Strange phenomenon about the symbol of the city: did the famous grandfather smoke his pipe?


Water everywhere

After a few days, more rain turned the daily lives of the residents of the Tilvik Trail into great worries. The water has taken over the basements and it is not possible to park a car in the garage either. The water rushes upward and tries to flood the boiler with solid fuel.

“When it rained, I pumped that water for three days, I poured it into my plot, everything got soaked. Water filled the entire basement. There was a well in the garage, it is full of water. He also reached the boiler room. there’s no way I can get all the water out, the whole line is full of water, “Andrius from Kaunas told Kaunas Day.

When the drain pipe became clogged, water began to seep into basements and other rooms. (Photo by the readers of “Kauno diena”)

The man had not yet counted how many items got wet and what damage was done. Wait that the water does not get into the boiler, because then the wallet will have to be considerably thinned.

After inspecting everything, I saw which neighbor was illegally joining the sewer.

The neighbors pinched their fingers

Andrius from Kaunas, who was struggling with rising water in the basement, said that all the problems started when a neighbor arbitrarily sealed the drainage pipe, which the man and the owners of several other plots had installed so that the water would not drain. accumulate in their yards. Additionally, other neighbors illegally connected sewer pipes to the installed local stormwater system.

The man said that about 30 years ago, the owners of four houses installed a drainage system and left a rainwater collection pipe on the slope of the Žalvarniai trail. For many years, the plumbing did not bother anyone and the water did not collect in the yard or basements. However, now the neighbor who lives on the Žalvarniai trail has started to complain that it stinks, because supposedly the sewers run there and he himself clogged the installed drain pipe. When it filled up, the water burst onto Andrius’s property.

“That pipe is 150m long. Around 1990, we dug it out and installed it to let the rainwater run. In the past, there were ditches between the garden plots, so we laid the pipes with them. You know, nobody he was doing nothing in the gardens at the time. “We would have no rainwater, with the owners of several plots and we installed a drainage system. It worked very well, there was no water in the basements. But now that neighbor.

Residents installed a rain collection system 30 years ago and the water ran down the slope. (Photo by Justina Lasauskaitė)

He noted that the neighbor explained his decision to plug the pipe reeking of sewer. It turned out that another neighbor had driven the nails into the pipe, allowing the entire contents of the toilet to enter the rainwater drainage system.

As a result, Andrius from Kaunas turned to environmentalists. They came capturing the fact that the neighbor is illegally polluting the environment, but the owner could not be found in the house at the time, so specialists will visit the garden community again in the near future. Environmentalists have told the Kaunas resident that he has the right to close the section of the pipeline to which neighbors connected the sewer pipes, and rainwater, experts say, could continue to run through the installed pipes.

“As much as the presidents of the gardening community, they were careful not to wash the slope with water. Sometimes the pipe was lengthened, and now the chair doesn’t care and my property is sinking. After all, for a long time It was possible to find out if someone really connected the sewer pipe – it closes everything so drastically.

I have a local sewer that goes into my car every few months and drains everything, so my feces doesn’t really go into that drain pipe, but no one wanted to look at what pollutes nature. Since I installed that drain myself, I know who is where. After inspecting everything, I saw which neighbor was illegally plugging in the sewer. That’s why I called the environmentalists, ”said a resident of the Tilvikai trail about the fact that the neighbors allowed the drain.

Residents also intend to go to the specialists of the Public Health Center, because now that all the water has to be pumped from the basements, it is poured directly into the yard, so that the sewage can also reach the ground.

Will choose the legal path

Andrius’ daughter told Kauno Diena that she had already spoken to lawyers about her father’s situation. They take the position that a resident of the Žalvarniai Trail had no right to arbitrarily seal off the engineering networks.

“I consulted with lawyers, they say that the Law of Garden Communities has been violated, because residents cannot arbitrarily block or repair pipes. It is possible that everything will go to court. A letter was sent to the president of the Levinta garden community to restore drainage and rainwater system because we suffer losses.

