One year of research: a comprehensive COVID-19 pandemic and exceptional care


A year ago 15min became Facebook’s first research partner In the Baltic states. During this time, we have written a little over 200 texts. With your help, we mark over a thousand as misleading, partially misleading, or incorrectly titled. publications published on a social network.

Scanpix Photo / New Coronavirus

Scanpix Photo / New Coronavirus

It is true that we do not delete any. Contrary to what the outraged by the editorial staff say, 15min does not have the technical ability to delete posts on a social network.

Detailed 2019 We wrote an overview of the partnership with Facebook late last year, available here. At that moment 2020 The information published on the social network under review differs from the previous ones, both in content and scope.

Theories are faster than a virus.

We start the year as always become stories about fraud cases on social networks and check current anatomy information burning Australian forests, suspected kidnapping of a girl in Vilnius, fictional feelings of vaccine skeptics.

15 min photo / Stop following 15 min administration group. On the left, the first team members, on the right, the people who currently supervise the group's activities.

15 min photo / Stop following 15 min administration group. On the left, the first team members, on the right, the people who currently supervise the group’s activities.

January 30 The first publication appeared in a new distant and foreign coronavirus that did not yet have the official name COVID-19.

The first thing that caught our attention was an entrepreneur Ugnius Kiguolis has presented a ton of interpretations of events borrowed from the United States.. The next day, misleading information appeared on social media about 65 million deaths and a lie about a US soldier with COVID-19 In lithuania

In the first days of February, the website also began to spread misleading information Reports of the alleged have appeared depopulation program.

15min photo / Myths about dispersion COVID-19

15min photo / Myths about dispersion COVID-19

It is true that at that time the population reduction tool was a virus, but without confirmation of the information around 15 percent. mortality, the narrative has been rotated so that “depopulation” is carried out with the help of vaccines.

A common feature of conspiracy theories is to draw conclusions and apply events and data to corroborate them.

Most of the theories, mainly translated from Russian and English sources, about the origins of the virus, the “elite conspiracy”, the “depopulation programs”, the alleged involvement of Bill Gates, 5G connectivity Interfaces with COVID-19 ar supposedly non-existent virus He arrived in Lithuania before the infection itself.

Closer to home

Everything started to change after The first confirmed case of COVID-19 in Lithuania February 28 I was already on social networks in March. generously shared misleading COVID-19 self medication shapes.

15min photo / Myths about COVID-19 measures

15min photo / Myths about COVID-19 measures

False content was also distributed on closed locks, which originated in Lithuania. gold ports, cities, hidden virus victims and The country’s panicked population. Following the introduction of quarantine in mid-March, there were calls not to follow him.

The epidemic started without spreading. marvel at “empty” hospitals, I heard of civil war and Alleged test risks for COVID-19. Deception attempts go hand in hand with everyday problems.

As a result, with the continued quarantine and the emergence of information that COVID-19 cannot be completely eradicated without vaccines, social media has been inundated with records of suspected vaccines. hidden tracing installations.

In recent days, a lot of misleading information editors Attention sulaukia health protection Minister Aurelijus Veryga, outraged by the extended quarantine.

Exclusive attention

Stubborn 15min The work of verifying the information on the social network did not go unnoticed. We received special attention in April, when the group “stop following 15 minutes” was formed on the social network.

This happened a few days after repeated releases of misleading information to the website. The possibility of increasing the dissemination of information for money was limited. More about this here.

The band was administered by Unfollow 15 min. owner Marius Gabrilavičius, computer specialist for the Emilis Zavickas website and entrepreneur Marius Karalevičius. Currently, two new people have joined the administrator ranks, and E. Zavickas is no longer in the administrator ranks.

Publication on the website

Publication on the website

As of January 1 of this year. We flagged 457 social media posts as misleading, partially misleading, or posting a false title. We have published over 100 texts on this. More than 60 of them were involved in one way or another in the COVID-19 pandemic.

The majority, nearly 300 entries, consisted of links to misleading posts shared by social media users. It is true that all links fall into this category, so there are links to YouTube, for example.

The users of the bulletin board were deceived by almost fifty false or misleading photos, 35 videos published on Facebook and almost identical amounts of text.
