People who own lakeside farms have become hostages to noise: music and alcohol flow freely here, and no service can help | Lifetime


The shore of the Lithuanian lake, the regional parks, the riverbanks, places where people seek peace, seem to become an endless street in Palanga J.Basanavičiaus. It is true that on J.Basanavičiaus street, at least for days, there is less noise.

People who have farms by the lakes say that there are no instruments in Lithuania to solve the problem of constant noise. Noise is not allowed at night or late at night, while loud music from cars or country houses during the day is “legal”. “But no, it is not normal,” say people who want a quiet rest.

Police are not intimidated by the noise of police and rural tourism farm owners, regional park authorities shake hands, and famous music and alcohol lovers, knowing they are unpunished, “rest ” In nature.

Pasak 15 minutes Interviewed, this problem is much larger than it seems at first glance: people, especially on long weekends, are forced to leave farms. “The noise is not only during long weekends, but also during frequent summer weekends,” the interlocutors said.

Famous music – day and night

Lina’s family owns a farm on the territory of the Labanoras Regional Park and usually spends summer weekends here:

“A few years ago, we built a house in the territory of the Labanoras Regional Park. The place is mostly inhabited by tourists and there are permanent residents.

There is a rural tourism farm nearby. It turns out that other neighbors complained about the noise a long time ago. They tried to talk to the farm owners, but nothing has changed. “

There are two types of noise, says Lina: “The noise of people when they sing, shout, is tolerated by everyone and can be tolerated with patience, even at night. But the most terrifying thing is the music, which is broadcast day and night, not only from the inside, but also from the outside, because the territory is large, tourists with tents can enter, “said Lina.

No action is taken at district or national level on noise

Organizers of the Pudra 1444 festival spent a couple of nights in Palanga, and as a result, a pre-trial investigation was launched, and Lithuania’s lakes and forests drift away from the noise every weekend. And not only.

The biggest problem is the rural tourism farms, where even if there are no dances and weddings, the “vacationers” get together, the cars open and music is played at full volume, which stretches for several kilometers across the lakes. Neighbors go crazy, and what runs through the wildlife of lakes and forests is hard to imagine. Such things also happen in regional park areas, where only recreational activities are allowed.

This summer, such a “rest” probably came at times because it closed Turkey and Egypt, so they all went to the lakes. The problem is global, but the strangest thing is that nothing is being done about it at the district or national level.

Nothing is guarded by law enforcement officers, nothing by environmentalists: there are no raids, no inspections, no mention of prevention. Residents can still try to defend their peace at night by calling the police, but those one-time calls don’t fundamentally solve the problem.

Maybe a better wedding repulsive one night, and can wait to leave it will be quiet.

Now residents are already complaining that perhaps a wedding is better. repulsive one night, and can wait to leave it will be quiet. However, when “vacationers” congregate, inhuman noise does not remain silent day or night. It still affects your psyche, your balance and what you want, “said Lina.

Quality rest without tubers will not deteriorate

The woman says that when she faced the problem, she was perplexed by the lack of information: the people who suffer from it do not know their rights.

“They just know that they can call the police at night because of the noise.” But the music is heard at full volume through the lakes or in the villages and during the day. Everyone suffers because it is supposed to be allowed in the day. Desperation involves asking the people in charge, from the village elder to the district’s public order inspector, the police, or even the mayor, everyone is convinced that noise is limited only in the afternoon or at night.

It does not matter that a new wording of the law has been adopted, that there are laws on regional parks or protected areas, environmental requirements and, finally, hygiene regulations. What if music plays in every courtyard of the settlements so that the whole city can be heard? Lina said.

Lina also discussed this problem with her friends and acquaintances: “Many acquaintances who have homes in Labanore consoled that when they tried to seek help, they found the answer: There is nothing we can do during the day, but call the police at night. And the feeling that nobody fully knows neither their freedoms nor their rights.

It may be more difficult to control individual tourists with tents, and it is actually possible to force rural tourism owners to control noise. Especially that the rest of quality without tubers from the trunk it definitely won’t get worse. “

Tourists do what they want

Lina’s family submitted a request to the Labanoras Regional Park Directorate and other institutions last year. However, nowhere did he get a clear answer.

“As far as we have tried to explain, as far as we understand, such things should be regulated by many institutions. If it is a regional park, its activities should be governed by the rules of the regional park.

Last year we tried to call the park administration and ask what the rules are and if everything here is legal. Let’s say spring is when loud music is played shrugs The lake. But birds also hatch at that time, so is everything really good?

We have said that this is a constant problem both for those who live here and for those who rest in silence. This is a big problem, “said Lina.

However, the family did not receive answers to their questions. Conversations with the owner of the house, who is not here during the tourists, also do not help.

“We see a simple solution to the problem: Farm owners have to deal with that noise themselves.” Even the resorts have regulated conditions, and vacationers who do what they want are admitted here. Clearly this is not the case on all farms, but there is no such farm, “said Lina.

According to the interlocutor, the impression is that only money is important to the owners of these farms, and the police fines are not intimidating.

“It just caught our eye then. The authorities are reluctant to heed our questions and complaints.

At night you can call the police, who won’t necessarily come yet. But what to do during the day? “The woman said.

Lina says that the noise is not only heard from the neighboring farm, but also spreads from others, even a few kilometers away: “This is definitely not a problem from a farm. We try to be interested in what governs your activities. It turned out that no one. The owners of those farms feel unpunished. “

Photo by Vytautas Kandrotas / Lake Luodis

Photo by Vytautas Kandrotas / Lake Luodis

He left the farm through Jonines.

Another Vilnius family, who have a house near Varėna, faced a similar problem.

