Disaster in Panevėžys: a baby scalded with coffee was hospitalized due to burns


On Wednesday around 6 pm, the Panevėžys County Police Chief Commissioner received a message from the Republican Panevėžys Hospital that a baby born this year had been presented to Kupiškis district doctors.

According to his mother, the baby turned a hot cup of coffee on himself that same day, around 3:40 p.m., and burned himself. A boy with a 26-year-old mother was admitted to the pediatric resuscitation room for observation.

The boy was bald in the Pravieniškės prison

In May this year, a young man who came to the Pravieniškės Correctional Institution to see his father, who was serving a sentence for a crime, suffered serious injuries: he was scalded by the hot water that flowed from the sink.

The mother of a minor child who was injured in an accident in a correctional institution went to court and seeks compensation from the Lithuanian state, represented by the Pravieniškės Correctional Center, for the material and non-material damage suffered. The mother of the child who lives in Panevėžys indicated in a statement to the court that on June 19 last year. She went to the Pravienišks Correctional Center, where she met the father of the boy who was serving a sentence here.

“During the appointment, the boy had bald hands while using the sink in the toilet,” the lawsuit says.

The doctors confirmed that the minor had not suffered burns over the entire thickness of the skin of the wrist and hand (bladder, loss of epidermis), and they had also diagnosed burns on the surface of the back of both hands.

The mother of the child asks the state to grant 5,000. compensation for non-pecuniary damage, and 70 thousand euros for pecuniary damage and 2 thousand euros for non-pecuniary damage. Eur non-pecuniary damages.

There were more similar cases

There were more cases in which children suffered burns due to the negligence of themselves or those around them. For example, in late January this year in Marijampolė, a three-year-old boy was rushed to a hospital because hot soup was spilled in kindergarten and suffered a second degree burn.

As a result of the incident, the Marijampol policía police officers also went to the medical institution immediately, but a decision was made a few days later to refuse to initiate a pre-trial investigation. The investigation was not initiated because, according to the document, “the health disorder is not related to violent actions or other illegal actions of third parties.”

It was decided because the girl was allegedly injured.

Last year, a 2-year-old boy from the Kupiškis district was admitted to the resuscitation room of Panevėžys Hospital, who placed a cup of hot tea on the table in his home and served it to him.

A similar case occurred in Panevėžys last June. The boy also served hot tea, which his mother put on the table for a while. As a result, he was treated in the intensive care unit of Panevėžys Hospital.

In 2017, a 1-year-old boy was taken to Kėdainiai Hospital and then Kaunas Hospital due to a second degree burn. His mother inadvertently scaled him with hot water while she cooked.

How to give first aid?

Family doctor Valery Morozov for the portal Delphi You have said that burns with fire, water or another liquid such as oil are very similar.

Valery Morozov

Valery Morozov

© DELFI / Josvydas Elinskas

“The main difference is that after scalding with liquid, the heat lasts longer, especially if the clothes are burned, so the damage can be stronger,” explained the specialist.

The first step in burning is freezing the affected area. “Right under running cold water for 15-30 minutes, until pain subsides and tissues cool. If you are refrigerating with ice cream or ice cream in frozen bags from the freezer, the refrigeration time should be shorter. 3- 5 minutes to avoid further damage to the skin “, warned the doctor.

Cooling the affected area will not only reduce pain but will also prevent deeper heat from spreading. This will protect the skin and tissues from further damage.

“If tight clothing is burned, it is advisable to cool first, just pour water over the clothing and then undress, as this reduces the risk of damaging the skin when removing clothing,” Morozov said.

The doctor also recalled that only the small ones (grade I-II), which cover up to 1%, can be treated on their own at home. body surface and does not cause severe pain. First degree burns are those that only cause redness and dehydration of the skin. And those burns disappear in 3-7 days. 1 percent body area is about the size of the palm.
