Such an influx of Lithuanians to Poland was not seen even before Christmas: three more countries could be on the risk list on Friday


At the show Delphi day Rolanda Lingienė, director of the Vilnius department of the National Center for Public Health, stressed that the situation is changing rapidly and that news is expected this Friday. He also emphasized that travelers should not wait for SAM recommendations, but follow trends when planning a trip.

The situation is changing at lightning speed

As experts and epidemiologists point out, the situation is changing very rapidly and the SAM publishes a list of affected countries every Friday.

“I would like to point out that the government has established that the SAM publishes a list of affected countries every Friday when it receives information from the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control.” This list takes effect every Monday, as a government resolution. However, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and other institutions provide travelers with regular information on the epidemiological situation in Europe and the world. Our travelers should definitely monitor this information and self-evaluate. After all, let’s remember Spain, when it was clearly said that it is better not to travel to Spain, because it could be included in that list of countries in a few days, “says R. Lingienė.

Such an influx of Lithuanians to Poland was not seen even before Christmas: three more countries could be on the risk list on Friday

© DELFI / Domantas Pipas

“In my personal opinion, as an epidemiologist, it is good that this is published once a week, because the situation in Europe is changing very rapidly. In Iceland, for example, the rate has changed from ten to 21 in four days. There may be a lot of confusion when changing every day. Next time, even in Lithuania, the indicator may change during the day: one is announced in the morning and in the afternoon it may be different. As for the affected countries, if we start to change the requirements, it will be even more difficult for travelers, “says R. Lingienė.

“Poland, Iceland, the Netherlands are the countries that are likely to be on that list on Friday,” he said.

In Poland – the influx of Lithuanians

Journalist Romas Sadauskas-Kvietkevičius, who visited Poland on Tuesday morning, says that there is currently a real influx of Lithuanians in Seinai, which did not exist even before Christmas.

“I went to Sena this morning. At the border, nobody really controls or stops on the Lithuanian side. There are border guards on the Polish border, but they just watch the traffic go by and they don’t stop anything. You can’t find a place in the Polish stores in Seinai city, all cars have Lithuanian numbers.

It is practically impossible to accept a Polish citizen. Of course, they are ready for such an influx of Lithuanians. Although with errors, it is written in the entry that it is mandatory to use masks when entering. By the way, the same masks are sold there, only they are cheaper. Lithuanians buy those masks in quantities that seem ready to withstand a month or more of closing the border.

From what I have spoken with people who travel constantly, they assure that they did not see so much influx even before Christmas, when people also travel en masse, “says R. Sadauskas-Kvietkevičius.

Decisions on Poland are pending

Meanwhile, R. Lingienė urges avoiding such trips and ensures that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs also shares recommendations that it is necessary to comply with security requirements.

“I would recommend refraining from such travel. But if driving is already very necessary, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs also recommends observing all possible safety requirements while driving, “says R. Lingienė.

Such an influx of Lithuanians to Poland was not seen even before Christmas: three more countries could be on the risk list on Friday

When asked how it would be all Friday, if the decision were made to include Poland in the list of affected countries, R. Lingienė assured that it was not possible to place an official next to each person, but that everyone should take care of themselves. themselves.

“If Poland is included in the list of affected countries, appropriate decisions will be made. But today, officials are discussing various issues of coronavirus control, it must be said that dozens of roads lead to Poland. Of course, third-party people countries are still being overhauled on major roads.

I would also like to say that there is an obligation to register with the NVSC for individuals themselves upon arrival from the affected countries, and failure to do so is subject to administrative liability and, if a person spreads the disease, criminal liability. We don’t have enough officials to put them next to each person, ”R. Lingienė also spoke on the program.

How arrivals are controlled

The specialist also told the program more about the control of people from the affected countries.

“Those who arrive by direct flight from the affected areas are measured by temperature, they are advised what to do when arriving from the country and they are asked to complete a special questionnaire, but they generally disagree because they know that they can do it within 48 hours, then how and where it must be presented.

Rolanda Lingiene

Rolanda Lingiene

© DELFI / Kiril Tchachovsky

And then our specialists contact these people, find out if incapacity for work is necessary, if it can be granted, and communicate with those people. But some people are not at all interested in those recommendations, we see them thrown away. The fact is that some of these people pass by, do not register and are not interested in them, “says R. Lingienė.

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