Dozens of classmates had contact with a student infected by coronavirus in Raseiniai


See the broadcast of the remote press conference of the Ministry of Health (SAM) here:

According to A.Veryga, the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control will be eager to announce the level of morbidity per 100,000 inhabitants on Friday.. It will depend on whether self-isolation will be mandatory after leaving Lithuania for a foreign country.

From now on, the indicator used to identify the most affected countries will be used to assess the risk for the municipality: 16 cases of COVID-19 per 100,000 inhabitants.

Sigismund Gedvila / 15min photo / Aurelijus Veryga

Sigismund Gedvila / 15min photo / Aurelijus Veryga

A.Veryga also mentioned that the procedure for registering participants in public events has been clarified; It will be possible to do this by completing paper forms, not only the online registration will be valid.

Is registration a sufficient preventive measure, especially considering that the “Capital Days” festival starts in Vilnius? A. Veryga emphasized that the event itself is protected not by registration, but by keeping distances, face masks. However, the registration of event participants helps to track contacts and thus stop the spread of COVID-19.

In the case of bars and restaurants, according to the Minister of Health, it is likely that he intends to set aside an area reserved for a certain number of visitors. No proposals will yet be made to limit the opening hours of the clubs.

Sigismund Gedvila / 15min photo / Opening of the outdoor cafe

Sigismund Gedvila / 15min photo / Opening of the outdoor cafe “KAVA TAU”

As the SAM reported this Friday, A.Veryga adopted a decision according to which the heads of two institutions subordinate to the State Border Guard Service (SBGS) and the Refugee Reception Center are obliged to guarantee adequate protection to foreigners and asylum seekers, isolation and coronavirus testing.

Foreigners who have arrived in Lithuania illegally should be isolated at the SBGS Foreigner Registration Center. Asylum seekers: at the SBGS Alien Registration Center, the SBGS Border Guard School, the Refugee Reception Center or at facilities provided by the municipal administration.

If an alien arrives and is diagnosed with coronavirus-like symptoms, they must isolate themselves from other people immediately and an ambulance must be called. The SBGS should inform the National Center for Public Health about the isolation of foreigners.

A return to distance learning is not considered

According to the NVSC epidemiologist doctor D.Razmuvienė, 7 of the new cases of coronavirus detected during the previous day were imported.

Photo by Sigismund Gedvila / 15min / Daiva Razmuvienė

Photo by Sigismund Gedvila / 15min / Daiva Razmuvienė

According to her, information about the illnesses of two students in Klaipėda and Raseiniai appeared. The data is still modest enough.

D.Razmuvienė emphasized that a student from the S.Šimkus Conservatory did not participate in the teaching process, but visited a camp organized by the school. In total, the camp, which took place at the end of August, had 78 children from various Lithuanian cities. Then this chimney can spread across the country.

In Raseiniai, a fifth was infected with coronavirus. This case is associated with a family vacation.

It was found that 26 classmates, a teacher and 5 relatives were in contact with the student. However, the student attended the September 1 celebration, attended art school. Therefore, as D.Razmuvienė said, the number of high-risk contacts will increase.

The class in which Raseiniai’s student studied is self-isolating, he continues his learning remotely. Parents of children in isolation, according to the NVSC representative, do not need to be isolated, they can go to work.

D.Razmuvienė emphasized that both cases are related to family fireplaces.

When asked about distance education, Veryga said that only in an emergency can the whole country be considered to return to it.

However, he emphasized that there may be exceptional cases where, for example, children with chronic illnesses are recommended and provided distance education.

D.Razmuvienė pointed out that doctors have an algorithm that possesses distance learning.

D.Razmuvienė explained that now fireplaces have been moved from families to workplaces and educational institutions. She noted an increase in the number of children with COVID-19. To date, 101 cases of juvenile diseases have been recorded.

In isolation: more than 4.5 thousand people

26 new cases of coronavirus infection (COVID-19) confirmed in Lithuania on Thursday.

13 of them were registered in Vilnius, five in Tauragė, two in each of the counties of Kaunas, Klaip da, Šiauliai and Utena.

After contact with patients, according to epidemiologists, 15 people became infected. The circumstances of the infection in four people are currently unknown.

In addition, 7 cases of importation were registered during the previous day.

To date, 985 people are sick, another 1920 have recovered. nuotr./Koronavirusas nuotr./Koronavirusas

The number of COVID-19 cases has already exceeded 3,000 – 3,004 cases have been confirmed in Lithuania so far.

The number of people in isolation (sick, exposed, from affected areas to whom decisions have been issued within the corresponding 14-day period) is 4,593.
