing our genes, which will respond to future generations. For example, the diet of the expectant mother will respond to the child even after he is an adult. According to the professor, the researchers found that pregnant pregnancy increases the probability of obesity in the offspring when they reach middle age.
