9-year-old girl bitten by a dog before losing consciousness surprises her mother: she only sleeps in bed with her dog


A year has passed since this terrible incident, but progress in operations has been very slow. Karen’s mother, Jakaterina, says that currently the biggest problem in seeking treatment is quarantine:

“So far, only two eyelid surgeries have been performed and there are 2 or 3 more procedures waiting for the eye to heal. Progress was severely hampered by the quarantine, we waited half a year for the second operation. He had to undergo surgery in November, but only had surgery in late March.

The quarantine has changed a lot of leg for our operations and I am already going through what is now predicting that third wave, the morbidity is increasing and we already have a date for the ear surgery in Germany. That, God forbid, which country will close, Lithuania or Germany, and everything will be postponed again. That span of time is very frustrating. And that’s why we’ve been waiting for years for deep tissues to heal. We are planning now, we have a surgeon, but the operating rooms are not booked yet, they are not sending invoices, but there is a global epidemic, so we cannot know if it will be our operation or not. “

It hurts me a lot to hurt that all the surgeries go away, you have to wait a long time for them. Karen’s mother wants to feel that she has done everything possible, so it is now possible to begin to heal psychologically, to try to start life again.

Karenas her mom Jekaterina

A good doctor is very important

Karen’s eyelid is operated on at the Santara clinics by surgeon Karolis Baužis. The same doctor was involved in the surgery that saved the boy’s life. Mother Jakaterina is extremely happy with the connection between the doctor and Karen, and says that the pleasant communication between the child and the surgeon helps to endure painful procedures:

“So far, what is happening in the hospital is just a fairy tale. Karen is not afraid of the hospital and became close friends with the doctor. When we get to take out the stitches, and they also have to be taken out without anesthesia, the doctor says when we arrive: “Karen, I’m ready for our meeting” and takes the rubber pack out of his pocket. And gum is Karen’s favorite candy.

He was very happy to receive those sweets and somehow endured that difficult procedure while talking to the doctor. When they left, they hugged them again, clenched their fists. We were very lucky with the doctor, just a fairy tale, and we have been a lot of doctors, but this one is special. Karen’s procedures are not really easy, so the presence of a kind and good doctor is really helpful. “

The psychological state is slowly improving

Not only Karen’s physical but also psychological healing is very important. Jakaterina says that the emotional state of the child is gradually improving, she visits a psychologist and helps him. Unfortunately, physical and emotional states are closely related, if you don’t feel well physically it will cause you psychological problems. Karen’s mother says that after the operation, the boy cannot participate in any sports or other active activities. This is especially sad for Karen, she wants to ride a bike, play outside, but she can’t.

Jakaterina talks about improving Karen’s emotional state:

“After the attack, he was very afraid of being alone, he could not be left at home even for 5 minutes. But the psychologist said that it was already possible to begin to expand those limits, and the fears were gradually diminishing. Now Karen can be alone for a few hours, without calling anymore, without panicking. Of course, if I saw that it wasn’t good for him alone, I definitely wouldn’t give it up, but I see that it’s possible. “

Fears of an injury to the dog are already subsiding, but Jakaterina notices emerging problems. A mother who does not withdraw from her child throughout the year fears that with constant care she could create a complex for a child:

“Karen is already nine years old, he is not a baby and after an injury he always has a mother on his head. In the past, he was very self-sufficient, he could have been only half a day without any problems and then all of a sudden, He turned out to be a mother constantly. I feel like he’s already tired of that. You have to be careful not to bend the stick, not to inadvertently overwhelm him with complexes or phobias that that mother is always around. There is a desire in him that he should come out so that he can to be alone. It’s good that he’s releasing a little again. “

Before going back to school, Karen was very concerned about how his classmates would look at him. However, Jakaterina assures that the children are very pleasant and the communication with their peers has not changed:

“I kept asking how he was, why he wasn’t in the mood or if everything was okay. He was afraid someone wouldn’t say anything bad to him, but the kids still can’t insult or make fun of him.” . If there were confrontations, it is for other things. Nine-year-olds are really very empathetic. “

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The love for dogs remained

Karen has loved dogs very much since she was a child and she still loves them. He grew up alongside the animals, always sleeping in bed with his puppy. The unknown dog that attacked him was big, so now Karen is scared of all dogs that are bigger than her own dog, bigger than average.

