He felt the symptoms of COVID-19, but still decided to return to Lithuania together with others – it may be a bomb of adjustment.


The man, who wanted to remain anonymous, said that he thought he was facing a pointless situation and therefore decided that it was necessary to share it with everyone.

“I am currently in Sweden for work. I have to interact with actors of different hair, who do all kinds of jobs and work here. I interacted with one of these last Thursday and the latter said that his Swedish employer was at a party and a few days later all of them tested positive for COVID-19. Not only that, my interlocutor also got mildly infected because he was communicating with the host. He lost his sense of smell, he got his nose wet, he had a fever, “the man explained.

Thus, he said, the sick person felt symptoms, but allegedly had to travel to Lithuania for various work issues.

“As he explained to me,”deal it doesn’t stop. “As the connection by plane is limited and expensive, the only option left is to take a ferry to Klaipeda. As a decent citizen, I immediately wondered if it was a good idea to let a fox into a chicken coop here. Although the proof has not been confirmed, you will not be alone on the ferry and there is certainly a high risk of turning that ferry into a hotbed of viruses. Civic duty forced me to report such a crime. I picked up the phone and tried to call the numbers. ” hot “on Saturday from 6pm to 7pm. Lithuanian time. But the hotlines were silent.

The man also indicated the numbers he had called: +370 618 79984 and +370 616 94562 and he couldn’t help but wonder why no one had answered him.

“What’s here on the hotline if no one answers the phone? OK, there are still 1808 left! But why didn’t the “smart” uncles and aunts think that maybe someone wanted to call from abroad? If a Lithuanian is already abroad, are they already ignored? Be that as it may, maybe there is such a long number somewhere, but I couldn’t find it. Okay, I told my wife to turn around in 1808 and expose the situation, but the response was also amazing, “he said.

He felt the symptoms of COVID-19, but still decided to return to Lithuania together with others - it may be a bomb of adjustment.

According to the husband, the wife was advised to call the Swedish authorities or the ship’s captain. I didn’t see any logic in these responses.

“Call the Swedish authorities? Where is the logic? What institutions and who cares? A non-Swedish citizen leaves, leaves or cannot leave his “mark”. and. already infected. Also, with a lightweight form here in Sweden, people are usually sent home. It’s a completely illogical proposition, especially since you need to find those institutions yourself. There is no quarantine here and the reaction to such a case would be completely different, “he explained.

The proposed idea of ​​calling the captain of the ship also seemed absurd to him and the man ridiculed it, since he did not understand where he should know the numbers of all captains.

“Call the captain of the ship because he had to know where and what day the man would sail. I work in agriculture myself, but my phone has the numbers of all the captains who sail in the Baltic Sea. Are you surprised? I also. What kind of nonsense does it take to be nonsense? And this is what our Lithuanian COVID-19 hotline says in 1808. Where can I get the number of the teacher? In the best of cases, a call to the shipping company would say well, we will pass and that’s it. “

According to him, after all the calls, his hands arched up and he didn’t call anywhere else, he did nothing.

“If there is another chimney, then so be it, because nobody cares about those things. This is the situation on the border with Kaliningrad, the same ‘adjusted pump’ is on the ferries in Sweden. We just swim downstream and see what comes out” , the man summed up.

The described situation is complicated

The National Center for Public Health (NVSC) assures that the described situation is quite complex and that the management of COVID-19 depends largely on human conscience. According to the agency, recommendations from international organizations state that if a person experiences symptoms characteristic of acute respiratory infections, they are advised to stay home and see their GP.

“Other recommendations are being actively developed, such as NVSC specialists together with other joint EU actions Doors safe for health (Joint action of HEALTHY DOORS OF THE EU) partners and in cooperation with representatives of other organizations (European Center for Disease Prevention and Control, International Cruise Transport Association, etc.) developed and disseminated recommendations to restart cruise operations after lifting restrictive measures in response to the COVID-19 pandemic “)”.

He also explained that the recommendations provided information on the main COVID-19 prevention measures, risk groups, measures to respond to and manage a COVID-19 case on a cruise ship and on land, and guidance on COVID-case management. 19 for cruise terminals.

“The recommendations also include instructions on the use of appropriate personal protective equipment, etc. The WHO International Health Regulations stipulate that a passenger who experiences symptoms of a contagious disease must inform the crew of the vehicle, who will take appropriate action and inform the NCSC of the contacts provided in the response plans. There is also a general Help Center number. The specialists of this institution actively exchange relevant information with NVSC. “

The representatives said that the NVSC website states that the inquiry numbers +37052649676, +37061879984 and +37052124098 are open I-IV 8: 00-17: 00, V 8: 00-15: 45.

“At other times, NVSC specialists respond to information provided by institutions and personal health care institutions. Please note that 14 days of isolation are required for Lithuanian citizens returning from countries where the morbidity rate exceeds 16. The Kingdom of Sweden is currently included in the list of affected countries. It is stipulated that people returning to or arriving from countries on the list of affected countries must register within 24 hours by sending their details to the National Public Health Center (NVSC). “

According to them, the same procedure applies to Lithuanian citizens returning from these countries and to foreigners with an entry permit, and the list of the most affected countries is updated every week, taking into account epidemiological indicators in foreign countries.

“If people from abroad want to be tested, they can call 1808 and register for the test. This is especially recommended by public health professionals. “

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