LNOBT Deputy Director Jurgita Skiotytė Was Admitted to Hospital Due to Coronavirus


“It just came to our knowledge then. So far, complications have not started, but he left her in the hospital with supervision and was able to perform all the necessary exams and apply all the necessary procedures,” Jonas Sakalauskas, director of LNOBT, told the portal.

According to him, most theater workers are currently investigating the coronavirus. Mass auditions of all theater staff will begin Monday.

A positive test for the J. Sakalauskas coronavirus was announced on Friday. The head of the LNOBT was isolated at his home, with the temporary suspension of the theater and the cancellation of events scheduled for next week, including the premiere of Adolphe Adam’s ballet Giselle.

The theater has a total of more than 600 employees.

People.lt recalls that on Saturday afternoon it became clear that the ex-wife of J. Sakalauskas, soloist Agnė Sabulytė, was also infected with the coronavirus.

Regret expressed

Due to the situation in the theater, the LNOBT distributed an open letter from J. Sakalauskas on Saturday afternoon.

Photo by Jonas Sakalauskas / Mark & ​​Migle
 / MARK and MIGLE Photography

Photo by Jonas Sakalauskas / Mark & ​​Migle
/ MARK and MIGLE Photography

An Open Letter from Jonas Sakalauskas: Let’s Stay Worthy, Let’s Protect Ourselves and Our Loved Ones

Dear friends of the theater,

As you know, I got some bad news on Friday – my COVID-19 test came back positive. I regret that as a result, the entire LNOBT team will not be able to return to normal work in the near future: the theater facilities will be disinfected and everyone who works in them will be tested for free for COVID-19.

It is very unfortunate that the premiere performances of the Giselle ballet cannot take place next week (August 12, 13, 14). This is the second time the pandemic has set foot for this prime minister. At the same time, I would like to reassure and reassure the theatrical audience of classical ballet: Žizel’s performances will be postponed until September and will definitely take place, and the pause will not harm the artistic quality of the well-prepared premiere.

At the same time, I would like to emphasize that all foreign creators and performers who attended rehearsals for both the Giselle ballet and the Anne Boleyn opera were tested by COVID-19 tests before working with the LNOBT ensemble. Negative responses were received in all cases.

Sesto Quatrini, the artistic director of the LNOBT Opera of Italy, who will participate in the rehearsals for “Anna Bolena”, also presented on July 29. COVID-19 infection certificate. This director did not complain of any health problems, contrary to the public statements of the theater workers who did not want to make his name public. Therefore, I urge the theater community to refrain from deliberately spreading misleading or unverified information in the future.

Nor would he agree with allegations that the theater did not pay enough attention to protecting workers. There was certainly no shortage of soap, sanitizer, disposable gloves, or masks in the theater. All those returning to the theater after summer vacation were required to inform their immediate supervisors about visits to countries identified as risky and contacts with potentially infected people in self-isolation. We, the theater directors, did everything possible to resist the pandemic and control the situation in the team.

Still, it is difficult for me, a man of the theater, to imagine how physically tough ballet dancers, or even more singers, could practically rehearse with face masks. For this reason, the use of face masks in the theater facilities was not mandatory for staff and performers. By the way, the recommendations distributed by the Lithuanian government this summer did not require it either.

I would like to assure all theater workers that they have social guarantees for public sector workers. Therefore, there is no need to worry about salaries and other benefits to which they are due – this will all be paid on time in any case.
