Wuhan is preparing for a “10-day battle”: he will challenge the 11 million. population


All city districts have been instructed to submit a plan by Tuesday noon on how they intend to screen each person living in the district for the test within ten days, according to a document released by the Department. Wuhan Antivirus, cited by Chinese state media.

In particular, residents belonging to vulnerable groups and people living in residential complexes will be evaluated, according to the document.

May 10 and 11. New cases of local infection have been identified in Wuhan. Infected: quarantined individuals who did not show any symptoms and the disease was detected by testing, according to local administration.

All six cases were detected in residents of the same Wuhan residential complex, the first new cases of infection detected after April 8, when the quarantine was lifted.

The ambitious plan to evaluate the entire population of Wuhan reflects China’s concern that the virus, which had been curbed in February when the outbreak peaked with the introduction of strict quarantine for hundreds of millions of people, could be resumed.

Wuhan has been closed since January 23. Until 8 April. During this difficult period, the local health care system was overloaded due to the large number of patients, and many patients died.

Although the people of Wuhan are cautious, gradually returning to the footsteps of a previous life, the city remains the center of world attention. The administration of the President of the United States, Donald Trump, said that the virus had spread from a laboratory belonging to the Wuhan Institute of Virology.

China denies these ties, and the director of the laboratory said that no laboratory worker had been infected with coronavir, which he says refutes the theory put forward by the United States presidential administration.

Although there are few new cases in Wuhan and they appear to be under control, they are a reminder of the risks facing China, which is trying to revive an economy whose recession has been at its worst since 1992.

“Seven provinces have reported new cases in the past fourteen days, and the number is increasing,” Mi Feng, spokesman for the National Health Commission, said Monday.

China reported only one confirmed case of infection on Tuesday, and no new cases of the disease were mentioned in Wuhan.

China’s efforts to assess and manage the scale of the pandemic are in stark contrast to those of the United States and the United Kingdom, where only patients who have already developed symptoms are being evaluated for lack of measures.

Diagnostic tests do not show recurrent or developing disease, it only reveals whether a person is free of coronavirus at the time of the test.

Fears arose Sunday that the coronavirus might reappear in other regions of China: Eleven cases of infection were found in Shulan, in the northeast part of the country, near North Korea, leaving the city partially isolated.

Many Chinese cities are still banned from working in cinemas and bars, and there are strict rules about crowds. Masks are mandatory in public transport, shops and public institutions.
