V. Matijošaitis – on the COVID-19 situation in Kaunas: currently 77 residents of Kaunas are sick, 42 ​​are being treated in hospital


“Recently, we are seeing an escalation of the epidemiological situation of COVID-19 in Lithuania and the Kaunas region. Apparently, the summer weather, holiday moods and general relaxation have contributed to the resumption of morbidity rates in the country, a trend that is also observed in neighboring countries.

It is definitely not the time and place to dramatize, but also to close your eyes to all of this. It is particularly important to protect people of decent age or in poor health. It is the virus that is unfortunate for your health and your life that poses the greatest risk ”, says V. Matijošaitis.

According to the NVSC, 176 residents of Kaunas were diagnosed with COVID-19 throughout the period since the start of the pandemic. Almost a hundred of them have already recovered.

Currently, 42 people are in medical facilities and a total of 77 are ill. The disease has not passed without victims, claiming the lives of three elderly people.

According to the mayor, the medical staff at the Kaunas Polyclinic are currently working at full capacity at the Mobile Checkpoint, conducting up to 600 examinations per day.

“If necessary, we will increase their quantities even more. The disinfection works of public transport and its stops, as well as in parks and other places of interest, have been intensified.

So far, we have been able to endure an extraordinary test. Kaunas continues to do everything possible to keep our city safe and people feel at ease. But here, as in any other field, without the help and contribution of the people themselves, we would remain lonely and powerless soldiers on the battlefield of a great and difficult battle.

Kaunas residents, let’s be understanding, come together and do everything we can together to stay strong against the constant threats of a pandemic. Let’s not give up, let’s break without finishing the fight against an invisible and dangerous enemy.

I urge everyone to heed the instructions of doctors and public health professionals, to follow their recommendations. Let these professionals be the generals we trust. Health is the most precious asset and here there can be no compromises, ”said the mayor of Kaunas.

According to him, wearing masks, observing hygiene, a different etiquette of greeting and communication should not be the subject of discussion, but an indisputable rule. If you are not feeling well, if you experience the characteristic symptoms of the coronavirus or learn of such things in the immediate vicinity, you should refrain from going to work and avoid advertising.

By deceiving or denying what is obvious, as V. Matijošaitis affirms, we will only deceive ourselves.

“It just came to our notice then. After all, we all realize that the infection is spreading through us and between us. Previous experience in ‘quarantine’ in Lithuania has shown that self-isolation provides real benefits. A Two-week incubation period is better than a much longer period of illness and potentially difficult treatment.

During the first wave of coronavirus, residents of Kaunas proved to be aware of and responsible for themselves and those around them. During the quarantine period, many residents sincerely took care of not only themselves, family members and other relatives, but also worked for co-workers, neighbors, and often came to the aid of completely strangers.

Hundreds of volunteers worked twenty-four hours a day on the Korona hotline established in Kaunas. The shooters sat not only on the phones, but also behind the wheel of the newly resurrected old ambulances, which were transporting city residents to the mobile checkpoint for investigation. Young people from Lithuanian Scouts helped to accept returnees from abroad housed in self-isolation, as well as disseminated information with calls to participate in mass tests. Thousands of lonely people received help at home from social workers, students, Samaritans and other benefactors. Even more good work was done in silence, but its authors deserved no less respect.

Such citizenship, indifferent and benevolent behavior are the most precious human traits in the portrait of a royal Kaunas resident, they are worth much more than words of thanks, ”said V. Matijošaitis in a press release.

ALSO READ: Updated routes of people infected with coronavirus in Lithuania: who, where, when?