“We live in a place between two lakes, there is a river nearby. Our farm is on the lake shore, the lake is small. Young people come, there is no owner on the farm. They play, for example, Russian music from the 90s that plays until three at night. It is generally Saturday. We listen to it all day and all night, and even Sunday mornings. You want peace and rest, but it’s not here, ”said the people of Vilnius.

The couple also called the police because of the noise at night. However, officials generally arrive only after a few hours, since the place is outside the city, there is no danger to people’s health and life.

“Then when the officials leave, the music is muted for about half an hour, and then again.

There are no instruments in the state to maintain silence.

We try to talk to the owner of the house, but it seems that those rural houses have their own rules: what I want, I do. There are no instruments in the state to maintain silence.

How to solve this problem is difficult to say. Should we install sound sirens that respond to the noise made, if that is the mindset of our people? I have no idea what technology is needed. After all, the police will not drive or monitor all the time, “the interlocutors said.

This year, the family left the house entirely through Jonines, unhappy with the noise made. According to them, such are all long summer weekends. Talking to the noisemakers themselves, they say, is hopeless, because they are currently intoxicated and can be aggressive.

Vilnius residents also say that noise is heard from the surrounding farms.

Park authority: must be decided by the municipality

15 minutes They interviewed specialists from various services, but they all talk about the noise in the afternoon, while during the day they don’t see that problem and say that it doesn’t exist.

Director of the Aukštaitija National Park and the Labanoras Regional Park Gedas Kukanauskas He says they are not aware of these problems: the noise in the lakes.

“It used to be that, now the behavior of people in nature has changed. Many people choose active recreation. I would not say that such a problem has arisen lately. It was more relevant 10-15 years ago. We noticed that the flow of people It has really increased this year.

Perhaps naturally, as the number of people increases, so does the number of people feasting. You would not see the noise problem, but basically it is the responsibility of the municipalities, they can establish a zone of silence.

I know, for example, that this has been done by the Plungė municipality, where a zone of silence is established in the Samogitiano National Park, and noise is prohibited there at night, “said G. Kukanauskas.

Molėtai Municipality: must be decided by the police

Administrative director of the municipality of Molėtai, on whose territory the Labanoras regional park is located. Sigitas Žvinys He says he has not heard of such a problem this year. S.Žvinys confirmed that no zones of silence have been established in the municipality of Molėtai.

According to S.Žvinis, everyone has a general law that it is possible to make noise for up to 22 hours. And if the noise doesn’t stop, the police must address these issues.

“Residents have not really requested noise, at least this year. Last year there were several reports, but due to noise at events,” said S.Žvinys.

Police: if there is noise during the day, it is not a police matter

What is the peacetime according to the law? I. and. When is it impossible to make noise? 15 minutes asked Ramūnas Matonis, Head of the Communication Division of the Lithuanian Police Department.

– Afternoon (7 pm to 10 pm), night (10 pm to 7 am).

– If residents call officers because of the noise at night, this is not a Level A or Level B event, so officers arrive less quickly. How long does it take for the crew to get to such calls?

– These calls are generally classified as Level C and must be answered within one hour.

– What are the fines?

– The responsibility is provided in the ANC of the Republic of Lithuania, a fine of 20 to 80 euros, a repeated violation implies a fine of 80 to 300 hundreds of euros. This is one of the most common calls and is punished very frequently.

– If the noise is all day (weekend, loud music, etc.), is it legal? Are there “instruments” that can be used to control noise during the day?

– Decibels should be measured during the day, not by the police but by other responsible authorities.

County Police Officers: Loud People Are Sometimes Punished

According to the Utena police station 15 minutes In the answers provided, the noise problem is certainly relevant.

“For example, from July 13 to 20, Molėtai d. The SC received 114 notifications, of which 21 were for noise. The main places are the accesses to the public spaces of the city (loud music from cars) and rural tourism farms.

To solve this problem, in the multifunctional plaza of the city, in coordination with the municipality, a sign was erected that restricted the time of entry to the plaza (prohibited from 22:00 to 06:00), therefore, a sensitive place seemed to be controlled .

There is, but not most importantly, the imposition of a fine, people’s conscience is important. Frequent invitations are recurring. In most cases, when officials go to the scene (or contact the rapporteur), there is no more noise and the rapporteur has no complaints. In such cases, it is limited to verbal warnings and knowledge of the intended liability. Fines are imposed in malicious and recurring cases, “Utena police officers said.

Officials at the Alytus County Chief Police Station receive reports of noise near one or the other body of water and interference with local residents in isolated cases during the warm season.

“There are more calls for violations of public order during the dark hours of the day, but there are not many complaints of this nature.

In June – September, Alytus County Police Officers are implementing measures to ensure prevention of drowning in surface bodies of water. Police teams regularly patrol the areas most frequented by tourists, who verify that the requirements of public order and safe behavior on the beaches are met.

June 19 Alytus County LSC community officials, in cooperation with Alytus Fire and Rescue Service officials, organized a measure on the water bodies and visited seven sites, “said Eglė Kačinskienė, Chief Specialist of the Communications Branch of the Alytus County Chief Police Station.

Specialists in the Internal Administration Division of the National Center for Public Health (NVSC) Austina Vžesniauskaitė According to the opinion, matters of prevention of violations of public order, intentional criminal activities, disturbances of public severity are not assigned to the competence of NVSC: control of leisure noise, disturbance of public severity is carried out by municipal officials and police.

A.Vžesniauskaitė, responding to the question of how noise is regulated and evaluated in Lithuania, sent a quote from the law, and the letter also added that the hygiene standard sets limit values ​​for noise emitted by stationary noise sources in buildings residential and public and its surroundings, but does not apply to the physical, in the case of the evaluation of noise emitted by and affecting a legal person or a branch, noise emitted by people and animals, noise in workplaces and inside vehicles, noise emitted by household appliances.
