Lingienė highlighted three municipalities that can prohibit the spread of Covid-19


Rolanda Lingienė, head of the Vilnius department of the National Public Health Center (NVSC), told reporters on Friday that epidemiologists distinguish these municipalities as those in which the epidemiological situation is complicated.

“At present, there is a risk that municipalities will take action in relation to Vilnius County, Vilnius, Švenčionys and Trakai. According to today’s data. But we will see what those indicators will look like today,” said R. Lingienė.

According to her, at the suggestion of the NVSC of the aforementioned municipality, various restrictions can be imposed, including bans on mass events or gatherings.

“In the municipalities, certain measures can be introduced when the coverage rate approaches 16 or 25 cases per 100,000. population in the last 14 days. The second indicator is the prevalence of uncontrolled infections outside the outbreaks, in non-imported cases, where it is 10%. and more. In this case, at the proposal of the NVSC, the director of administration can restrict the events to all, several meeting places or cancel them for a time. And have other rights, ”said R. Lingienė.

NVSC specialists met with representatives of the Vilnius city municipality this week and discussed the epidemiological situation in the city.

“A couple of days ago, we met with representatives of the Vilnius City Council and discussed the situation in Vilnius, because there is definitely not a good situation in Vilnius lately. The increase of the bandwidth of the mobile point was discussed ”, said the specialist.

Events are already limited in the Švenčionys district

Mass events have been restricted in the Švenčionys district due to the coronavirus outbreak at medical device manufacturing company Intersurgical, NVSC reported on Friday.

“In order to manage this outbreak and taking into account the unfavorable epidemiological situation in the Švenčionys district, an emergency commission was convened and, with the participation and approval of colleagues from NVSC Švenčionys, it was planned to restrict mass events in this district,” R. Lingienė said.

According to her, that is also why it was decided not to have big parties on September 1 in the municipality.

On the last day, eight new cases were identified in this approach. People were isolated and therefore did not pose a danger to other people. In the Pabradė plant, a total of 24 cases related to this chimney were registered.

According to R. Lingienė, there are a total of 156 Intersurgical employees exposed to high risk due to this outbreak.

The company employs around 2.5 thousand. persons.

Jump new cases

Last day, 48 new cases of coronavirus were confirmed in Lithuania, as well as 86 deaths, the Ministry of Health announced on Friday.

This is the highest number of new coronavirus cases in the country since April 19, when 59 new cases of infection were reported.

In Lithuania, a total of 2,810 coronavirus cases have been confirmed, 895 people are still ill and 1,816 have recovered.

A total of 86 people died from COVID-19 and 13 people died from other causes.

According to data from the National Center for Public Health, 28 new cases of coronavirus have been confirmed in Vilnius County, more than half of all new cases.
