As the virus continues to spread: everything parents need to know about how lessons will be delivered in the capital


As the virus spreads more intensively, the Vilnius Municipality updated its action plan on how to prevent its spread in educational institutions and prepared recommendations and obligations: how education will be carried out, how to monitor health status of the community, how to organize activities, food separation, etc.

What will the celebration of September 1 be like?

Typically, the school year began with a massive holiday on September 1, but given the current risks, it is strongly recommended to minimize gatherings and organize separate group celebrations on different days (August 31 to September 1 and 2). The most suitable place for the celebration is outdoors, ensuring that a safe distance is maintained. It would make more sense to focus more on those who are just beginning a new phase: first graders, fifth graders, ninth graders. Other classes could organize their first holiday lessons in their classrooms or outdoors, in areas separate from other streams. The first meeting should be for discussion and mutual agreement on how life at school will work out in the near future.

Is it necessary to wear masks in schools?

For students

It is not necessary for students to wear masks during lessons, in the current epidemiological situation. However, if it changes, new requirements will be introduced at any time, taking into account the latest decisions of the Chief of Operations of the State of Emergency. There are no requirements for students to maintain distances during the lesson, but it is recommended to maintain safe distances in all indoor public areas of the school.

For parents

Slightly different obligations will apply regarding masks for parents in attendance. Parents who accompany students to school, or parents and guardians who attend a class meeting, must wear nasal and mouth protection when they are not within 2 meters of each other in common areas (for example, corridors, dining rooms, teachers’ rooms, etc.). persons. The exception only applies to disabled people who cannot wear masks due to their medical condition. When entering the school premises, it is necessary to observe the basic hygiene requirements: disinfect hands, cough or sneeze only into the inner bend of the elbow or a disposable napkin, keep a safe distance. Parents are advised to enter the premises only in exceptional cases. Schools shall prepare rules for parents who attend the school.

For teachers

Teachers should also wear masks in lessons in cases where they do not keep a distance of 2 meters from the students.

How and where will the lessons and classes take place?

The biggest change awaits the older students, as efforts will be made to organize activities as much as possible in the same room as for the beginners, with different teachers coming to classes with the students rather than the students walking towards them. . This will limit contacts during and after lessons. Only those classes that cannot be developed in the classroom will be held in specialized subject classrooms due to the need for laboratory equipment.

It is strongly recommended to take advantage of the opportunities to organize lessons and group activities in the open air, in outdoor classes.

Schools will focus on managing the movement of student flows, so lesson times and breaks can be adjusted so that different flows do not interfere with the use of common areas. In some schools, instruction may take place in shifts when a safe process cannot otherwise be ensured.

Whenever possible, several different inputs and several different outputs will be used.

As the virus continues to spread: everything parents need to know about how lessons will be delivered in the capital

Is it a safe environment for children to learn?

When lessons are taught indoors, they will be ventilated before they arrive and during each break. Commonly touched surfaces: door handles, table tops, chair stands, stair railings, electrical switches, etc. it will be cleaned at least 2 times a day. Proper conditions will be provided for hand hygiene for students and staff, informational posters will be posted with recommendations on good hand hygiene, etc.

Students will be encouraged to avoid sharing the same teaching aids. Peers will be taught in adjacent classrooms to minimize contact between children of different ages.

How will the catering be organized?

There will be as few children as possible eating in the canteens at the same time, so some schools will make the most of the classes, others will have separate group schedules in the canteens: classes will be able to serve food on disposable plates, classes will allow children eat from home, and canteens classes, group flows to feed the students. Dining rooms must have safe access to cutlery. The principle of a buffet in which the students themselves place the food cannot be organized.

How will the state of health be monitored?

The health status of students, staff, and accompanying students will be monitored daily. Schools will provide facilities for all schools, as well as third parties serving an educational institution, to measure body temperature with a non-contact thermometer upon arrival at the educational institution.

Fever (37.3 ° C and above), runny nose, cough, or other signs of a contagious disease are prohibited.

If someone gets hot while studying or working at school, they will have to be isolated immediately, the student’s parents (guardians, caregivers) will be informed and the Coronavirus Hotline will be consulted tel. 1808 on new actions. A seriously ill worker should immediately leave the school premises and consult the coronavirus 1808 hotline or contact their family doctor.

Is it necessary to have a child’s medical certificate?

It is important for parents to know that an exception has been made during this period: it is not necessary to go to health institutions to obtain children’s health certificates before the new school year, because the validity of last year was extended until New Year. Health certificates will only be required for those who change schools or kindergarten.

When is it necessary to stay home?

Going to schools or kindergartens is prohibited for those who have compulsory isolation.
Children with chronic diseases on the list of Serious Chronic Diseases for which a certificate of incapacity for work is issued during an emergency or quarantine period (Diabetes, chronic cardiovascular, renal, congenital immunodeficiency, etc.) should not go to the school and stay home. Also children and workers who develop fever (37.3 ° C and higher) or who have acute signs of upper respiratory disease, other infectious diseases (eg runny nose, cough, difficulty breathing, etc.).

What will be done if the virus is still spreading through the body?

It is anticipated that if the number of sick students or school personnel begins to grow, there will be a response and action at the local level in the hotspots, without shutting down all educational institutions in the city. The consequences are fought by isolating people from individual classes or institutions.

Employees, students or their parents (guardians, caregivers) must immediately inform the educational institution about the COVID-19 disease diagnosed by the worker, student or their parents. Once this information is received, the educational institution will immediately inform the National Center for Public Health. There will be cooperation in the identification of those who have had contact and who will have to isolate themselves for 14 days, as well as decisions about distance learning for classes and groups. Depending on their health status, students in isolation may continue to participate in the distance learning process.

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