Recent politician rankings: Nausėda’s popularity is growing, new surnames are emerging


Meanwhile, during the analogous quarantine period introduced into the country, the popularity of Health Minister Aurelijus Veryga, which was on the rise, stopped growing. The minister, who peaked at the height of the pandemic, remains one of the least valued politicians at the moment.

In July, some of the presidents of the parties preparing for the Seimas elections also obtained a successful rating: Remigijus Žemaitaitis returned to the list of the most favored political forces, and the rankings of leaders of social democratic, labor and liberal parties jumped .

Meanwhile, the leaders of the “peasant” and conservative parties at the top of the party’s rankings continue to “compete” for the status of the lowest-rated politician.

Compared to a poll conducted in June, the president’s favorable rating increased 5 percentage points. Currently, G. Nausėdas has a favorable rating of 73%. population, 18 percent. considers the president unfavorable. According to these indicators, G. Nausėda is inferior only to the outgoing president Valdas Adamkus (78% in favor and 10% against).

ELTA recalls that from February to June, the favorable assessment of the president was reduced by up to 15 percentage points: in February of this year it was favored by 83%. population and unfavorably 11 percent. surveyed. Meanwhile, in June, respectively, 68 percent. and 23 percent.

However, according to a survey commissioned by the ELTA news agency from July 16 to 30, the market research and public opinion company Baltijos tyrimai, one of the three “Musketeers” of the Freedom and Justice party R. Žemaitaitis had the situation more favorable last month. The favorable assessment of the politician who leads this political force jumped up to 10 percentage points. In July, the former “orderly” R. Žemaitaitis was evaluated favorably at 46 percent. surveyed and 34 percent. he spoke to the contrary.

Compared to the June poll, in July the population rated Saulius Čaplinskas, director of the Center for Communicable Diseases and AIDS (ULAC), who participated in the elections with the Social Democrats, by 6 percentage points (40% in favor and 20% against).

The ranking of Labor Party leader Viktor Uspaskich also rose 5 percentage points. It is currently received by 37%. respondents, 10 percentage points more – 47 percent. – they are more likely to think negatively about this policy.

The ratings of Aušrinė Armonaitė, president of the Freedom Party, improved by 5 percentage points (35% in favor and 33% against). Meanwhile, the rating of the social democratic leader Gintautas Paluckas rose 4 percentage points (42% and 37%, respectively). Finally, Viktorija Čmilytė-Nielsen, leader of the Liberal Movement, jumped 3 percentage points (40% and 28%, respectively).

Recent politician rankings: Nausėda's popularity is growing, new surnames are emerging

Recent politician rankings: Nausėda's popularity is growing, new surnames are emerging

R. Šimašius’s rating downgraded

Only the mayor of Vilnius Remigijus Šimašius suffered more significant losses of favorable evaluation among politicians. His rating dropped 3 percentage points. Currently, the mayor of the capital welcomes 35 percent. population, and unfavorably – 51 percent. The favorable assessment of journalist Edmundas Jakilaitis (44% and 35%) also decreased, a little more, by 4 percentage points, the ranks of those who have a positive opinion about another journalist, Andrius Tapinas, decreased (42% and 36%). .).

Changes in the evaluations of other politicians and public leaders have remained unchanged or minimal over the last month.

Among the leaders of the ranking are presidents, current and former members of the current government.
A poll conducted in July showed that the country’s population continues to have the most favorable opinion of President Valdas Adamkus (78% in favor and 10% against). As already mentioned, G. Nausėda, who currently leads the country, ranks behind him (73% and 18%, respectively), followed by outgoing President Dalia Grybauskaitė (57% in favor and 35% against).

Out of these three, there are 3 more public figures whose favorable evaluation exceeds the 50 percent threshold. All of them are or have belonged to the current Cabinet.
Foreign Minister Linas Linkevičius is the highest rated among them: 54 percent. 32% of those surveyed are positive about it and 32% negatively. Prime Minister Saulius Skvernelis lags behind L. Linkevičius only because most of society evaluates him negatively: 54 percent. the head of government is positive, 37 percent. negatively.

The former Minister of Economy and Innovation and current European Commissioner Virginijus Sinkevičius continue in line (52% in favor and 23% against).

