Companies are recommended to work in shifts, to start working at different times


Photo by Darius Janutis (LRVK).

To control the spread of the coronavirus, national institutions and companies are recommended to work in shifts and, where possible, allow groups of workers to start work at different times.

As Health Minister Aurelijus Veryga said at a press conference on Monday, these recommendations are delivered this week to both state and municipal institutions, establishments and managed companies, as well as private companies.

“As far as possible, it is proposed to organize work in shifts, brigades, groups, whose employees do not change or mix. Some companies are already applying it, “A. Veryga told a news conference on Monday.

According to him, if a case of coronavirus were detected in a company or institution, it would allow not to take radical measures, that is, it would not be necessary to isolate a large part of the employees and suspend the activity of the company or institution.

“Another recommendation is to apply, to the extent possible, different start, end and lunch break times to different flows of workers. The objective is the same: that large groups of employees communicate and meet as little as possible ”, explained the Minister.

According to him, the recommendation on the start of different working hours also applies in schools to children of different age groups.

According to A. Veryga, it is also recommended that people from different shifts, groups have no contacts in eating, smoking and other common areas. It is recommended that people who work different shifts are not transported in the same vehicle.

“It is also recommended to organize meetings and conferences remotely. If meetings, conferences or live gatherings are organized, it is recommended to wear protective equipment that covers the mouth and nose during them, ”said the Minister.

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Veryga also said that devices to help track attendance at bars and nightclubs will not stop the spread of the virus, so stricter measures will be taken.

The minister says that despite this initiative proposed by some bars, the ministry will propose on Wednesday to limit the opening hours of discos and bars.

“The application does not protect against infections, (…) it would allow contact tracing. But the main objective of managing the infection is probably not to trace the contacts, but to prevent the infection from spreading. The traceability of the contacts is only one of the infection management tools, it really shouldn’t be overestimated by any application, “the minister said at a press conference.

According to him, countries with similar devices control that not all install them, that they are not activated or that they are not used for their intended purpose.

The opening hours of night cafes and bars are not reduced.

Students are offered meals in the classroom.

A. Veryga also claims that educational institutions have already responsibly evaluated the recommendations and organize events at the beginning of the school year in a safe way, some of them divide the events into different classes even within a few days, preparing to separate the flows of students.

The minister says recommendations signed Monday on catering arrangements suggest prioritizing classroom meals and, if that is not possible, establishing principles to follow when feeding children in dining rooms.

“It is recommended to give priority to food and drinks that are brought from home in the classrooms. In the event that free rations are given to students who eat free, the first recommendation, if it is not possible to implement it, are recommendations on how to organize meals in the canteens of educational institutions, ”said A. Veryga.

According to him, the main recommendations are to guarantee the necessary hygiene, as well as to separate the flows of students of different ages in the dining rooms.

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