LSDP presents electoral program: promises universal employment and free vaccines against COVID-19, if applicable


“It just came to our attention then. We are trying to create a welfare state from borrowed funds. From the various benefits of the rain. Nowhere have welfare states with various benefits been created. Generous social programs come from money Obtained from employment. Therefore, the main theme of our program is global employment and job creation, “said G. Paluckas during the meeting of the Social Democratic Council on Friday.

“Everyone who can work has to work,” he added, and also assured that cities need to preserve libraries and medical facilities, since this helps communities to live, and also citizenship.

“If we want to have a strong civil society, services and infrastructure must reach all people,” said the party leader.

He advocates restricting the selection of children in schools.

Social Democrats started their program with a cultural policy: they say their goal is to increase funding for culture to 20% by 2024. GDP, to significantly increase the average salary of employees in the field of culture and make places of interest accessible to persons with disabilities, media initiatives in the languages ​​of Lithuanian national minorities would receive increased support.

The LSDP promises up to at least 130 percent. Increase teacher salaries to at least 150% of the national average salary. the national average salary: the salary of higher education teachers, researchers and other researchers, as well as to set 6 percent. Financing GDP for education (including higher education).

It is true that it is not specified until when all this will be done.

The party is in favor of financing private educational institutions in the same way as state or municipal institutions, and restricting the selection of children in schools.

Admission to school must be based on the place of residence and no matter how advanced the children are.

“Admission to school must be based on the place of residence and regardless of the progress of the children. Only if there are school seats, children from other districts could be accepted, ”says the party’s program.

Changes in the pension accumulation system.

The LSDP says it will launch national preventable and epidemiological mortality reduction programs that will focus more on sex education, access to contraception and reimbursement.

“We will make it possible to visit primary health care professionals within five days at the latest, and carry out complex examinations and consultations with specialists within a month at the latest,” the party said.

Julius Kalinskas / 15min photo / Presentation of the LSDP electoral program

Julius Kalinskas / 15min photo / Presentation of the LSDP electoral program

The LSDP also promises to eliminate premiums for reimbursable medications for patients over 65, to ensure free vaccination of older people against influenza and, if possible, free vaccination of older people against COVID-19.

Social Democrats say they still intend to index Sodra’s pension, but similarly they have plans to change the pension accumulation system.

“We will transform the second pillar of pensions into a system financed by private contributions, which could be reformed into occupational pension funds with collective participation. We will also make it possible for participants in the second pillar of pensions not only to continue participating in this scheme, but Also withdraw at any time with a refund.

The current third pillar of pensions should be left to private initiative and not be supported by tax benefits, since it is mainly used by the wealthy, ”says the LSDP.

I don’t want to extend the retirement age

The organization claims that it intends to introduce a universal national old-age pension, which would replace basic and welfare pensions, and which would be indexed annually. The minimum consumption requirement is expected to be reached by 2024 (currently € 257).

Social Democrats promise not to raise the retirement age, allow the State Labor Inspectorate to fight illegal work to carry out inspections without notice, continue to support families through child support (children’s money , school preparation, free meals), tax exemptions depending on the number of children, through NPD and / or progressive rates of GPM and the like.

“We will guarantee equal working conditions and pay for the same work, for citizens of the Republic of Lithuania and immigrants from third countries,” LSDP also announces.

Photo by Julius Kalinskas / 15min / Gintautas Paluckas

Photo by Julius Kalinskas / 15min / Gintautas Paluckas

Plans to increase some taxes

The party program also announces plans to reduce VAT on food, increase environmental taxes, increase the progressiveness of personal income taxes, unify the corporate income tax rate by abolishing 15%. non-bank rate and pre-crisis reimbursement of 20%. the level of corporate income tax, to introduce “adequate” property taxes, which are mandatory for everyone, the amount of which would be determined by the municipality.

The Social Democratic Party supports the idea of ​​establishing a state development bank, which could be established on the basis of national development institutions already operating, and expresses the desire to carry out a cost-benefit analysis of the term Klaipėda LNG.

Vidmantas Balkūnas photo / 15 minute photo / liquefied natural gas storage container

Vidmantas Balkūnas photo / 15 minute photo / liquefied natural gas storage container “Independencia”

According to the party, the country should significantly increase forest cover and expand the area of ​​state forests.

“Priority in protected area forests: for protected values, not for economic activities, we will limit logging in protected areas,” is written in the LSDP program.

Seeks to change the Constitution

Social Democrats say they oppose the use of wild animals in circuses, and promise to assess whether fur farms meet the requirements for humane treatment of animals.

We are against the legalization of bow hunting.

“We also oppose the legalization of archery, the legalization of night sights and silencers, and other forms of exploitation and torture of animals,” said LSDP.

The party declares that it wants to review criminal policy, legalize the necessary punishment measure for the commission of minor crimes, the performance of public works, the commission of violent crimes for the first time, the punishment of public works for the public, the punishment of serious crimes for society and the state.

Social Democrats also express their desire to change some provisions of the Constitution: define more clearly the competences of municipal councils, mayors and elders, grant municipalities the right to have taxes and goods “appropriate to their nature”, to introduce the two-tier self-government in Lithuania;

Photo by Erik Ovcharenko / 15min photo / Constitution

Photo by Erik Ovcharenko / 15min photo / Constitution

The party believes it will pass an association law that will allow same-sex couples to legitimize their relationship and regulate the possibility of transgender people changing their gender.

The party will approve the program.

Social Democrats plan to approve the electoral program at the party convention in the fall if the epidemiological situation on COVID-19 allows it to be called, BNS writes.

The LSDP Council has already approved the party’s candidate list, which will be chaired by LSDP President G. Paluckas.

Among the top ten are Rasa Budbergytė, the old woman from the Seimas faction, Orinta Leiputė, a former MP, Romas Lazutka, economist, Julius Sabatauskas, Dovilė Šakalienė, Raminta Popovienė and Algirdas Sysas, members of Seimas, and Linas Jonauskas, an environmentalist.

Economist Vaidas Navickas, director of the Center for Infectious Diseases Saulius Čaplinskas, journalist and writer Giedrius Drukteinis, world cycling champion Simona Krupeckaitė, psychologist Andrius Kaluginas, political scientist Litauras Gudžinskas, former candidates for the Lithuanian Social Democrats are also candidates.

Sixth elections will take place in October.
