Complicated situation in the tourism sector: now everyone is looting by multiple travelers


The Vice Minister of Economy and Innovation acknowledges that it is difficult for the tourism sector, but ensures that all the planned aid is delivered on time.

Milda Plepytė, executive director of the Lithuanian Tourism Association, says that Greece has become the main direction for Lithuanian travel. However, it recognizes that the sharp drop in the number of travelers and destinations makes it difficult for the tourism business to survive, without state support.

“The situation is difficult for both travel agencies and organizers, some tourism companies have taken out loans in order to maintain liquidity, ensure the retention of jobs and the companies themselves. But of course, the loan is not a direct subsidy, because the loans will have to be repaid, and when it comes to direct financial support from the state specifically for tourism businesses, we don’t have that support yet, ”MNS Plepytė told BNS.

“The situation is complicated and the implementation of activities is complicated, not even indicators similar to last year are generated. “If we want to ensure the survival of travel agencies and organizers in the sector, it is necessary to look for options and opportunities to provide direct financial support,” he added.

At the time, Dorita Rameikienė, manager and owner of tour operator Vildora, says that the company’s situation is very bad: it has not organized trips for some time and is even considering changing its business address.

“It just came to our knowledge then. (…) Colleagues say they are interested, but yes, frankly, nobody is interested, nobody is too interested in traveling. There are those who travel, but alone, they fly independently,” he said. D. Rameikienė to BNS.

“It will definitely be a matter of years (until the tourism sector – BNS) recovers). I have already started to think intensely about some kind of profit outside of bread,” he added.

According to her, with almost no trips, the company had suspended its operating license for four months: “We didn’t see the point in buying a license, paying for insurance when there are no trips.”

According to D. Rameikienė, a significant part of tourism businesses will be forced to close because demand is low. Recently, the number of travelers to Lithuania and the Baltic countries has increased, but D. Rameikienė cautions that people often travel independently.

“Neither one nor two will have to close, especially the largest (companies – BNS), because it is difficult, or a black fight for status will start.” (…) It is difficult to earn money now, many people went on leave without pay from their colleagues, many people went to the job market, “he said.

According to her, the situation is aggravated by the fact that companies still do not receive support from the State: “We received some loans, but there was talk of funds for training, profile change, marketing. We requested them, but neither I nor my colleagues. “

Vice Minister: We did not promise subsidies, when the loans will be granted, it is not clear

Deputy Minister of Economy and Innovation, Vitalija Jankauskaitė-Milčiuvienė, says that the government has never promised direct subsidies to the tourism sector and that the planned measures are being implemented on time.

“No direct subsidies have been promised, never in the government. (…) This is constantly discussed, they (the tourism sector – BNS) have such wishes, but no one has ever promised it, ”V. Jankauskaitė-Milčiuvienė told BNS.

According to her, 49 million. 30 million euros in support of the tourism sector. 10 million euros for loans on favorable terms; – Medical leave from September, 6 million. tourist innovations, and the remaining 800 thousand. EUR – to pay for the third night, if the tourist arriving in Lithuania pays two nights.

As of July 15, the collection of loan applications began, which were received for 18 million. are valued. The deputy minister could not say when they would start sharing.

According to the deputy minister, no further measures are planned for tourism so far, but reviewing them after the start of the second wave is not ruled out.

“We tend to help them, but we cannot commit to constantly subsidizing the business because it would be unfair to other businesses at the time. (…) But it is clear that they now need and have such measures, and we are constantly discussing other possible measures, ”V. Jankauskaitė-Milčiuvienė told BNS.

According to her, the situation in the tourism sector is scheduled to be discussed this Friday with representatives of the Ministry of Health.

According to the Consumer Protection Service, the licenses of eight tour operators have been revoked since the quarantine began, mainly at the request of the companies themselves, and 16 companies have been suspended. This means that companies can no longer organize trips, but can distribute them.

According to the Office, there are currently 249 licensed tour operators and 153 sales agents in Lithuania.

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