Žydrūnas Savickas on the fight against COVID-19: we should not be a herd of rams – Respublika.lt


“I think 6 months is a great period of time where you can see the big picture of what is happening. At first we were all scared, people were really scared how scary the coronavirus is that we are all going to die. We have seen images of reports of other countries transporting the dead in ‘furs’, although, as it turned out later, those images were from ferry disasters that occurred 7 years ago.

At first, many did not understand what was happening. Now it is clear that things are not so dire or so bad. I believe that many laws have been violated, the main one being the principle of freedom of expression. No opinion could be expressed to the people, it was removed from social networks, from YouTube. I don’t remember such mass insurance even in Soviet times.

As a result of the COVID-19 infection, a pandemic was declared which, in my opinion, could not even be declared. Because an epidemic is declared when there are 100 diseases in 10,000. population. And in our country a pandemic was declared with several diseases per 100,000 inhabitants. And the entire state is closed. As a result, many businesses and companies went bankrupt, many people lost their jobs, and medical institutions were completely closed. We protected ourselves from a “privileged” disease and people died from other diseases. And the lack of published statistics on the causes of human death, with the exception of COVID-19, transcends all borders. Unofficial statistical sources suggest that there is now a sharp increase in human mortality due to people not receiving treatment for other diseases, a disease that is not diagnosed in time. I think Mr. Veryga is primarily responsible for this.

I am no longer talking about the fact that dozens, and perhaps even hundreds of millions of euros have been stolen from the budget as a result of the pandemic. Protective equipment, masks and lung ventilators were purchased not from companies already operating in Lithuania, but from newly established companies, which never carried out any activities: the company was created on behalf of friends and family and was bravely stolen of the budget. It is stealing at the expense of our future generations because the budget is not collected: we borrow money. ” The powerful Ž.Savickas said in an exclusive interview to Vakaro žinios.

– You said that you are happy to remember the moment when A.Veryga told the truth that it is not necessary to wear masks because they do not protect. Do you have an answer as to why you changed your mind?

– R.Veryga, like any doctor, knows how to read well: on each package with masks it is written that the masks do not protect against the virus. So the minister was right. But when the big retail chains, the pharmacies bought those masks and needed to sell them, their opinion changed. Is there some strange coincidence? Such behavior, when a doctor, knowing that masks do not protect, and using them incorrectly, spreads the virus even more (people are more likely to touch their face with their hands, put masks on the table while eating, on other surfaces with many viruses) is inexcusable.

– You named the situation these days by saying that we live in a time when lies are true. Which lie hurts the most today?

– I would not highlight a lie, it is a lie. Everyone knows the axiom: if you repeat a lie many times, it will come true. On the other hand, it’s not that today’s lie is the worst. The worst thing is that alternative sources of information are suppressed. Usually we are missing a lot of information, such as highly hidden information about the reliability of the tests. People share their observations and experiences. And consider that perhaps a large proportion of these so-called asymptomatic cases are simply the result of unreliable tests. Because for 14 days these people are isolated, without work, without a social life, and then they receive a negative test: “the beer has recovered.” But the question is whether they were sick.

That pandemic, which would be more precisely called a pandemic because everything is somehow going according to plan, has many unanswered questions.

– You said that the perceptions of medical professors who have an opinion different from the official one are not listened to. But we have many teachers who actively and constantly express their opinions. What do you think about them?

– I think there are those who know how it really is, but “works” and speaks for money, or for other incentives. They are opinion makers. There are not many people like that, they have been talking for 6 months. And it is still terrifying, although their predictions in the spring have not been confirmed, but they are not disappearing from the media yet, now they are again scared by the second big wave of the pandemic.

But this is the case all over the world. There is a great game going on, it is something global. And Lithuania has little influence in that game. There are professors, politicians, journalists in all countries, they occupy key positions. These people arose by chance, they were all gathered in one place, they were paid scholarships to study, the universities were supported by private funds that now want to take advantage of the pandemic to recoup their investment. It was a long process. When you put it all together in one image, it becomes clear.

The problem is not a virus, man-made or natural. The problem is that the measures to combat the COVID-19 infection are redundant.

– How long do you think people are going to suffer idiotic government rules, like that “circus mask” in cafes?

– I think that the circus in the cafes is that litmus test that shows the pinnacle of the absurd. In fact, people could keep those masks for a while, they could suffer for them, but … What do we hear now from professors who work in government or in governmental and private foundations? That we will always have to wear masks. And experience shows what they say, it’s for a week, look and the instruction comes up. He said the number of infections would increase, and after a few days, the number increased. We are moving towards total human control. And those masks are kind of a test. Only those who organize it know how much they are going to invest in controlling people. I don’t think anyone in Lithuania knows yet; what will be the next step, Lithuania has not yet received instructions.

Now everyone is waiting for a COVID-19 vaccine. The minimum time to develop a vaccine is said to be 7 years. Sometimes it takes longer to build. And this vaccine will be developed in a few months and it will be vaccinated at 70%. populations. This is, I believe, the greatest experiment in the history of mankind. And if that experiment goes away, we could call Hitler a saint compared to the people who make that decision: vaccinate people with an untested vaccine.

Worst of all, pharmaceutical companies take no responsibility for harm to human health. It’s very scary.

We are a small country. But people in London, Berlin are already beginning to resist very strongly this pandemic hysteria, the excess of protection measures against viruses. And with us people are already starting to go out on the streets. Globally, such a movement will only increase.

– And how are you behaving today, talking about masks and things like that?

– In a sports club, thank God, you don’t need masks, because playing with a mask means having heart problems.

I go to the outdoor market to buy food, I don’t go to supermarkets, I try to avoid places where I have to wear masks. I maintain social distance, wash my hands, strengthen my immunity, and I believe that those three things, not masks, are essential to fight the virus.

Ž. Savick also shares the following video on his Facebook account:

