Sinkevičius, who received an immediate return call, will be at work on Wednesday


“I will be at work tomorrow,” R. Sinkevičius told Eltai.

According to the minister, when he requested a vacation last week, he expected the electronic system to be in order over the weekend. However, the fact that the systems didn’t show up at work on Monday when they were still messed up resulted in the death of someone close to his wife. The funeral, assured the minister, had to be organized by him.

“I have been on vacation all this week, for 5 days, hoping that during the holidays (ELTA) e. The health system will start to work. But the system did not work, that’s one thing. And on Sunday I received a report that Someone close to my wife had died and I had to organize a funeral. I planned not to go on vacation, but it coincided: the system did not start working and I had a disaster here, “explained the minister.

When asked if R. Sinkevičius is considering who will have to take responsibility for e-health systems that have not been operating for a long time, he said that the “bosses” of those responsible have not yet taken an interest in him.

“I am not very interested in my head, I am interested in the work of the system. We will guess with my head,” said the Minister.

“If responsibility helps restore e. health system, which would have been done a long time ago, “he added.

As the head of state G. Nausėda testified in Šiauliai on Tuesday, he asked R. Sinkevičius to return to work on Monday.

“I urged Mr. Sinkevičius to return to work immediately, because leave is intolerable under such conditions and circumstances. Due to objective reasons, a person cannot be on the job the same day, but must return to work tomorrow,” he said. G. Nausėda to the journalists.

After the President’s comments to the media, the Records Center announced that it had restored the country’s largest information system e. health activities

The systems of the Registration Center failed on Monday July 20, when a pipeline was missing and the server servers were flooded in Vilnius after the rains. Water entered the facilities of the Data Center of the Registration Center. The Records Center said most of its services had been restored, but that the processes would take time due to e. Systems of health.

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