Animals kept in hell were a public secret: hundreds of complaints were filed every year, people worried about lower prices


“As those places were found over the weekend, the chances are still high and not surprising. The bubble burst because the public is aware of such multiplying activities, sees the inaction of the State Food and Veterinary Service (SFVS), the lack of control over those places A wave started from a cub that got away when the public said: “It will be enough,” she says on Delfi Day.

According to B. Kymantaitė, the case was reported to the service in Kretinga in 2013.

“The place was known, it was inspected, these people were constantly relocating their dogs and our information was only attended to so that the officers were to say that no violations were found. This is not an illegal activity here, it is a legalized and uncontrolled activity of a state institution ”, says B. Kymantaitė.

Egidijus Mecelis, head of SFVS’s Department of Animal Health and Welfare, says the inspections were carried out throughout the weekend and are still ongoing.

“The requirements for breeders were issued on July 30, 2013 and by the end of the year the goal was to include all actors in the registries, so adequate legal regulation has emerged since 2013. It cannot be said that the SFVS It did nothing because we have received more than 700 complaints from citizens each year, 40% of which are complaints. it turned out 10 percent. fines imposed ”, says E. Mecelis.

According to him, anyone who would like to buy a cheaper pet should also feel responsible: “You have to remember that every citizen must buy an animal that has been raised in the right conditions. It is the responsibility of each citizen to buy a pet. “

You see more problems

Jurgita Gustaitienė, director of the Nuaras Animal Refuge, points out that in addition to animal welfare problems, there are more.

“It is illegal activity, illegal trade, tax evasion, losing a lot of money,” he says.

“This is a great opportunity to solve this problem once and for all. It is possible to give a deadline for the kennels to register,” she is convinced.

J. Gustaitienė says that three more animals from Širvintos entered the shelter this morning. The shelter director emphasizes that people must also assume some responsibility. “The public could also be a big part of the blame, because we often hear the need for a cheaper German Shepherd, and we support these kinds of activities.”

Animals kept in hell were a public secret: Hundreds of complaints were filed every year, people cared less

© DELFI / Andrius Ufartas

Meanwhile, the head of the organizations for the protection of animal rights, B. Kymantaitė, is convinced that the consumer does not always understand who is a breeder, who is a breeder, who is legal and who is not, so responsibility should not be directed to him.

“It just came to our knowledge then. If you don’t see the barn where the animals are kept, how do you recognize that multiplier? But the institution has no obligation to make sure those places don’t exist. For several years, if we indicate the address where the illegal multiplier is found, so the sole purpose of the institution official upon arrival is to legalize it, list it and leave it in force. The authority has never made the decision not to register such a multiplier “, says the interlocutor.

In his opinion, not all breeders should be invited to become legal breeders now.

“We have to say that not everyone can become an animal breeder, not everyone can breed crosses like a certain breed, because raising animals is a huge and responsible job that you need to know in order not to breed a genetically unhealthy animal whose damage you do not see until it is small simply because the breeder multiplied.

Here we see a huge gap where the institutional mechanism works to legitimize as much as possible, without thinking about what the animal has to suffer when it is directed by a commander and what it will have to suffer when it grows up. Initiating an invitation to become a legal breeder is another way to deal with cruelty to animals, ”says the head of animal rights organizations at Delfi Day.

He proposes to toughen the fines

On Monday, Aistė Gedvilienė and Laurynas Kasčiūnas, members of the Christian Democratic faction of the Homeland-Lithuanian Union in the Seimas, registered bills that propose to reinforce responsibility for cruelty to animals and invite them to speak about systemic problems in the sector. .

“Lithuania is behind in the severity of the sanctions, the fines are not equal to the fines imposed by neighboring countries”, says L. Kasčiūnas.

“I agree that not only the amount of the fines is important, but also their inevitability. But the increase in fines sends a signal that the processes we are monitoring must end, he adds.” We will contact the police. to find out how many cases of people have been sanctioned for this type of activity and why there is impunity. “

According to the Seimas member, the amendments are expected to be adopted in the best of the next two months.

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