Airports want passengers to run rapid tests: Veryga is already discussing how to do this


“Yesterday, the government of Latvia decided not to change the order and not to introduce corrections, so if Lithuania in the last 14 days. Will buy 16 boxes per 100 thousand. Morbidity rate, it will automatically be included in the list of affected countries and the Self-isolation will be mandatory, whether or not we exceed this indicator, there is still intrigue, as soon as today is a terrible day, we will have all the data, Latvia will check if we are on the list of affected countries.

Currently, the morbidity in Lithuania is 16.3, we are at that threshold, we can enter, we cannot enter. So what will it be like? We’ll see tomorrow. The number of our infections is decreasing and at the same time the general indicator is decreasing, or it will be enough for us not to reach that limit, it will depend on what is done today ”, said A. Veryga.

Latvians control more strictly

He recalled that there are certain differences between the Baltic lists, which come into force differently.

“On Friday, those lists are verified, harmonized, but they come into force a little differently, in Latvia they come into force the next day. So if we put ourselves on that list, you will have to isolate yourself when you go to Latvia on the weekend.

Estonia, like Lithuania, approved the list on Friday, but it came into effect on Monday, so theoretically, like Estonia, it would be possible to travel at the weekend without isolation, ”he said.

A. Veryga recalled that everything in Latvia is heavily controlled by the police: “So if you see a car with Lithuanian numbers or try to stay, you will get questions about where you are from, why you did not isolate yourself and things like that.”

Latvian measurements vary

Although the Prime Minister of Latvia stated that Lithuania and Estonia did not apply such stringent virus management measures as Latvia, thus the situation in them had deteriorated, the Minister stated that no accusations had been made before.

“We have always been in contact and talking with them. Perhaps the only comment was about flights from the affected countries. But now the procedure at the airports for arrivals from the affected countries is very strict, they have to isolate themselves, they need to arrive with valid proof by at least 72 hours, if they are not citizens of our country. (…)

But what we do not have, but the Latvians have, is to maintain a distance of two meters, with us it is much smoother, to maintain the meter. Another measure is the opening hours of catering and nightclubs, which can operate up to 24 hours. There is also a lot of control by the police, not by public health professionals, “he added.

Rapid tests – at airports

When Estonia announced that arrivals at airports and seaports were already being controlled, A. Veryga did not rule out the possibility of applying this practice in our country as well.

“Airports have expressed that wish and we would not object to it. This refers to rapid PCR tests, which take about an hour instead of six hours. Just a question of whether that would make a big difference. Some people they may want to do it anyway, no doubt.

But if we talk about shortening the insulation, then that test should be done at least 7 days later. Only then could the isolation be shortened. But, in principle, we do not see any obstacles for those who want to carry out such a test, and we are talking with the airports when it can be implemented, “he said during a press conference.

According to him, the test is neither good nor bad in itself.

“The point is that we can’t hire a lot of staff, so airports should use private companies,” he said.

However, he said, such tests would likely be paid for at airports: “Our consent is needed because it is a medical procedure anyway.”

Yesterday – new fireplaces

The National Public Health Center (NVSC) reports that last day 20 cases of coronavirus infection (COVID-19) were confirmed in Lithuania. 11 of them were registered in Vilnius, 2 in Kaunas and Šiauliai and 1 in Klaipėda, Panevėžys, Telšiai, Alytus and Tauragė counties.

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After contact with patients, according to epidemiologists, 16 people became infected, the circumstances of the infection in 2 people are not yet known. In addition, 2 import cases were registered during the previous day. It is reported that 2 new chimneys were registered yesterday.

Imported cases: from Kazakhstan and Hungary

Yesterday both imported cases of coronavirus were confirmed in Vilnius County. The first case was confirmed in a person who returned to Lithuania from Hungary, and the second case was confirmed in a person who returned to Lithuania from Kazakhstan. Both individuals experience characteristic symptoms of coronavirus infection.

10 new cases are associated with chimneys

Yesterday, a new chimney was registered in Kaunas County. COVID-19 was approved for 2 people who participated on August 22. At the family celebration in the Raseiniai district. According to epidemiologists, now 3 cases of coronavirus are associated with this holiday, including those confirmed yesterday.

The cases identified yesterday in Vilnius county are related to the chimney of the Intersurgical company. The individuals were isolated due to the exposure, so no new contacts were identified. There are currently 45 reported cases related to this outbreak.

Another case, established in Vilnius County, is related to August 15-16. PravalFest in the Prienai district. Yesterday the COVID-19 was approved for the participant of this event. A total of 19 cases are now associated with this event, including one confirmed yesterday.

Yesterday a new case was registered in a metal cap manufacturing company operating in Vilnius. This is the seventh case of infection associated with this outbreak.

Another new case, according to epidemiologists, is related to a family vacation in Vilnius. According to the revised data, currently 5 related cases are recorded, some of these people work in a sewing company in Vilnius.

At that time, yesterday 1 case of coronavirus was recorded in Telšiai county, associated with an outbreak in choirs in Vilnius. There are currently an estimated 30 related cases.

Also, yesterday a case was recorded in Tauragė County. It is linked to an outbreak in one of the army units. Based on currently available NVSC data, a total of 27 COVID-19 cases are associated with this approach.

In addition, yesterday a new chimney was registered in Panevėžys county – the second case of infection was confirmed, which is associated with a company engaged in electromechanical systems engineering.

Furthermore, 6 people (3 in Vilnius, 1 in Klaipėda, 1 in Alytus, 1 in Šiauliai counties) were found to be infected after contact with people who were confirmed to have a coronavirus.

The circumstances of the infection in 2 people are not yet clear

At present, epidemiologists have not yet been able to determine how 2 people were infected: 1 in Vilnius and 1 in Šiauliai counties. One of these individuals was tested for specific COVID-19 symptoms and the other for prophylaxis.

Epidemiological studies have shown that people did not travel abroad and did not interact with confirmed cases of COVID-19.

NVSC reports that a total of 2,978 COVID-19 cases have been confirmed in specific people in Lithuania, 978 people remain ill, and 1,901 have recovered.

For their part, public health professionals urge people to follow all measures to prevent the spread of coronavirus infection: hand hygiene, coughing, sneeze etiquette, use of personal protective equipment, physical distance and more. .
