A girl infected with a coronavirus and her mother saw failures in the system: A.Veryga for a long time was able to put points on the “i”


Ieva from Vilnius said she experienced the first symptoms of the coronavirus, a sore throat and then a runny nose, a few days after returning from a trip to northern Poland. At that time, the neighboring country was not included in the list of states from which 14 days of isolation was mandatory upon return.

“I thought that because I was gone, maybe I should do a test. Somehow I managed to call the hotline quite quickly because it was difficult for others, he said. I was registered for the study. The only thing I did not like was that the queues were four days ahead, because currently there is a point in Vilnius, ”said the girl.

She was quarantined at her home while waiting for the COVID-19 test to be done. “But it’s good that my work is remotely and whatever else, it didn’t hurt me,” Ieva said.

123RF.com nuotr./Koronavirusas

123RF.com nuotr./Koronavirusas

I’m not sure where it could have been infected.

Eve said she got tested for the coronavirus fairly quickly.

“It just came to our attention then. I was a bit surprised to get a positive response through eHealth, but no one contacted me. That’s when I called the hotline myself. He said that in that case I really need to get the message first and then I have to call and confirm everything. Then they called me, I did not receive the message, “explained the girl.

Because others wait a long time. I was a bit surprised that I received a positive response through eHealth, but no one contacted me.

Eve indicated her routes to the public health professionals who contacted her. She also informed the people she had contacted that she was infected with COVID-19.

AFP / Scanpix photo / Daily life in Poland

AFP / Scanpix photo / Daily life in Poland

Eve traveled to Poland by bus with a friend. Her COVID-19 test was negative. Like all the other people the girl interacted with.

Along with Eve, the parents she lives with needed to be isolated. A girlfriend who had traveled to Poland together and two other friends with whom she had returned from the trip also had to self-quarantine.

Eve said she didn’t know where she might have gotten the coronavirus. She assured that she met all safety requirements: she used a disinfectant liquid, disinfected not only her hands, but also her phone, touching surfaces and used a mask.

Photo by Julius Kalinskas / 15min / Visitors to the shopping center

Photo by Julius Kalinskas / 15min / Visitors to the shopping center

The girl suffers from a mild form of COVID-19. She had no symptoms other than a sore throat and a runny nose.

When the test confirmed that she had the infection, Ieva contacted her GP. “Since I didn’t feel any symptoms, I didn’t get worse or anything, he just prepared me a newsletter, sent it in for another test and only recommended drinking lots of fluids,” the girl said.

You should get another coronavirus test 14 days after the first test.

ZUMAPRESS.com/Atliekamas coronavirus test

ZUMAPRESS.com/Atliekamas coronavirus test

“If it is negative, I have to see a family doctor in any case. If it is negative, he will still do a second test; no doubt, it will already be the third. If the third test is also negative, then I am already healthy. AND if it’s positive, I don’t know, you should see a doctor more, “he said.

I did not receive a call

Faced with COVID-19 in her fur, Ieva can assess how the whole system works. She, in the girl’s eyes, is messy.

From interviews with staff from the Hotline or the National Public Health Center (NVSC), Ieva realized that her workload was high. She mentioned that there is only one mobile checkpoint in Vilnius, which creates huge queues.

Photo by Sigismund Gedvila / 15min / Mobile coronavirus checkpoint

Photo by Sigismund Gedvila / 15min / Mobile coronavirus checkpoint

“Another thing that has bothered me is that throughout the quarantine period you have been assigned a curator from the Hotline who contacts you and asks how you are, if you feel any symptoms, if you are at home or in a place where you are isolated. This, for example, called all the people around me who had to be quarantined, and no one called me alone, ”says Ieva.

After much discussion and dissatisfaction with the decision of the Minister of Health Aurelijus Veryga to return the mandatory use of masks in public catering establishments, open and closed events and other requirements, Ieva believes that in the past it was not necessary to cancel the use of More expensive.

Photo by Kastytis Mačiūnas / Public transport control in Vilnius reminds passengers to wear masks

Photo by Kastytis Mačiūnas / Public transport control in Vilnius reminds passengers to wear masks

“Yes, it is summer, there are more things outdoors, but you can still get infected while you are outdoors. I do not think it was necessary to anticipate that mitigation, because it might have resulted in slightly fewer people infected now,” said girl with coronavirus.

When asked how he would behave when he recovered, perhaps he would avoid public gatherings, concerts, events, family celebrations that, as you can see, sometimes become the focal points of COVID-19, Ieva said that he would continue to live normally. .

Rokas Lukoševičius / 15min photo / Moments of the concert

Rokas Lukoševičius / 15min photo / Moments of the concert “Freedom Road”

“Because I am active. For me and for work matters, there will be all kinds of events outside, so I will definitely be attending everywhere. Still, when there was panic over all that crown, I was not very scared. I knew if I got sick, I would, but I looked at it seriously and I wasn’t really that scared. <...>.

I’m glad I’m sick now because I think most people will have to get sick in one way or another. I’m glad I got sick in the summer, not the fall. Because in the fall, I think there will be a tragedy with our current system. Also, the plus and the reagents will run out in September, as far as I know, ”said the girl. At the same time, she stressed that she will wear a mask when necessary and take other precautions.

Serological tests – for your own money

Additionally, Ieva’s mother Audronė, who is in self-isolation, said that when she learned that her daughter had been confirmed to have a coronavirus, she tried to call the hotline.

“They spoke to me on the hotline, but they said I needed some kind of password, that’s something else. I understand that my data has not been anywhere yet. And then the hotline operator said that when we contact each other, we must first contact the NVSC and only then will the whole machine move. Thanks to the operator that collected the data, he said that he would pass it on so that we could contact each other more quickly, “he said.

Coronavirus 1808 Hotline

Coronavirus 1808 Hotline

Eve’s coronavirus was confirmed Friday and responsible authorities contacted her parents on Saturday. According to the girl’s mother, she and her husband were ordered to remain in isolation for 14 days.

At the mobile point, they received free nasopharyngeal tests for COVID-19. After a few days, negative results were obtained.

“It just came to our notice then. But the most interesting thing is that the isolation will end and my husband and I don’t know what we can and cannot do. When the isolation ended, we had no symptoms. For the sake of any further investigation, no one is still speaking to us.

In my head, if we didn’t get sick, well, we didn’t become so obvious, which should be like the last part of the whole procedure, I don’t know, maybe serological tests. But a serological test can only be done voluntarily, for money.

And in all that system, the most interesting thing for me is that there is no clear end point, not for the person who is sick, but for the person who has been in contact but has no symptoms. Now we don’t know, or maybe we have an asymptomatic form? “Said the mother of a girl infected with coronavirus.

In this whole system, the most interesting thing for me is that there is no clear end point, not for someone who is sick, but for someone who has had contact but has no symptoms.

The daily coordinators also asked him about this. However, she explained to the woman that the coordinators themselves did not know.

He promised to write to a general Facebook group about it. However, until yesterday, the coordinator had no response.

Luke April / 15min photo / Aurelijus Veryga

Luke April / 15min photo / Aurelijus Veryga

“That, I think, the Minister of Health with the whole ministry, having such a bitter experience of the spring, could have put all the dots on the” i “for the fall. So far, I do not see that composition,” emphasized Audronė.

The Minister of Health with the entire ministry, having such a bitter experience in the spring, was able to put all the points on the “i” until the fall. So far, I don’t see that lineup.

It seems to her that memoranda should be developed for people with, in contact with and infected with or without coronavirus, which could be distributed through the contacts maintained by NVSC.