“I am very afraid of those big dogs, if we go for a walk somewhere, I always keep a close eye on the surroundings and when I see a big dog from afar, I immediately turn around Karen and go in the other direction. I try very hard not to see those dogs, because if he sees them, he’s ready to dance in my hands, ”says Jakaterina.

Currently, her dog Karma also lives at home with Karen. The mother says that immediately after the accident she was ready to hand over her dog, she thought that the boy was afraid of all dogs, but everything turned in the other direction:

“I didn’t have the slightest hesitation, I was completely ready to give up my dog. But while she was still in the hospital after the disaster, Karen began asking her dog to keep her. His connection to that dog is so strong that even after such a disaster he was eager to see him. He said, “Mom, I want Karma,” and pointed to the spot on the bed next to him.

Since we got back from the hospital, Karen has been sleeping with the dog in bed and kissing him every night before bed. Sometimes I see comments on the internet that I am a bad mother because I have a dog at home, but it would do Karen very serious harm if I got rid of that dog. There is an infinite love between them. “

Mom’s biggest nightmare

Jakaterina herself speaks harshly about her emotional state. She doesn’t want to console herself or feel sorry for herself, but the reality is that every day is excruciatingly difficult.

“Every day I remember that event and I start smoking. The image was so cruel that I didn’t even realize it was a reality, all the earth slid under my feet. Now I only know that I always have to be close because only I can give him strength, to show that we are together to bear everything. But I see that in his boiled eye, I see him scared in the mirror of himself.

The reality is this, but you have to say that everything is fine, a couple of days, a couple of weeks and everything will pass. And how many surgeries await at the forefront, I don’t know when it will all end. I always tell myself, one day it will stop hurting, one day it will be the last operation and the wait is worth it. Thank God we live in a time where something can be done, ”Karen’s mother says of the painful details.

At the age of eight, Karen was severely bitten by a dog

The ear surgery will be performed in Germany.

Jakaterina says she has received a lot of support from the people. Strangers write messages, support, communicate. This is very important for the mother of the child:

“You can’t even imagine how many good people there are. I raised him all these years with the help of completely strangers. I used to be sitting, everything was black for you, and then someone wrote: “You will hold on, you will see how much you have done.”

Although the treatments have already started, they expect more surgeries in the future. The child needs ear surgeries, eyelid surgeries, facial nerve transplants. Jakaterina is particularly concerned about ear surgeries, which are very complicated, expensive, and can only be performed by a few dozen surgeons around the world. Karen’s mother spent the entire year looking for a doctor who could help them and finally found a surgeon in Germany.

“It was very difficult to find a surgeon who could restore Karen’s ears. For many doctors, the problem was that Karen did not have the correct temporal artery in mind. Most surgeons associate ear reconstruction with that artery, and in Karen that artery was excavated, ”Jakaterina held back tears.

Karen’s mother was overwhelmed with relief when she finally heard very important words from the surgeon in Germany: “No problem.” The confident voice of the doctor gave much hope.

After a brutal dog bite, Karen lost her right outer ear completely.

The “compliance campaign” is a real salvation

Jakaterina and Karen, who are involved in the Compliance Campaign, are very grateful for this project and for everyone who donated money. Karen’s treatment is very expensive, so all possible help is very important and the “Compliance Campaign” will help her pay for very expensive surgeries. Of all the procedures required for a child, ear surgery prices are the highest. To operate in New York or Israel, Yakaterina would have to pay up to $ 100,000. In Germany, transaction prices are significantly lower – $ 40,000.

Although the money is very large, Karen’s mother is happy to find a really good specialist:

“A surgeon from Germany knows how to treat children. Although we still do not meet live, but through video calls he is already communicating with Karen, you can see that he really cares how the child feels, interested in his psychological state . There is no such dry communication: come, pay and everything else does not interest me. I see that you sincerely care. “

Karen is waiting for her ears, but her mother has yet to tell her the details of the operation:

“Karen is anxious to get her ears back. She knows there will be surgery, but I don’t want to tell her all the details just yet. Until the date of the operation is clear, don’t be nervous and think about it.”
