Rest by the sea is very healthy for the whole body: you can get great benefits just by breathing


This important microelement for the human body was told by the Vilnius University, Faculty of Medicine, Associate Professor, Dr. Karoliniškės Polyclinic, endocrinologist dr. Lina Zabulienė.

Is it true that there is more iodine in the air by the sea than elsewhere?

Since the 18th century, doctors have recommended therapeutic trips to the sea, and these days they will most likely write prescriptions that specify exactly how long, how often, and under what conditions their patients should enjoy procedures at sea. The treatment with sea water, shellfish and marine air is called thalassotherapy, and the therapeutic effect of “marine sprays” is strongest up to 150 meters from the sea. When you come to sea, you feel better, relax, move more: swim, walk, bike, eat healthier, have easier breathing, improve skin condition, immunity, sleep, digestion, blood circulation, metabolism, well-being and concentration of chronic patients. creativity. So the saying “the coastal climate is healthy” certainly has a rational basis.

Lina Zabulienė

Lina Zabulienė

© Photo from a personal album

Iodine is unevenly distributed in the environment: t. and. soil and water have very different levels of iodine, so there is no risk of iodine deficiency in the population of iodine-rich regions that consume their own food. On the plains or mountainous areas far from the sea, iodine is low, and in coastal air iodine concentrations are one hundred times higher than on the mainland, the oceans are the main source of iodine in the atmosphere. Although it is not possible to say exactly how much iodine is in the water, it is known that iodine is absorbed through the skin while swimming in the sea. Iodine uptake has been found to be significantly higher on a seaweed-rich coast than on a continental or seaweed-free coast. Iodine concentrations in the Baltic Sea air are much higher than in the Mediterranean or Black Sea.

Rest by the sea is very healthy for the whole body: you can get great benefits just by breathing

© DELFI / Domantas Pipas

How far do we have to walk to the seashore to get the required rate?

Until now, the composition of such a recipe has not been determined, so it is probably impossible for anyone to confirm exactly how long sea baths and seaside air or wind cocktails should receive enough iodine. It is only reliably confirmed that the amount of iodine in the environment is sufficient for those who live permanently by the sea, which is rich in algae. However, 1-2 weeks. resting by the sea definitely increases the amount of hormones for happiness: serotonin, dopamine, endorphins, vitamin D and iodine in the body and improves general well-being.

Who needs iodine?

Iodine is an essential trace element for the human body, which participates in the synthesis of thyroid hormones, which regulate metabolism and homeostasis, growth, physical and mental development, which is why its adequate consumption is very important. Iodine has also been associated with longevity and other physiological functions such as the immune response, positive effects on dysplasia of the mammary gland, and fibrocystic disease of the breast. The antioxidant and antiproliferative effects of iodine are believed to help prevent cardiovascular disease and cancer.

Rest by the sea is very healthy for the whole body: you can get great benefits just by breathing

© DELFI / Mindaugas Ažušilis

Iodine deficiency:

– can lead to marked fetal malformations during pregnancy, associated with increased neonatal and infant mortality;
– in childhood it can cause disorders of mental and physical development, thyroid dysfunction, goiter;
causes goiter, hypothyroidism, mental disorders in adults, can cause fatigue, increased sensitivity, nervousness, decreased ability to work.

The World Health Organization (WHO) states that iodine deficiency is a major preventable factor in brain damage. IQ of those areas where iodine is deficient was found to be 13.5-15 points lower than with sufficient iodine. So the easiest way to protect society and each of us is to use iodized salt sparingly.



How much iodine does a person really need? Do you need to carry it extra?

A person needs up to 150-200 micrograms of iodine per day, a little more for a growing body: children, adolescents, during pregnancy, the onset of menopause. The WHO recommends consuming approximately 90 mcg of iodine per day for children 1 to 5 years old, 120 mcg per day for children 6 to 12 years old and over 11 years old. children and adults – 150 mcg of iodine per day, pregnant and lactating women – 200-250 mcg of iodine per day. Pregnant women need significantly more iodine due to increased thyroid hormone production. Severe iodine deficiency develops if you consume less than 20-30 mcg of iodine per day for a long time.

Should Iodine Deficiency Be Prophylactically Tested?

The thyroid gland absorbs inorganic iodine, which is eaten with food, water, or drugs, is inhaled from the air, or is formed by the breakdown of thyroid hormones in the blood, converts it into molecules, and uses it to synthesize or store new thyroid hormones. The body of a healthy person has approximately 15-20 mg of iodine, most, up to 80%, is stored in the thyroid gland. About 90 percent. Excess iodine and / or iodine consumed is excreted in the urine. The concentration of iodine in the urine directly reflects the intake of iodine with food, so the determination of the iodine content in the urine is the gold standard and is the most widely used indicator to determine the status of iodine in society.

