People with muzzles, dogs without them: a four-legged dog attacked a child during a horrible incident


The theme of loose dogs is eternal. No matter how tightly the ranchers are controlled, getting them to follow the rules is still an impossible mission. The last scandalous event in Klaipeda: a wolfdog attacks a boy who has not yet walked

Broke toy

On Tuesday, a young Klaipeda woman posted a heartbreaking post on Facebook’s favorite women’s group.

For people with children, the emotions and concerns they experience are more than understandable.

The young woman said she was walking near her home on the Šilutė road with a one-year-old boy. The baby is only one year old, he does not walk, his mother carried him sitting in a stroller.

Unexpectedly, a large dog that looked like a German shepherd ran towards the boy. The woman feared that the animal would injure her offspring.

The dog’s attention turned to the toy in the boy’s hand.

Many Klaipeda residents who are out of place and do not properly guide their dogs are more aggressive than their pets.

“This time it ended happily. I just broke the toy,” said the young mother.

One can only guess from what happened in those few moments.

Perhaps the woman was not expecting anything and ran to her house. Only in this account did he address the owners of the dogs, asking them to carry their pets with muzzles or not to release them from the leash.

This time the boy was not physically injured. It is true that it is not clear if he was not scared and if that scare will not have consequences later.

The doctors are angry

Dr. Gerald Sivicki, a traumatologist at Children’s Hospital, spoke angrily about the injuries dogs inflict on children.

According to the doctor, children’s limbs are usually affected and dogs clutch their teeth behind their faces.

Children are usually attacked by strange animals, but there are also cases when their own dogs bite their little ones. Animal-inflicted injuries range from minimal to very severe.

Sometimes you have to suffer very painful injuries. There has been a case where a baby has been torn by a dog.

Fact: People joke that animals are now less likely to wear muzzles than their owners. (Photo of Evaldas Šemiotas)

Children usually have to go through pain due to broken wounds that are difficult to heal, for a fighting breed dog it means nothing to bite a small child’s arm or leg bone.

“I have not heard of children attacking dogs, on the contrary, everyday life. I want to ask very simply if the laws of our country allow dogs to be driven without muzzles and leashes? And this raises another question: what to protect parents, children, or pet owners. ” We have probably all survived when a human-sized alien dog rushes directly into a human in a park and the owner yells from afar: “Don’t be afraid, don’t be afraid, don’t bite.” What do you know who will shoot that animal in the head? run and say he will not stab, “the orthopedist did not hide his categorical attitude.

One is physical injury. Assessing the damage of psychological trauma to a young child’s psyche is very difficult.

Many children bitten by childhood are afraid for the rest of their lives.

A rescue gas cylinder?

The young woman’s publication in the social media group received a stormy reaction. No one advised calling the police immediately in a similar case.

The author of the report said that only one thing was important to her at the time: She couldn’t return to her home safely as soon as possible, she didn’t mind calling the police at the time.

Another young mother made sure that she had recently been in a similar situation twice.

Another man described his story a couple of decades ago, when he was attacked by a large dog and later suffered a head injury. To this day, the man remembers how he asked for help, and the dog’s owner did not respond and continued to chat with his friend.

No one advised to bring a special gas canister to protect against dogs.

It was also suggested that the owner of the animal be filmed on a smartphone in the event of an incident, and the video footage was later sent to the police.

People – with muzzles

“Right now, people walk with muzzles and dogs reign without them. Most of their problems are left in supermarkets. I have not seen anyone with muzzles,” said one resentful woman.

The man who participated in the discussion began to explain that moms usually turn their noses at phones and don’t see children running away towards dogs.

Several people have claimed that loose and gagged dogs are affected by their well-groomed pets.

A woman with a Labrador Retriever who has had to transport her bitten pet to a vet more than once is convinced that aggressive animal owners can only be disciplined with fines. Or violence.

Another similarly claimed that her Staffordshire Terrier, which is commonly classified as a martial breed, is also often attacked by loose dogs.

Animals also suffer

Surgeon veterinarian Aistė Balcieriūtė-Lapinskienė assured that approximately 10 or 15 percent. All the patients in the veterinary clinic are puppies that bite loose dogs.

The vet did not hide that sometimes the injuries suffered by the animals are so severe that the hosts do not have time to take them to the clinic.

Broken animals die on the way. Some have to perform extremely complex operations.

“The stories are very diverse. It is usually the owners’ fault: if people behaved correctly, puppies would not reach each other. In our country, dogs are poorly socialized. I myself had an internship abroad, I recently visited the United States, I have not seen aggressive dogs there. It will also be small to get used to humans and animals so they get used to and show no aggression. Unfortunately, this is not the case with us., – stated A. Balcieriūtė-Lapinskienė.

The vet is raising more than one puppy and has noticed that his pets do not understand why they are being attacked.

The doctor assured that the behavior of an animal always depends only on the human.

You can’t play freely

While discussing the responsibility of dog owners, Facebook users asked for some tassels: Are there penalties for riding a four-legged man without a muzzle and a leash?

Saulius Valiulis, Chief of the Control and Prevention Branch of the Public Order Division of the Municipality of Klaipėda, assured that officials can apply the administrative law in accordance with the provisions of the Animal Protection and Welfare Law.

Saulius Valiulis / Editorial Stock Photo.

The first time is usually just a warning. If a person does not respond adequately to a comment, they can be fined between 30 and 120 euros.

Teachers who misbehave a second time may be fined between 120 and 230 euros.

A frequent person, reproached for letting the four-legged run freely and not pinch his muzzle, is quick to interpret the animal as trained and not angry.

“Many out-of-place Klaipeda residents and wrong dogs are more aggressive than their pets. They respond inappropriately to feedback from our employees. Their dog is often said to be small and not biting at all. The law says people would be safe, “said S. Valulis.

The law clearly states that in public places, dogs must be led on a leash and in combat breeds or larger, including with a muzzle.

Dogs should not be allowed to run freely outside of their paddocks.

According to Gintautas Mačiulaitis, head of the Klaipėda City Police Station, most people complain to officials about running loose dogs, which attack passers-by or cyclists while barking.

There have been several cases where dogs have been bitten by humans. There have been no reported extremely serious incidents, seriously injured by dogs, in recent years.

Earlier this year, Klaipeda police officers launched a pair of pre-trial investigations of cars allegedly damaged by dogs.

According to article 346 of the Code of Administrative Offenses, the owners of an animal that has endangered the property, health or life of a person are subject to a fine of up to 120 euros, if the violation is repeated, the fine can increase to 230 euros.

Facts and Statistics

Administrative responsibility for non-compliance with the animal accommodation regulations applied to:

this year – for 26 people;

In 2019 – for 95 people;

In 2018 – for 86 people.
