Summer marked by coronavirus: Bronius, who has a family cafe in Palanga, is considering closing | Deal


We heard about the “Bronius Family Bar” while working with a photographer in Palanga from other colleagues who also came from Vilnius. They talked about insurmountable portions and saturated foods.

While we were nearby, we stopped by B. Galdik’s cafe and we only asked him if he would agree to tell us how the business started, how he was doing and how he thought everything would continue in the face of the coronavirus pandemic.

Money saved in emigration

B. Galdikas opened the “Bronius Family Bar” about five years ago.

“The whole family always worked in the bar, in the kitchen; both the sister and the mother worked for many years. And the moment came: we had gone abroad and during that time my sister and I came up with the idea of save money and try to open something of your own, ”he said.

B. Galdik spent four years in exile in England. He said he had gone abroad because he was forced: a decade ago, the economic crisis had gripped Lithuania.

Julius Kalinskas / 15 minute photo / Bronius family bar

Julius Kalinskas / 15 minute photo / Bronius family bar

Saving money, the Palanga resident returned to his hometown and opened a cafe on the rented premises. It is true that the “Bronius Family Bar” operated elsewhere. The place was bigger than the current one.

“It’s just that there aren’t that many people in the winter and it’s more expensive to go out to keep bigger rooms. We worked in a bar for a couple of years, then we moved to another, smaller bar,” explained B. Galdikas.

There are all kinds of days

As the name suggests, Bronius Family Bar is a family business. B. Galdikas manages it with his sister Adriana. She turns in the kitchen.

Now, during the summer season, the cafe employs seven people. Most of the employees, there are 3-4, fancy in the kitchen.

“It just came to our knowledge then. Well, now there is a nephew, the sister works, the mother, there she comes to pretend,” said B. Galdikas.

Julius Kalinskas / 15 minute photo / Bronius family bar

Julius Kalinskas / 15 minute photo / Bronius family bar

When asked if it was easier or more difficult to work with family, he said there are all kinds of days.

“But you can work with your family for longer. Nobody will want to go home. The hired man is hired – he worked his hours and so on. And with the family it is possible for longer,” taught the co-owner of the bar.

You can work more and more with your family. No one will want to go home.

Uncertainty about the future

During the summer season, the Bronius Family Bar is the one that receives the most visitors: tourists who rest in Palanga. Out of season, people usually come for lunch during the day.

Julius Kalinskas / 15 minute photo / Bronius family bar

Julius Kalinskas / 15 minute photo / Bronius family bar

According to B. Galdikas, at the end of the summer season, the cafeteria shortens its working hours and operates from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. She assured that surviving in winter is very difficult.

“If the summer doesn’t change, it’s very difficult in winter. This summer started late, we started working late, it was mid-June. And anyway, that number of people only started at the beginning of August. But really, each year it is not known when it will be, it is different ”, said the businessman.

If the summer does not change, it is very difficult in winter. This summer started late, we started working late, it was mid-June. And anyway, that number of people only started in early August.

Galdik has not yet been able to say how this summer season will end or he will be able to survive the winter.

“I really don’t know what it will be like here with all those viruses. We don’t want anything to be banned in September, so we can work in September. And then I don’t know anymore. So I don’t know what it will really be like here: whether we work or not. Maybe we will close next spring, “he said.

When asked who he would live in if he had to temporarily close in winter, B. Galdikas explained that he could work in construction.

“I’ve done simple jobs before, it shouldn’t be a problem,” he said.

Julius Kalinskas / 15 minute photo / Bronius family bar

Julius Kalinskas / 15 minute photo / Bronius family bar

And what about the upcoming summer season? Are you planning to open the Bronius Family Bar? According to B. Galdikas, a question mark stays here all the time.

“All the time after the summer, the question remains, how will it be next year. Not everything depends on us,” he said.

Some are expensive, some are cheap

Some of the dishes prepared at the Bronius Family Bar are often described as hard to beat in one sitting.

B. Galdikas explained that his cuisine is basically Lithuanian. Visitors are offered a wide range of potato dishes: from potato pancakes with meat to zeppelins.

“Of course we also have steaks: pork, chicken, various. You can choose a sauce, be it cheese or mushrooms. We have lunch every day. There are a variety of dishes from Monday to Friday, you never know what tomorrow will be. One person may be surprised, ”said the cafe’s co-owner.

Julius Kalinskas / 15 minute photo / Bronius family bar

Julius Kalinskas / 15 minute photo / Bronius family bar

The menu was assembled over the years of the bar’s work. B. Galdik’s sister was the biggest contributor.

The portions, according to B. Galdikas, in the “Bronius Family Bar” are men’s.

“If you come, pay the money, you will definitely get as much as you need,” he assured.

It is said that in the past a serving of zeppelins in this cafe weighed up to 1 kg. However, Galdik explained that the portions for large buns are now being reduced.

“Now that portion is just a zeppelin and weighs up to half a pound. Only a lot of people didn’t know about the portion size, they usually ordered – “How can I not eat a portion? And when you bring, “Oh Jesus,” they said. “Where can you eat so much here?” Recalled the cafe owner.

Only a lot of people didn’t know about the portion size, they usually ordered – “How can I not eat a portion?” And when you bring, “Oh Jesus,” they said. – Where can you eat so much here?

For example, a portion of zeppelin at the Bronius Family Bar costs 4 euros. Cold beet – 3.5 euros, chicken or pork chop – 6.2 euros. Kiev cutlet – 7.3 euros.

Lunch of the day, soup and second meal, costs 4.5 euros.

Julius Kalinskas / 15 minute photo / Bronius family bar

Julius Kalinskas / 15 minute photo / Bronius family bar

“It just came to our notice then. We just didn’t go up this year. We opened during the coronavirus crisis and we just didn’t raise the price of any dish this year. (…) Some still look expensive, some say cheap. Here, those Prices are for everyone individually: for some it is expensive, for others it is cheap, for others it is the same ”, said B. Galdikas.

He stated that all dishes are prepared on site, there is no semi-finished bar. So, let’s say the potato pancakes need to wait about 25 minutes. And if the bar has more visitors at that time, and between 40 and 50 minutes.
