Before the Festival of the Sea, Klaipeda was paralyzed by congestion


Rapidly growing cancer

Vaida de Marijampolė shared her delicate family story with readers of the portal It all started in 2016 when the family celebrated their son’s first birthday. Less than a month later, the cozy home was replaced by endless visits to doctors, because a particularly fast-growing by-product was found in the son’s body.

“At the beginning of October we celebrated our first birthday, on November 1 it was hot for one day, there was no runny nose, nothing, the next day there was no high temperature. The boy was calm and eating from an early age, he slept well, not even We suspected nothing. We contacted the doctors in mid-November because we noticed a shunt under the ribs when putting on the diapers. At first we thought it was the liver, but after a week it was obvious that something was wrong. Then it became more difficult for the boy took off from the ground. It turned out that the tumor was so large that the internal organs were pushed significantly. Doctors said that these types of tumors grow very fast in children, “said the boy’s mother about how it all started.

He recalled that on November 22, 2016 he lay in the oncology department with little Adu. Doctors later guessed it could be kidney cancer. A course of chemotherapy was administered weekly to reduce shunting. The examination revealed that the boy had a nephoblastoma, i. Third stage of kidney cancer. However, in a particularly short time, the tumor woke up very quickly. After the operation, even the doctors were surprised that the derivative was so large.

“After the operation, it turned out that there was a tumor of about 14 cm. As the doctors said, he had already surpassed his entire capsule. There was no kidney in that place, ”said a Marijampolmp citizen about a particularly serious cancer found in his son’s body.

Little Adas / Personal Stock Photo

Treatment marathon

Although the doctors were fortunate to remove a large tumor, the story here has only just begun. The boy had to visit doctors more than once, exhausting the body with strong medications, as the disease spread to other internal organs.

“After the operation, radiotherapy was performed in the abdominal area, we received two chemotherapy drugs, and when we underwent part of the treatment, the doctors tested and again found a few centimeters of derivatives in the kidneys. Then we saw that something is already in the lungs, new chimneys are being made. Further lung examination revealed that they had multiple metastases. Doctors indicated that it was impossible to operate on all of them because there were many of them there. Then the treatment changed, “Vaida said of the later course of the disease.

According to the woman, a month later, Adas had another operation in which two derivatives were removed. Examination of them revealed that the lymph nodes had responded to all treatment, so the danger no longer seemed threatening, but the derivatives were still spreading in the lungs.

“Initially, Adas had kidney cancer, then there was a relapse, the medication changed, after about a year of remission, then the foci in the lungs increased again, then chemotherapy was administered again, but after that, the doctors found a duplication of focus in the lungs. Then another course of treatment was prescribed, but eventually the cysts in the lungs grew to within a few centimeters of formation. Doctors did not expect this because looking at the remnants left in the lungs made them look normal and it was not possible to predict that the cyst would grow that way. We also did genetic research, but we found no inheritance or genetic disorder, “the mother’s mother tried to put the course of the disease for almost four years.

I don’t know how to help

When so many things have been done, people don’t want to lose hope, but the doctors gave him the unpleasant news that Adui had undergone all possible treatments, had received the maximum allowable dose of chemotherapy, so he is not very of course what else could help.

It is like fighting against windmills.

“It’s like fighting windmills. Not a year goes by and you find an increase again. After the removal of that larger cyst, we are no longer receiving treatment because, according to protocol, treatment has already been completed. Doctors explained that each disease is treated according to that disease protocol. As Adas has fallen three times, has received eight types of chemotherapy drugs, all the lungs are irradiated and now, although it has been approximately a year since the last irradiation, doctors don’t recommend doing it again, as it can sinter the lungs, then suffocation will start. In other words, my son has already received a dose that is possible, he may not be able to take it anymore, “Vaida said of the fact that so far the medical hands are tied.

Marijampolė assured that he still had no intention of surrendering. Because the boy’s immune system weakened during chemotherapy courses, he also turned to homeopaths.

Little Adas / Personal Stock Photo

“We try to try everything we can. You know, during the whole treatment, the boy did not receive vitamins, any additional medication, he did not have this disease and two vaccines, so I cannot take him to kindergarten, because everything can stick freely. He wants to help his body at least a little bit now, “Ado’s mother said.

He wants to give childhood

At the moment, Adas is quite well, he has energy, he wants to know the world. However, the disease marathon, which had been going on for more than a year, cost her parents not only nerves but also money. The family approached people of good will and asked for help so that the child could have a happy childhood and make his dreams come true.

As Vaida assured, the family still lives on this day, but the rhythm of the day is generally dictated by Adas, since he is subject to both food and activities. If the child feels better, then the family chooses a little more active rest, going for a bike ride.

Also, an older girl grows up in the family. He also lacks attention, but understands that his brother is ill and needs help. As the mother told me, the daughter dreams that Adas will recover.

Personal file photo

The woman assured that she plans to take the children to the sea for a few days, to visit the dolphinarium. But so far there are no opportunities to spend a week at the beach, money is enough for just a few days.

“We do not know what will happen in a week or a month. The investigations wait again in early August, there may be another operation. We are in ignorance, but we still hope for the best,” added the mother.

He assured that hospital treatment does not cost the family, since everything is paid by state health insurance funds, but it takes a lot of money for transportation and the trip to the hospital. You also want to pamper the kids and apply Adu and clothes to avoid allergies, the food is not good either, so you have to choose between certain things, so other family needs are limited.

Do not be indifferent and contribute to creating a happy Ado childhood. You can do this by transfer:

Mothers Charity and Union Support Foundation

A / s LT77 7300 0101 4079 5625 (Swedbank)

Task purpose: support for Aduku
