Unusual “diet” of a Kaunas citizen who has lost 20 kg – sleepless nights: “We have been suffering from the noise of the neighborhood for three years”


In 15 minutes Donatas, who contacted the newsroom, said he no longer knew where to turn: for three years he and his neighbors who live in the country have suffered a nightmare from Autosabina Logistics, a company located across the street. The noise, resembling constant thunder, is heard almost every night, often on Saturdays and holidays. It didn’t stop rumbling during the quarantine. The sound intensifies around 11 p.m. and lasts until dawn. The hateful Donatas constantly calls the police, writes complaints, but all to no avail.

“It fades away until one heavy machine in the unloading warehouse is replaced by another while the paperwork is processed. The silence lasts about 15-20 minutes and again the same. However, other companies raise the alarm for such movement and swelling. The noise of sleeping does not allow the residents of six houses. Neighbors who just moved in are raising a crying toddler together. ” 15 minutes Donatas said.

Initially, the residents of Lazdijų Street, according to him, tried to contact the head of Autosabina. He promised to build a fence. And built – a two-meter high can. It erupted a few months ago, but according to Donato, the noise intensified even more, it served as a drum.

Erik Ovcharenko / 15min photo / Alexis suffers from noise when traveling at night

Erik Ovcharenko / 15min photo / Alexis suffers from noise when traveling at night

Called the police maybe 15 times

This year alone, according to Donato, the police were called 10 to 15 times. The officers come in, go to talk to the guard or not, and leave. The noise disappears for an hour after the police visit.

“A few months ago an official letter was received from the police informing that there were no violations, only a small amount of production noise. Apparently he is attacking people unnecessarily. And a police officer who arrived said that she would not live here.

The loudest sound starts when you have to go to sleep. I start work at 6 in the morning, I have to get up at 5 and here you wake up after a few hours of sleep. With coffee and start. I weighed 116 kg, now I weigh 92 kg during that insomnia and stress. I raise young children, so they wake up from that noise too. We move them to sleep on the other side of the house. He comes to bed in the middle of the night to wake up. One night is easier, because the load is lighter, and the next … We even wanted to move out of here, but who is going to buy that house of ours? Donatas asked rhetorically.

VIDEO: Aleksotiškės nightmares are a company that makes noise at night

Fight noise by making the television louder. He planted thuja, but the only thing that didn’t help was that the hedge had fallen on the disease.

Did everything he promised

15 minutes contacted Vygintas Jūras, UAB’s Autosabina logistics manager. He directed to speak with Artūras Gudu, the owner of the territory where his company operates, the head of Autosabina.

“We are only tenants, and he gave the commitments, he fenced it, he invested it, his money was there. I can’t tell you anything else. There are several other owners in the logistics center, not just us, ”assured V. Jūras.

I had promised to put up an opaque fence, I put it on.

After learning the content of the complaint, A.Gudas, general director of the UAB Autosabina, asked who was complaining.

“If it is a complaint from that resident, it is a dumb mind, I am not talking to him at all. If from others who complained, he had promised me to put up an opaque fence, I did. It should partially cover the sound. I think it is covered , I calculated, I used formulas. We made a 1.8 fence on a 2 meter high, we put a can and everything. We built in late spring “, 15 minutes said the head of Autosabina.

According to him, the author talks nonsense because the fence could only function as a drum if it crashed directly into it.

“At night the carts are loaded 200 meters from the fence, no drums are caught, the lies are specific. I am not talking about zero, I am not a politician, I am spitting in those interviews, “said the interlocutor, asking to send the neighbor a video recorded at night from the territory of the company he controlled. “I’ll tell you honestly, I’ll see what is too high, if it’s ‘in general’, I’ll come at night when I’m charging, I’ll measure, see and then decide, because I’m not interested in your complaints anyway, I’ve already done everything I promised “.

Police say they only got it once

The video was sent to A. Gudas, but no comment was received. Speaking to the journalist, the head of Autosabina suggested looking at the map, which shows that the area in question is an industrial zone.

“If someone has any questions about the sounds, it is an industrial area, if someone has a problem, ask the municipality, who am I here? I did what I promised, I kept my promises: I closed the fence, I put galvanized sheet metal. The fence itself, where necessary, acoustic, is very expensive, frankly, there are problems. He works with us at night, during the day, on vacation, that’s already the case ”, assured A. Gud.

