Teacher: The donated weapon does not surprise the doctors: the ministry had to be almost violated


Many in Lithuania were probably surprised by the Prime Minister’s unusual gift to the Minister of Health, a nominal weapon. I wouldn’t say the medical community was very surprised.

It is impossible to surprise the doctors, but they all recognized that the gift was truly original, since they had not heard of the Minister of Health having received a gun anywhere in the world. This is how we warn even Putin and Lukashenko.

And for our minister, that gift is truly timely. Apparently, in order to defend themselves if they are not satisfied with the new drug policy, patients would launch an attack on the Ministry of Health. Or perhaps to deter protesters from doctors who are not yet receiving the promised supplements? Can the heads of institutions who explain that it is not possible to raise salaries because of the ministry because the money was used to buy safeguards against the coronavirus and they have not yet received the promised compensation from the ministry?

Well I think when you have a gun in your pocket, all opponents should stick their tongues out. Especially before the elections. By the way, I personally decided not to visit the ministry until at least the elections, due to all the anger.

After all, I still remember well that when our opinions differed, the respected minister offered to jump from the twelfth floor; the message was officially broadcast, played on the TV screen. Without a doubt, that act was significantly inappropriate. I wonder what Lithuanian psychiatrists would say: can such a person have a gun?

But what are we talking about here. After all, we are already hearing a chorus of peasant voices singing that the minister has been given a personal weapon for special merits in the fight against the coronavirus.

The real truth. After all, we are, as always, unique in Europe, and we fight the coronavirus better, and we drink more and politicize. Even my neighbor in the village, who came to consult me ​​about medicines, said that all the grandmothers in the village are now after Veryga, because he, our angel, takes great care of everyone, even bald from those nerves. And we physicians should rejoice in such a minister, not criticize him.

What if a monkey was even shown three times a day on all televisions? I have no doubt that grandmother’s mistress would easily enter the Seimas. You will do nothing – you wrote thousands of years ago that “Numerus stultorum infinitus est” (the number of fools is infinite). Unfortunately, nothing has changed in thousands of years.

And now let’s talk about the facts, for which Lithuanians and doctors should be grateful to Aurelijus Veryga.

We should probably thank him for the blatant lie of the heads of the Ministry of Health for all of us who are better prepared, we have all the necessary reserves of safeguards and diagnostic tests for the country to identify the coronavirus. After all, most believed it sacred.

And actually, it turned out that doctors in the fight against COVID-19 were almost barefoot and naked, resulting in a large percentage of infected medical personnel compared to other countries, and even medical facilities were temporarily closed.

Thank you very much for the help of the representatives of private capital, Laisvės televizija, the Vilnius City Council, some politicians and many ordinary Lithuanians at this critical moment.

Lithuanian doctors will certainly not forget that it was almost necessary to force the Ministry to finally start testing for coronavirus, to introduce adequate isolation measures for people infected or potentially in contact with them, to start producing disinfectant liquid, to introduce masks and Similar.

But it turns out that the ministry has always valued their work very well, so without any remorse for the management of the entire ministry, salaries were increased by up to 1,000 euros. Institutions and individuals who tried to awaken the ministry from lethargy during the coronavirus pandemic and showed activity were criticized or even punished.

The Vilnius municipality was sued for the activity. Gabriel Ladsberg has yet to explain why the party bought and delivered the protective equipment to the doctors. Everyone probably remembers well the electronic medicine scandal, when after the servers were dumped, there was no access to the medical records in the electronic space for 8 days, it was impossible to prescribe reimbursable drugs, and the doctors had to work overtime some hours everyday. Could there be an even more extreme situation?

Meanwhile, General Veryga from the Emergency Management Center successfully rested abroad. It is true that the coronavirus pandemic has become an opportunity for some to earn a lot of money. The laws have been abruptly changed, leading to a drop in the requirement to bid, buy at the lowest price, etc.

Not to mention the fact that the Ministry of Health, not counting the actual needs, bought what is now in the warehouse, but I think it is a much greater evil that most of the goods were bought at a price much higher than the that was offered in the market at that time. The relevant authorities are now interested in this.

Perhaps we will soon get an explanation as to why lung ventilators were overpaid twice, why one company was paid up to € 6 million for rapid tests, while another company asked for only € 2 million for the same tests. I don’t want to mention all the examples. There really are a lot of them. And as always, Veryga saw nothing, knew nothing, heard nothing.

Let’s really thank the Minister for being so honest, after all, it was stolen by others, and only the bad environment is always the culprit. And Veryga should definitely thank the coronavirus, because from the worst minister, who had at least three to resign, as well as one of the nastiest politicians, he became a television star whose ratings soared to the sky.

After all, every day we saw a minister with a mysterious Mona Lisa smile on television screens. Anyway, I really know that the grandmothers of my town are for Veryga. And I have a bad suspicion that there may be many such grandmothers in our Lithuania. Unfortunately, humanity has not changed in thousands of years. Do nothing – numerus stultorum infinitus est.

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