According to the WHO, in 1995 a small iodine deficit was observed in Lithuania. Data on the current situation in Lithuania is not yet available.

Researchers and researchers from the Vilnius University Faculty of Medicine and the Santara Clinic of the Vilnius University Hospital are conducting a study on the status of sodium and iodine in Lithuania, funded by the State Public Health Promotion Fund, and studying the intake of salt and iodine in volunteers of various ages. and the amount of iodine in the urine. The final results of the study at the beginning of next year will show the average consumption of salt and iodine of the Lithuanian population and will allow to predict and prepare additional recommendations based on real facts about the consumption of sodium and iodine.

There is currently no possibility to prophylactically investigate iodine deficiency.

How much iodine can be absorbed from food?

The consumption of salt and iodine in society varies and depends not only on daily eating habits and culture, socioeconomic conditions, activities of the food industry, but also on the health education of the population. Lithuania is in the iodine deficiency zone, which means that we naturally get insufficient iodine with food.



What products are rich in this trace element?

Iodine is found mainly in seaweed, it does not have a unique capacity to store iodine from the ocean, but its iodine content varies greatly, for example, certain species of brown algae store more than 30,000 times the iodine content of seawater . Good sources of iodine are fish and seafood from the sea, dairy products, bread and eggs. Iodine is present in milk and dairy products due to iodine in livestock feed and iodine-containing disinfectants used in the dairy industry. Sea salt is naturally low in iodine. In Lithuania, the bread is enriched with black salt. There is some iodine in meat, fruits, vegetables and grains, drinking water, and vegetables, but the amount in these products is highly dependent on the amount of iodine in the environment and in the soil. Iodine is also found in breast milk and baby formula. Naturally with food you get no more than 3-80 mcg of iodine with one meal.

Is it worth using iodized salt?

Net 2.2 billion. The world population (including Lithuanians) lives in areas with iodine deficiency, so it was decided to iodize salt to prevent hypothyroidism and goiter. Since 1993 WHO and UNICEF recommend universal salt iodization as a basic, safe, simple, inexpensive and effective means to prevent and regulate iodine deficiency conditions. Therefore, iodine deficiency is said to be the most common and easiest cause of human mental damage in the world.

About 86 percent. The world population has the opportunity to consume iodized salt. Since 2005, only iodized table salt has been sold in the food departments of Lithuanian retail stores, and only iodized table salt has been used in public catering and bread production companies.

Iodine is a volatile substance, so iodized salt should be stored in sealed, opaque containers. After 3-6 months. Since the iodized salt package is opened, there is almost no iodine left in it. Iodine compounds decompose in heat, so iodized salt should be sprinkled at the end of cooking or in prepared foods, but not during cooking or baking.

Sea salt

Sea salt

Is it worth drinking water with iodine?

It is important to remember that iodine-enriched water is not adequate to quench thirst and that the daily dose of iodine consumed is greater than 11 years. Children and adults should not exceed 150 mcg of iodine per day, so the label must be read carefully.

Some people put a bottle of iodine at home and claim that it evaporates and thus gets the required rate. What do you think about that

Iodine also enters the blood through the skin and mucous membranes by constantly drawing an “iodine grid” in various parts of the body or by breathing iodine vapor. Also, oral iodine preparations (solutions, drops, tablets) can cause iodine poisoning: metallic taste, sore throat, thirst, shortness of breath, cough, abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea, fever, decreased production urine. , seizures or even loss of consciousness, etc. Aqueous solutions or tinctures of iodine are intended for external use only: for wound disinfection, surgical incision or as an antimicrobial preparation in case of inflammation of the pharynx, the tonsils. Its improper external use can cause skin discoloration, rashes, scarring of the skin, and people who are allergic to iodine may even experience allergic shock. Improper use of iodine is especially dangerous for pregnant and lactating women because it passes into milk.

What threatens if we consume too much iodine?

Overuse of iodine-containing supplements has different consequences for people with thyroid disease and healthy people. A thyroid that is functioning normally and intact can accommodate varying amounts of iodine intake. If people with chronic thyroiditis (thyroiditis) or who take medications to control their heart rhythm take too much iodine for a long time, the production of thyroid hormones may stop, leading to the rapid development of hypothyroidism (weakened thyroid function). For others who have been deficient in iodine and endemic goiter for a long time, administration of iodine can greatly stimulate the production of thyroid hormones and lead to hyperthyroidism, a dangerously overactive thyroid gland.

Before buying and taking iodine supplements (iodized salt, seaweed tablets, iodine tinctures, etc.), you should consult your doctor about the purpose of drinking them, as the damage sometimes outweighs the benefits.

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