A spokesman for Putin infected with Coronavir is in the hospital


This is announced by meduza.io.

“It just came to our attention then. I’ll deal with it,” Peskov himself told Interfax.

He confirmed to the RIA news agency that he had been hospitalized.

No further details on Peskov’s condition were reported when Putin was last contacted, nor is it published.

After COVID-19 was diagnosed with the country’s prime minister, Mishustin, Peskov assured that Putin’s health was being protected by all possible means.

“These days, as far as the head of state is concerned, health care is at its highest level,” Rossija 1 said on May 1. D. Peskov said.

He answered the question of whether additional measures would be taken to protect Putin’s health in case the head of government fell ill.

D. Peskov is far from being the first senior Russian official to be infected with the coronavirus. Russian Culture Minister Olga Liubimova reportedly hired the new coronavir last week.

Liubomova became the third member of the Russian government to be diagnosed with coronavirus. On April 30, COVID-19 infection was diagnosed by Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin.

May 1 Russian Construction Minister Vladimir Yakushev has been hospitalized for coronavirus infection.

Delphi recalls that as Russian officials gradually eased quarantine measures on Tuesday, more than 10,000 people were captured in the country last day. New cases of coronavirus infection with COVID-19.

According to official data published by the government, another 10,899 cases of infection were confirmed last day, with a total of 232,243.

Russia is now one of the four countries in the world with the highest number of COVID-19 infections.

Although more than 10 thousand were registered daily last week. On the eve of new cases of the disease, Russian President Vladimir Putin announced the end of a “six-week unemployment period” on Tuesday.

In Moscow, which has become the epicenter of the coronavirus crisis in Russia, the quarantine is in effect until the end of May, but even in the capital, some restrictions have been lifted.

Approximately 500,000 employees in industrial and construction companies were able to resume operations. However, authorities forced residents to wear masks and gloves in stores and on public transportation.

Russia’s reported mortality from COVID-19 is much lower than that of other European countries that have been hard hit by the pandemic. On Tuesday, 107 people died from COVID-19 in Russia last day, for a total of 2,116 deaths.

Authorities say this is due to the fact that Russia quickly closed its borders and isolated people at risk, implemented the decision to treat COVID-19 patients only in dedicated hospitals, and launched a large-scale campaign to investigate people and quarantine those infected.

However, critics question Russia’s numbers and methods of recording deaths.

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