9 new cases of coronavirus: three imported, three related to holidays, another Maxima employee fell ill


NVSC reported that the first three cases detected yesterday in Vilnius County were related to a family holiday. One of the two people confirmed to have coronavirus experienced symptoms characteristic of coronavirus infection yesterday, the other had no symptoms based on available data. These people had been isolated since July 19 and had been in contact with a person in a home environment. COVID-19 was also confirmed to this person yesterday, the third case confirmed yesterday. This means that a total of six cases are now linked to this outbreak, including those confirmed the day before yesterday.

The fourth case was also identified in Vilnius County. The disease of COVID-19 was confirmed to an employee of UAB Maxima, who was diagnosed and isolated. The test was performed prophylactically before returning to work. Two people were found to have contact in the home environment.

Arno Strumilos / 15min photo / Maxima

Arno Strumilos / 15min photo / Maxima

The fifth case was confirmed in Panevėžys County. A person in the workplace was found to have been in contact with a person with confirmed COVID-19 disease. July 19 the person experienced the characteristic symptoms of a coronavirus infection: sore throat, headache, fever. Six people with whom the infected person came in contact outside the work environment were found to be exposed. No new contacts were identified at work.

The sixth case was confirmed for a person living in Alytus County. The circumstances under which a person became infected are still unclear. 22 exposed individuals were identified. Epidemiological investigation is ongoing.

The seventh case was identified in Utena County. COVID-19 was approved for a person who returned to Lithuania from Sweden. Epidemiological investigation is ongoing.

The eighth outbreak confirmed yesterday was imported from the United Kingdom (UK). The person arrived in Vilnius for business on July 19, did not feel any symptoms and was prophylactically tested for coronavirus infection. Five exposed people in the vicinity were identified.

The ninth case is also important. COVID-19 was approved for a person living in Panevėžys County, which on July 19. He arrived in Lithuania by car from Sweden. The person does not experience the symptoms of a coronavirus infection. The person traveling together is isolated.

National Center for Public Health (NVSC) July 23 re. 9 p.m. according to:

  • Number of confirmed cases in specific people: 1960
  • Number of sick people: 256
  • Number of new COVID-19 confirmed yesterday: 9
  • Number of coronavirus deaths: 80
  • Coronavirus deaths from other causes: 13
  • Number of people who recovered: 1611
  • Number of people in isolation: 107

From June 1. import cases: 75

National Public Health Laboratories July 23 9 p.m. according to:

  • Samples of the suspected coronavirus were tested yesterday: 3996
  • To date, a total of samples have been analyzed for suspected coronaviruses: 493865 (of which 137946 from mobile points).

Municipalities where the highest incidence of coronavirus infection is currently detected, which is why more preventive examinations will be carried out this week: Trakai, Šakiai, Šalčininkai, Utena and Kretinga districts and the city of Kaunas.
