A coronavirus has entered Kaunas Kaussus, and employees are being evaluated.


On Friday afternoon, the portal kauno.diena.lt was accessed with information about employees of the Kauno Autobusai company infected with the coronavirus.

Kristina Rudžinskaitė, advisor to the Communicable Disease Management Division of the Kaunas Department of the National Center for Public Health (NVSC), confirmed to the portal kauno.diena.lt that the first case of coronavirus was detected on Thursday at this company.

“The first case was registered on Thursday. The virus was detected in the controller. We already have hypotheses about where and how it could have contracted the virus. People who have been in contact identify themselves, contact each other, contact each other by phone,” he said. the specialist.

Photo by Justina Lasauskait Foto

The coronavirus driver is said to have had no recent contact with passengers using public transportation services.

“We have unconfirmed data that there may be more cases of coronavirus on Kaunas buses.” Another case was reported on Friday afternoon. We hope to have more accurate information by the end of today, “said K. Rudžinskaitė. According to sources at the portal kauno.diena.lt, a mechanic working on Kauno autobusus contracted a coronavirus.

Employees being evaluated

According to K. Rudžinskaitė, employees who have had close contact with the sick are being evaluated at Kaunas Buses. “Kauno autobusai” organizes the examination of employees through the mobile point, “said the specialist.

Paulius Keras, Chief of the Kaunas City Municipality Emergency Operations Center, provided the portal with more information on this disturbing case: both the driver, who was confirmed with the coronavirus yesterday, and another employee suspected of having coronavirus, did not He worked on public transportation routes and had no contact with passengers.

“Recently, the driver has not been driving a passenger bus. I cannot provide more information on a possible second case of the disease, Keras said.” Yesterday we investigated the contact persons involved in the first case of infection in “Kauno autobusai “Today we are conducting preventive examinations of” Kauno autobusų “drivers and other employees, so we are awaiting the results of the examination and hope that there will be no more cases of viruses.”

According to the head of the Kaunas City Municipality Emergency Operations Center, 15 contact persons were examined yesterday and more than 100 preventive examinations were performed this afternoon. All company employees will be further investigated over the weekend as well.

Not only has the procedure to address public transport changed

Tomas Jarusevičius, adviser to the mayor of Kaunas, stated that taking into account the recent situation regarding the COVID-19 threat, when Kaunas became a high-risk municipality, appropriate preventive decisions were made.

“The local outbreaks of coronavirus in the city have been successfully managed so far. We do everything we can to ensure that they do not continue to spread and that the sick receive all the help they need. In addition, the mobile checkpoint in Kaunas continues to lead to It conducts preventive investigations, which we encourage all residents who have not only had close contact with the sick, but also wish to have preventive control. Registration is done by calling the Korona Hotline in 1808. Callers from the city of Kaunas should say the keyword “Kaunas resident for preventive examination,” said the representative of the municipality.

As already written, additional security measures have been returned to Kaunas public transport since noon on Friday. Passenger boarding is no longer done through the front doors of buses and trolleybuses, but the sale of one-off tickets has also been suspended when purchased from drivers.

Those planning to travel by public transport are advised to obtain electronic tickets in advance or to use the smart application “Grasshopper”. Passengers are recommended to wear face masks and try to keep safe distances from each other.

“The city, in turn, is stepping up disinfection work on buses and trolleybuses, as well as on the roofs of public transportation stops. Park benches, playground inventory, garbage cans, and other items of Small architecture will also receive disinfection. We hope that all Kaunas residents and guests in the city will understand. Goodwill and responsible behavior are the most effective means of stopping the spread of an unfortunate virus. By working together, we will ensure that our city remains safe, ”said T. Jarusevičius.