In the near future, the claim will be sent by certified mail to both the community administration and the resident of the Žalvarniai trail that clogged the pipeline. If you do not agree peacefully, we will go the legal way, because the person must be responsible for the deliberate destruction of the property anyway, “said Andrius’ daughter, who will continue to try to resolve the dispute.

The water eroded the slope

Zeno, a resident of the Žalvarniai trail, who clogged the rainwater pipe, explained to Kauno Diena that he had done it because the water was washing his plot. Furthermore, according to a neighbor, the pipeline would have been withdrawn anyway, as the Rail Baltica track is now being built and the pipeline is heading directly to the railway.

“The situation is very clear. It should have been done 20 years ago, but it was out of my good will. Now patience is over, how do I close the fence if the water ends half of the removed plot? They gave them a month to fix it but they didn’t do anything, that’s what I plugged that pipe into, “said Zenon, a local who clogged the drain pipe.

A neighbor who was clogging the pipe indicated that the water had flushed his plot. (Photo by Justina Lasauskaitė)

He indicated that he could smell sewage, but that the main reason was still that water flowing from the pipe washes the edges of his plot. The man explained that the pipe had been extended several times, but that said it did little good.

“In the past more trees and shrubs grew on the slope, it is less slippery and now my plot is constantly moving. Why do I have to sacrifice my plot and turn it into a moat? And anyway, if not me, the railways they would have closed because they explained to me: that there will be no runoff pipe on the rails, “added Zenonas, the owner of the plot on the Žalvarniai trail.

I pumped that water for three days, poured it into my own plot, everything was soaked.

Without community intervention?

Andrius from Kaunas said that the Levintai garden community’s old document archives noted how much he and the neighbors had paid for the installation of the drainage pipe. Later, more houses joined this system, so the rain that ran from their roofs also leaked through this pipe. However, now the gardening community explains that the pipe is not officially marked, so it doesn’t have to be.

The “Kaunas Gardeners Association” Levintai “does not have information about the mentioned drainage system, because the association did not install it, there is no engineering system mentioned in their balance sheet. According to the resident, various people living in the community can having installed the pipeline, but it is not clear to us. “We have not seen the legality of this engineering system, we have not seen the project, its approvals, construction permits and other documents. All rainwater drainage problems in our gardener community are solved by ditches formed along the road, “commented Laima Ruočienė, president of the gardening community.

He noted that during the general meeting of community members, a complaint was received from a Žalvarniai Trail resident that sewage was running down a pipe that had leaked into his plot and someone was allowing fecal drainage.

“This resident asked community members to install treatment plants. We suggest solving the problem individually – the applicant himself should contact the designers and, if necessary, the Building Inspection, provide all design solutions for their house, executive documentation, passport of the wastewater treatment plant and other documentation of the rainwater route installed by the neighbors so that they could be qualified by specialists in the relevant fields and a solution was proposed that meets the needs and requirements of such systems “, – the president of the gardening association” Levintai “affirmed her position.

Centralized networks

In the city, the sewage systems are maintained by the company “Kauno vandenys”. Their representatives pointed out that they do not operate said pipeline from Tilvikai to the Žalvarniai roads, but a European project will be launched in the near future, so that all residents of the mentioned streets can connect to the centralized system.

“The Žalvarniai and Tilvikai trails are located on the territory of the former collective gardens. These trails have no domestic sewage networks. Since Soviet times, residents have laid drainage pipes through the above-mentioned street parcels with their own forces and funds, which are not in the he does not repair, “said Rimas Stunžėnas, Head of the Production and Emergency Service Division of Kauno Vandenai.

“I would like to inform you that Kauno Vandenys is implementing the project” Development and reconstruction of the infrastructure for drinking water supply and wastewater management in Kaunas “, which is partly funded by the EU Cohesion Fund. During this project, New domestic sewage networks will be installed on the Žalvarniai, Tilvikai and Apuokai trails.

The contractor is currently carrying out design work and construction work is scheduled for 2020. November 2021 in June. After the implementation of this project, all residents of the mentioned streets (roads) will be able to connect to the centralized networks of domestic sewage “, – Darius Gražys, technical director of the company, announced that the sewage will be managed in a civilized way .