Erik Ovcharenko / 15min photo / Alexis suffers from noise when traveling at night

Erik Ovcharenko / 15min photo / Alexis suffers from noise when traveling at night

He confirmed that the police had arrived, it is true, only once. And the officials visited for other things.

“Once it was about noise, I asked him, I explained (a police officer – aut. Past). Who, how, where, he told me what he would do, he told me to block the fence, and I did. I give my phone to everyone, it is public; I am not angry with any of my neighbors, but there is one complainant, he is in the top ten complainants in Kaunas. There are those who call and complain about everything everywhere. Even I agree with that, ”said the businessman.

No complaints were received this year

A. Gudas proposed to run for Kaunas City Municipality. 15 minutes the journalist did. According to Rimantas Vilimas, head of the Department of Public Order, due to the noise of commercial production and transport caused by the economic-commercial activity of the UAB Autosabina, letters were indeed received from citizens in previous years. And this year, the Public Order Department of complaints and reports allegedly has not received it.

“Industrial-commercial transport noise measurements in the living environment are carried out by the National Center for Public Health (NVSC). In previous years, to address the issue of industrial-commercial and transportation noise reduction, the Transportation and Traffic Organization Division of the City of Kaunas Municipal Administration installed a traffic sign No. 333 “No parking” with additional table “from 7:00 pm to 7:00 am” at the entrance of the logistics warehouses, as well as NVSC together with the personnel of the National Health Laboratory (NSPL) carried out noise and chemical measurements (pollutants) in the air of the living environment.

Based on the information provided by the laboratory, we additionally installed road signs no. 540 “No parking zone” (3 units) And no. 543 “End of exclusion zone” (3 pcs.). The Kaunas City Municipality administration also wrote to the Traffic Safety Commission regarding the restriction or prohibition of traffic in that area. Such a proposal was not approved ”, – stated the representative of the municipality in the comment.

Due to the noise emitted at night, according to him, neighbors have the right to call the emergency number 112 (24 hours a day), to disturb public serenity and ignore the requirements of road signs on weekdays from 8 to 17 hours. It is also possible to apply to the Kaunas City Municipality Public Order Department.

Only one resident applied

According to Kaunas County Police data, since January 1, 2020, a total of 44 events have been recorded on Lazdijų Street in Kaunas. 31 notifications refer to TFE violations. 11 of them were confirmed, in other cases no judicial process was initiated. Four more complaints of various violations of public order were registered, one of them related to noise. Others 9 – for other criminal offenses.

“Officials are contacted by a single resident during the warm season. Devices to measure noise levels are available at the Public Health Office. Their representatives should be invited to perform noise measurements. The officials themselves do not do that.” said Odeta Vaitkevičienė, a spokesman for Kaunas County Police.

Erik Ovcharenko / 15min photo / Alexis suffers from noise when traveling at night

Erik Ovcharenko / 15min photo / Alexis suffers from noise when traveling at night

Complaints were received only in 2015

NVSC, together with the municipal institutions, participates in the restriction of the activities of stationary noise sources, as well as conducts state noise control in accordance with the procedure established by the Description of the State Noise Control Procedure. In 2015, NVSC received complaints about noise from the UAB Autosabina Logistics territory. Then measures were also taken. According to NVSC data, the administrative responsibility of UAB Autosabina Logistics was not applied.

In 2015, NVSC received complaints about noise from the UAB Autosabina Logistics territory.

The permitted noise levels in residential and public buildings and their surroundings are specified in the Lithuanian Hygiene Standard: dwellings in residential buildings – equivalent sound pressure level at night 35 dBA, maximum – 45 dBA; in the environment of residential buildings: the equivalent sound pressure level at night is 55 dBA, the maximum – 60 dBA.

Complaints about noise from stationary noise sources used in economic and commercial activities can be made to NVSC departments based on place of residence. Acoustic noise measurements in your home or living environment will be performed free of charge at the time specified by the applicant. Measurements can be made at any time of the day and on weekends or holidays.

The person complains, as it is written. 15 minutes You can present both orally and in writing. Since the operational control is carried out by assessing the noise level in the dwellings of residential buildings and in the surroundings of residential buildings, the applicant shall be able to perform noise measurements at the time specified by him.

Administrative liability for violations of the Noise Management Law is provided for in article 48 of the Code of Administrative Offenses: from 50 to 300 euros, and from 280 to 600 euros if the violation is repeated.