According to Baltic Research, 11 more politicians and public figures can be highlighted, in whom the population trusts more than they distrust: the president of the Seimas Viktoras Pranckietis (49% evaluate favorably and 36% disapprove), R. Žemaitaitis, Kaunas Mayor Visvaldas Matijošaitis (46% and 37% respectively), MEP Vilija Blinkevičiūtė (45% and 36%), E. Jakilaitis, former Minister of Transport and Communications Rokas Masiulis (44% and 35%), A. Tapinas, Social Democratic leader Gintautas Paluckas (42% and 37%), S. Čaplinskas, Viktorija Čmilytė-Nielsen and the leader of the Freedom Party Aušrinė Armonaitė (35% and 33%).

How party and electoral roll leaders are valued

The leaders of the five most popular parliamentary parties and their electoral lists rank very differently in the July rankings. Ramūnas Karbauskis, the leader of the ruling (peasant) party, which currently has the greatest favor of the population (15.2%), is one of the most unfavorable politicians overall. It is 58% unfavorable. population, favorably 31 percent. At the top of the “peasant” list, meanwhile, Prime Minister Skvernel ranks among the top five politicians overall.

Gabrielius Landsbergis, the second president of the Conservatives (supported by 12.9%), is, like R. Karbauskis, the “leader” among the most disadvantaged politicians. 63 percent. say Landsberg is unfavorable and 28 percent say they view this policy positively.

Meanwhile, Ingrida Šimonytė, who tops the list of conservatives in the Seimas elections (42 percent favorably and 45 percent unfavorably) ranks much higher than the party leader in the favorable rating. However, the politician does not fall among the ten most favored personalities, and the balance of positive and negative evaluations is negative (minus 3).

The Social Democratic Party (LSDP had the support of 9.4% of the population in July) and Gintautas Paluckas, leader of the Seimas electoral list, in the third-party classification table are favored with 42%. and 37 percent. advocates politics to the contrary.

Viktor Uspaskich, the leader of the “workers” in the fourth position in the party rankings, is favored by 37% and unfavorably by 47%. R. Žemaitaitis, the president of the Freedom and Justice party, recovered the best result among the leaders of the political forces: his main political force is the fifth in the party’s ranking, and he himself is among the ten most favored personalities.

However, the Foreign Minister, L. Linkevičius, who will lead the “social workers” in the Seimas elections, has the best favorable evaluation indicator among all the leaders of the electoral lists (57% favorably, 32% unfavorably ). However, the party whose list he leads does not boast good results in the leaderboard. Currently only 2% are going to vote for “social workers.” the citizens.

Anti-rating leader list: A. Veryga, who grew in popularity, was among the lowest rated

Compared to the previous month’s survey, the list of the most unfavorable personalities (more than half of the respondents were unfavorable) did not change. The Minister of Health, Aurelijus Veryga, who improved significantly during the favorable assessment during the quarantine, although he rose from the bottom of the rating, still remained on the list of the most unfavorable personalities. Currently, the minister is 52 percent disapproved. population and 40 percent. stated in a poll that he looked at A. Veryga positively. Compared with the previous month, the assessment of the Minister of Health has not changed significantly.

ELTA recalls that after the declaration of a state of emergency and quarantine in Lithuania due to the coronavirus pandemic, A. Veryga’s rating jumped 12 percentage points in 4 months (February to June): in February, Veryga was unfavorable by 62% and favorably 29 percent. Meanwhile, in June, the assessment was 52 percent, respectively. and 41 percent.

In July, Lithuanians also rated G. Landsbergis, Professor Vytautas Landsbergis (63 unfavorably and 26%), Gediminas Kirkilas (60 unfavorably and 27% favorably), leader of the Center Party “Lithuanian Welfare” Naglis Puteikis 58% and 23% respectively), R. Karbauskis, MEP and president of the Lithuanian Polish Electoral Action Union of Christian families Valdemaras Tomaševskis (57% unfavorably and 18% favorably), former Prime Minister Algirdas Butkevičius (54% and 31% respectively). ) and the Mayor of Vilnius, Remigijus Šimašiai (51% and 35%).

No part of this publication may be reproduced without the written permission of ELTA.
