BNS: Highlights of Wednesday


Situation regarding coronavirus:

* 32 new cases of coronavirus were confirmed in Lithuania: 27 of them were detected after contact with already known patients, two cases were introduced, the circumstances of the infection of three people are not clear. Currently 1,056 people with coronavirus are still infected in Lithuania, which is the highest number of people with COVID-19 recorded in Lithuania to date. There were 11 cases in Latvia, 22 in Estonia, 421 in Poland, 2,551 in Ukraine, and more than 5.2 thousand in Russia.

* Prime Minister Saulius Skvernelis announced that the period of self-isolation for returnees from abroad will be reduced from the current 14 to 10 days. Concrete decisions on this procedure are expected next week.

Photo by Sigismund Gedvila / 15 minute photo / Plane landed at Vilnius airport

Photo by Sigismund Gedvila / 15 minute photo / Plane landed at Vilnius airport

* Lithuania would support a freer travel regime in the European Union, providing higher rates of coronavirus morbidity, of which isolation would be mandatory. According to the Prime Minister, Latvia and Estonia are currently negotiating to maintain the “travel bubble” in the Baltic countries. Latvian Prime Minister Krišjanis Karinis, for his part, was skeptical about the proposal to apply self-isolation only to those who came from countries where the morbidity rate exceeds 25 cases per 100,000. population, not 16 as it is now.

* The government has decided to ask the State Defense Council for a decision on the purchase of a coronavirus vaccine. According to the Prime Minister, the decision must be made at the highest level, because Lithuania or will have to take the risk, because there is only one producer and the price of the vaccine has already been set, but there is no confirmation whether it is effective or not to buy the vaccine at all.

Situation in Belarus:

* After reports of unknown persons trying to break into Nobel laureate Sviatlan Aleksijevič’s apartment in Minsk, diplomats from Lithuania and other European Union countries arrived in Minsk on Wednesday to protect them from possible arrest. At present, practically all the members of the Presidium of the Coordination Council are detained or expelled from Belarus. President Gitan Nauseda also expressed concern for Aleksiyevich, urging the international community not to remain silent.

* The registration of the seat of Viktor Babaryka, the former candidate for the presidency of Belarus, was carried out. Maxim Znak, a member of the Coordination Council, and Ilya Salejus, a staff attorney, were detained during the investigation into calls to action to endanger national security.

* The President of Belarus, Aliaksandr Lukashenko, has stated that he does not rule out the possibility of holding early elections.

* After the arrest, members of the Belarusian Coordinating Council sent to Ukraine said that representatives of the Belarusian force had themselves brought opposition spokeswoman Mary Kalesnikava to the border with Ukraine, who did not intend to leave Belarus. “He forced her to sit in the back seat … He screamed that he was not going anywhere. As soon as he got in the car and saw her passport, he immediately took it and tore it into many small pieces,” said Anton Radniankov, spokesman for the Coordinating Council. It is announced that M. Kalesnikava is currently in detention. US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo condemned Belarus’s attempts to topple opposition leaders and said Washington is considering new sanctions.

„Scanpix“ / ITAR-TASS nuotr./Maryja Kalesnikava

„Scanpix“ / ITAR-TASS nuotr./Maryja Kalesnikava

FNTT study. The FNTT confirmed that another member of the Prime Minister’s team, health adviser Jonas Kairys, was questioned as a special witness in the case concerning the purchase of rapid coronavirus tests. The Prime Minister says that he does not see the need for J. Kairis or the Deputy Prime Minister Lukas Savickas, who has also been granted this status, to resign. “This status does not cause any damage to reputation, no person is suspected,” the prime minister said.

Laboratory Head. Dan Bakša, former adviser to the Minister of Health Aurelijus Veryga, won the competition for the position of head of the National Public Health Laboratory (NVSPL). Law enforcement agencies are currently conducting two pretrial investigations into organized laboratory rapid coronavirus testing and the purchase of reagents.

President’s proposals. President Gitanas Nausėda presented his proposals to those responsible for education policy and representatives of education to promote preschool and primary education, to introduce compulsory attendance at kindergarten for children from families at social risk. It is estimated that they would need about 90 million in six years. euros. Prime Minister S. Skvernelis believes that these proposals should be decided after the Seimas elections.

Pension indexing. The Social Democratic Labor Party will propose amendments to the law to the Seimas so that pensions are indexed even in the event of an economic recession. Prime Minister Saulius Skvernelis has stated that pensions will be indexed and increased next year.

Fire in the camp. As a result of the fires, thousands of migrants fled the camp on the Greek island of Lesbos and closed due to COVID-19. Approximately 12.5 thousand people lived in and around the Moria camp in unsanitary conditions. persons. The European Commission has promised assistance to host the refugees.

Pressure on A. Navalno. Foreign ministers of the G-7 countries on Tuesday called on Russia to quickly find and bring to justice those responsible for the poisoning of opposition leader Alexei Navaln. France said it had postponed a meeting between the country’s and Russian ministers of defense and foreign affairs to be held in Paris next week due to the Navaln poisoning. Moscow, for its part, said the “disinformation campaign” about the Navaln poisoning was being used to promote new sanctions against Russia.

Vaccine trials are being discontinued. The pharmaceutical company AstraZeneca voluntarily suspended randomized clinical trials of the COVID-19 vaccine due to illness in a volunteer. AstraZeneca is among nine companies currently in the final stages of testing vaccines in development. The European Commission, for its part, has announced an agreement with the sixth pharmaceutical company BioNTech-Pfizer for 200 million dollars. doses of a promising coronavirus vaccine.

“CO2 siena”. The president of the European Council, Charles Michel, has said that the European Union will open the “CO2 wall” and improve its carbon regulation mechanism to protect itself from competition from foreign producers who do not meet high environmental standards.
