The state considered the man healthy, and private laboratories did not test him: he would have infected many people when he left home.


The story told by reader Inga began in mid-July: she, her husband and friends were sitting at the same table with a person who at the time did not know that COVID-19 was sick. The man learned of the disease a week later.

The people who have been in contact with him have been tested and isolated.

The same day that Inga was doing the exam, she started having a headache, the next day her temperature rose. There was no doubt that she was ill, and the arrival of a positive test response only confirmed it.

At that time, her husband had no symptoms and his test was negative.

Private laboratories did not carry out the study either.

The couple, who lived in their own home, tried to keep in touch all this time.

Two weeks later, the man’s period of self-isolation came to an end, but he decided to get a coronavirus test for everything.

“The doctor looked at the protocols and says he doesn’t have an exam. Then I call the National Public Health Center (NVSC); they still say they don’t belong, “said Inga. – If the state says he doesn’t belong, we decided to investigate privately. I called 4 or 5 laboratories that do nasopharyngeal tests; none accepted. The state says he is healthy and does not accept private because he had contact with a person with COVID-19 “.

The family did not give up.

Inga called the hotline and convinced the respondent for a long time that it would be useful to take the test.

“Reuters” / “Scanpix” nuotr./Koronaviruso testas

“I told him I would go out in public, meet with staff, go to the store, there was still risk,” he said.

These arguments were sparked and a COVID-19 test was performed on the man.

Despite not presenting any symptoms, he showed COVID-19.

“If he had not asked, a positive case would have been made known. They told him that his self-isolation was over, that he could continue living,” said the reader.

According to Inga, fortunately her husband did not go anywhere even after the end of the self-isolation period, so he did not spread the infection, but if he had listened to the NVSC specialists, he would have spread the disease.

“These cases are no longer traceable”, the interlocutor did not hide his indignation.

NVSC: testing strategy is SAM’s purview

15 minutes NVSC representatives asked whether people should be screened even after self-isolation has been completed. Perhaps cases like this would be avoided?

The NVSC representative who submitted the response emphasized that a person could be screened as a high-risk person if such instruction were given by NVSC specialists.

“It is important that the test is carried out at least 5 days after contact, so that the probability of detecting the virus is high enough. If a person has symptoms, they will be examined according to current procedures. The testing strategy is the responsibility of SAM ”, the answer is positive.

Are you healthy after 37 days or after two negative tests?

15 minutes Reader Inga said her own experience also revealed certain shortcomings of the system.

According to current procedures, a repeat test for coronavirus infection should be performed at least 14 days after diagnosis.

“To be considered healthy, there must be two negative tests in a row. The problem starts when one of the tests comes back positive. Then the next time, the test can be repeated only after 14 days and not a day before, “he said.

According to Inga, the 14 days mentioned are just a theoretical number, and in reality this time is getting longer.

“You can’t write two tests in a row, you have to get the first answer and only then can you apply for the second, which can add five more days to two weeks,” he said.

Inga said the test she did after 14 days was negative, but the second one showed disease. Because a person is considered healthy when two tests in a row show no disease, she had to continue sitting at home.

She admits that since she felt good and hadn’t seen her young children in a long time, she was looking for ways to explore before, but no one made any exceptions.

Scanpix / SIPA photo / Medical mask

Scanpix / SIPA photo / Medical mask

The woman learned from her doctor that the Minister of Health had also confirmed that the person was considered healthy 37 days after diagnosis.

37 days of illness came to Ingai the same day she was speaking 15 minutes.

Not knowing what to do, whether she considered herself healthy or not, she called the hotline.

“And they tell me there – what 37 days, we haven’t heard anything, we don’t know anything about it. I had a long discussion, so eventually they learned from me. I’m confused because everyone spoke differently,” said the interlocutor.

15 minutes NVSC asked if can a person break self-isolation 37 days after diagnosis without having two negative tests in a row?

According to the center, a person is expected to be considered healthy 37 days after diagnosis if, for some reason, no subsequent smear tests for the virus are performed and the person deemed healthy is no longer isolated.
