Rolanda Lingienė on new coronavirus hotspots: excursions seemed innocent, and we see how they ended


On the last day, 10 new cases of coronavirus infection were confirmed in Lithuania. According to the NVSC, five cases were registered in Kaunas, four in Klaipėda and one in Utena counties.

Of the confirmed cases yesterday, 4 are imported and 4 people have also been infected due to their contacts with confirmed cases of COVID-19. At the time, the circumstances under which 2 more people became infected are unclear. Epidemiological studies are ongoing and data is subject to change.

“Of the ten confirmed cases, eight felt symptomatic, two asymptomatic. Four cases were imported, three from Poland, one from Ireland. I would like to emphasize that none of these countries is included in the list of affected countries, but no matter where they come from, the risk of developing the COVID-19 disease is considered to exist, ”said R. Lingienė.

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Photo from

He mentioned that four of the remaining cases were related to the critical points, and two cases have not yet identified how they could have contracted: those people did not indicate links with the patients, or that they were abroad or had to isolate themselves.

Electronic health accidents were not affected

When asked if the NVCS specialists were also having problems due to failures in the electronic health system, R. Lingienė said only the first few hours, because then the laboratories began reporting the positive cases directly to the specialists.

And the people who had the test, according to R. Lienienė, had to follow the instructions: if the person had been isolated by the NVSC or other specialists, they had to do it while waiting for the delayed test results.

If our specialists instruct you to isolate yourself, then, despite the lack of responses, isolation should continue as long as necessary.

“If our specialists order the isolation, then despite the lack of responses, the isolation must continue as long as it has to continue.” I think this should not have caused problems, but it is understandable that people have worried about the answers. Of course, there were problems, but we are not the institution where we had to request it, “said R. Lingienė.

Fireplaces have changed

According to R. Lingienė, the chimneys in the health and social care institutions have already disappeared, therefore, it is now the responsibility of each one of us.

Photo by Kastytis Mačiūnas / Public transport control in Vilnius reminds passengers to wear masks

Photo by Kastytis Mačiūnas / Public transport control in Vilnius reminds passengers to wear masks

“If we are socially responsible, we want to manage risk, we can definitely do it by keeping a physical distance, using all the necessary or recommended protection measures. Participating in several mass meetings as little as possible, especially inviting people from other territories, especially from the After all, we live together with family members, but with the people we communicate with less often, we see less often, we must continue this tradition, we must reduce that communication, we must socialize less, it can be done at distance.

Several excursions seemed innocent, and we can see what ended, “said the specialist.

The case of infection in Kaunas County was confirmed to a person who had contact with a relative who participated in the Išlaužas – Tauragė excursion. An epidemiological study has shown that a person experiences specific symptoms of the coronavirus. This is a secondary case associated with this outbreak. To date, seven cases have been identified in relation to this fireplace, including one confirmed yesterday.

After all, we live together with family members. But with the people we interact with less often, we must also continue that tradition.

According to R.Lingienė, this is the case of the excursion that shows that the virus is everywhere, because it is real: a sick person who feels that the symptoms did not really lead. “We have to appreciate that each of us, unfortunately, can be infected and never feel the symptoms or never feel them yet,” he said.

The situation in Poland is being monitored

When asked how she assesses the deteriorating situation in Poland and the Netherlands, whether they should now not be included in the list of affected countries, R. Lingienė said that is not a question for her.

“Generally, countries are included in the list of affected countries when the incidence is 100,000. The population exceeds a certain rate in 14 days. One day it can lead to nothing, but it can also lead to. The fact is, epidemiologists are concerned about the morbidity of our neighbors because we travel quite frequently. There are cases from Poland as well as from other countries that are not included in the list of affected countries, “said R. Lingienė.

According to her, the situation needs to be monitored, but the Ministry of Health will make a decision on Friday or earlier if the indicators in one country or another deteriorate significantly.

Lithuania’s overall morbidity rate is worse than in Latvia or Estonia. When asked why Latvia and Estonia are improving in the fight against the coronavirus, R. Lingienė mentioned that in these countries the scope of the tests is much less.

“He who seeks, finds. Lithuania is one of the leaders in the European Economic Area in terms of the scope of the evidence, and this case is further clarified. Latvia has recently taken very radical steps to stop the disease, the results of which we will see in a a little later. Maybe people are more aware, maybe information campaigns work differently. It’s hard to say, but one of the main reasons is that we need to know the scope of their tests, and they’re much smaller. ” said R. Lienienė.

May require registration of event participants.

He also recalled the importance of wearing a mask, emphasizing that whether or not a mask was worn on the chin is not a difference.

To avoid the need for epidemiologists to track down those who have been in a relationship, isolate them so that the infection does not spread.

R. Lingienė also said she was not sure if the number of participants in the events would be limited from September. It has been considered that it may be necessary to require the organizers to register the participants of the events, keeping their data for as long as necessary, the period of incubation of the virus.

“To avoid the need for epidemiologists to track people who have been in a relationship, isolate them so that the infection does not spread not only among event participants, but also among those people’s families and colleagues,” said R. Lingienė.
