In the event of an accident in Astrave, Vilnius residents may have to be greeted by other cities in the country.


Rimantas Sinkevičius claims that there are no other conditions for the population of the country’s largest city.

“Such accommodation, catering and everything else is probably not possible, so all residents will probably have to bring some evacuated people with their families,” R. Sinkevičius told BNS on Tuesday.

A working group was established in Lithuania on Monday to address and coordinate infrastructure and logistics issues related to threats to national security. Prime Minister Saulius Skvernelis’s decree on the group went into effect on August 31, according to data from the legal information system.

“I am in charge of transport and logistics (…) If we talk about logistics, it is mainly the issue of the evacuation of the population in that one hundred kilometer area. We should decide where to accommodate such a large number of people from Vilnius; basically all of Vilnius should be evacuated. 600 thousand (people – BNS) or similar, we will have to think about it ”, he explained.

The working group is made up of 18 people. R. Sinkevičius’ Deputy Minister of Economy and Innovation is Marius Skuodis.

The group includes representatives from the Ministries of Transportation, Finance, National Defense, Health, Interior, Foreign Relations, Agriculture. Representatives from the Department of the Army, Fire and Rescue also participate.

The group is tasked with, among other things, providing transportation, infrastructure, coordinated logistics equipment and tools necessary to manage a nuclear emergency.

The Government Chancellery announced in early August that at a meeting of the Joint Group on Threat Prevention and Crisis Management, an updated model for coordinating the management of threats to national security that could represent significant risks and damage to people and the environment.

This group will be based on working groups on infrastructure and logistics, experts in radiation safety, public safety, strategic communication and municipal issues. They will make periodic proposals to prepare the necessary decisions for the National Security Commission and the Government.

Lithuania criticizes the first nuclear power plant project in Belarus as unsafe, but Minsk rejects the accusations.
